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Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 276 total)
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  • in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915832
    frummy in the tummy

    (i.e. not Palestine)

    in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915831
    frummy in the tummy

    Under British rule – but regardless, it’s now called Israel.

    in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915828
    frummy in the tummy

    ZD (your posts about taxes) +1

    The purpose of government is to provide the needs of society that can not be provided easily otherwise. Government has self-established rules, and ideally these rules represent the collective will of the society for which the government was formed. Included in these rules is providing for those who can not contribute as much (or perhaps any amount) due to poverty. Included are tourists, to an extent. These are basic understandable “exceptions” to the general rules. What does not fit with the general picture of government, however, is an entire group of people that, not for reasons of poverty (although admittedly they are very poor), but for reasons of ideology, do not contribute to the government while still receiving its benefits. If someone is so idealistically against a government that they will not pay taxes, and they can not live in the country without benefiting from the government, well maybe they shouldn’t live in that country.

    With the rate of growth of the chareidim (I only this term because there’s no better one available, not because every self-defined chareidi lives like this), Israel will soon become what the chareidim seem to wish it be instead of what it is, i.e. a third-world country instead of a first-world country. And no, I don’t think the Israeli government is anything close to ideal, but it’s exponentially better than the alternative.

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921888
    frummy in the tummy

    Was really hoping for a prime, but I’ll go with 132.

    in reply to: Limited Number of Words in Life #915339
    frummy in the tummy

    WIY – you are right that it may not necessarily completely remove bechira, but because many of our choices are based on the knowledge we have, and we are certainly affected by what others tell us, you might say that psychologically, if Eliyahu were tell me what I would do in the future, and I believe him, that may have a very strong influence on my decision to perform said action. Since I know that I will choose to do an action, my actions certainly FEEL forced to that action. Technically bechira may still be mine, but if I know the result then any perceived bechira is gone. As you said, “you will still make the choices you make for the the reasons you make them” – well in this case, the reason I am making that decision seems to simply be that I have been informed that I will make that decision.

    Das – infallibility does not necessarily remove bechira; If you are reading a book for the second time, and you are up to the ending, you KNOW what the ending will be, but does that knowledge determine what the ending will be? No – it’s determined by whatever the author decided to write when he wrote the book. This is even though there is no chance you will be wrong, because you have already seen the ending. So imagine that Hashem has already read the book of history, from its beginning to its end. Although Hashem’s knowledge of events that will occur is perfect and flawless, that does not contradict the possibility that we humans, as the collective writers of the story through our actions and decisions, are using bechira to make those decisions.

    in reply to: Limited Number of Words in Life #915336
    frummy in the tummy

    Wisey – The way you have described it is completely understandable to the human mind. I happen to have the knowledge that you chose to write that post, because I have seen you do exactly that – does that mean you didn’t have bechira to write it when you wrote it? It just means that I know you did it; knowledge does not determine a lack of bechira, whether that knowledge is before the event or after, UNLESS the knowledge is that of the one making the choice, e.g. if you had been told before writing the post that you would write the post, you might say that your bechira had been removed, but as long as the one performing the act has no knowledge of what he/she will choose, they can choose whatever they want. One thing that WOULD cause a paradox beyond human understanding is if you say that Hashem’s knowledge, as opposed to anyone else’s, actually does affect what will happen in the world, while saying that bechira still exists. That’s where human logic fails.

    That said, you are right that this should be in ‘Philosophical Qs’ thread. 😀

    in reply to: Silly Posts Only… #917924
    frummy in the tummy

    WIY – I like it; thank you!

    in reply to: Silly Posts Only… #917921
    frummy in the tummy

    uneeq – I realized afterwards that I mistyped one of the names in the last paragraph – BOB grabs a knife from OTTO’s drawer, not from BOB’s, as he is in OTTO’s kitchen. I’m not sure if that threw anyone off.

    Also bear in mind that it’s not necessarily supposed to be a satisfying ending that makes the whole story click, just a confirmation that it in fact is some form of mirror. I was kind of thinking that our friend BOB is stuck in some sort of nether-region where many of his actions are mirrored – obviously not all of them are, as BOB wasn’t cooking his own cheesecake, and they were BOTH somehow in OTTO’s kitchen. I guess I kinda wanted to leave some interpretation up to the reader.

    in reply to: Silly Posts Only… #917919
    frummy in the tummy

    Thanks, HaLeiVi! Did you catch all the subtleties? I’ve never written something like this before, so I’m not sure if I was too subtle.

    in reply to: Silly Posts Only… #917917
    frummy in the tummy

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047583
    frummy in the tummy

    (Every time I’m stopped at a red and it turns to green, I check both ways for BaalHabooze and proceed)

    (Being in parentheses exempts a post from the rules, right?)

    in reply to: Limited Number of Words in Life #915331
    frummy in the tummy

    Someone was about to tell me the source but they only had three words left.

    Seriously, though, I completely agree with Wisey; regardless of the truth of this idea, it should have absolutely zero impact on the way you live your life – it reminds me of the whole bashert thing. Whether it’s true or not, if you think about it too much you just make yourself crazy and don’t accomplish anything for anyone. It’s nisgaleh after the fact how many words were allotted to someone because, well, that’s how many words the dude spoke, just as it’s nisgaleh after the fact who your bashert is because that’s who you married. Cute idea, should have zero impact on the choices you make in life. (I’m not saying speech isn’t important, or that it shouldn’t be evaluated and thought over before being used, but refraining because you’re afraid you’ll keel over mid-sentence is plain stupidity.)

    in reply to: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? #913357
    frummy in the tummy

    (or if he’s mia)

    in reply to: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? #913356
    frummy in the tummy

    Or a soldier who dies and they wrote a get to work lemafraiya.

    in reply to: Dear Popa Bar Abby (Advice Column) #1092002
    frummy in the tummy

    Dear Popa,

    Please provide advice for my previous query, as I am stuck in misery with no direction.

    Lost and Searching

    in reply to: Dear Popa Bar Abby (Advice Column) #1091965
    frummy in the tummy

    Dear Pops,

    What if G-d were one of us? More importantly, what would His username be in the CR and what kind of threads would He start?

    Also, same question but for batman.

    – Am I an apikores for thinking of G-d as a superhero?

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047562
    frummy in the tummy

    (It’s 12/21/12, oh and the Mayans don’t believe it will end then; it just happens to be when they stopped planning the last calendar until; it’s other people who are crazy 😉 )

    in reply to: tznius question #912737
    frummy in the tummy

    jmh – wait, men don’t wear heels and wigs any more? No wonder they looked at me funny in yeshiva…

    in reply to: Lipa's new Chanuka video…So, so sad… #914930
    frummy in the tummy

    Dat elbow…

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047554
    frummy in the tummy

    “This suit is black, pause, NOT!!!”

    in reply to: Geveinas Akum #911278
    frummy in the tummy

    yitzchokm –

    The norm of today is not Islam, nor is it any other particular religion, view, or belief. The norm is knowledge and acceptance. The minute you believe in your own superiority is the minute you are no longer so. The only thing of merit in this world is action, not a belief, and not the beliefs of your ancestors.

    in reply to: Geveinas Akum #911257
    frummy in the tummy

    rebdoniel – agreed. It’s important to know and respect the teachings of the scholars of the past, but it is even more important to use one’s own judgement to determine a correct outlook and a correct course of action. After all, whose judgement was used to decide to respect those scholars’s teachings in the first place?

    in reply to: Why do Litvish and Modern men always have their top shirt button open? #911129
    frummy in the tummy

    Are you referring to with a tie or without? If without, the norm is to have the top button unbuttoned. If with, I think that’s more of a yeshivish thing, usually done when you’ve had your tie tied for 8 hours straight and are surprised that you haven’t yet died of asphyxiation.

    in reply to: Any Ideas? #910805
    frummy in the tummy

    Big brother/big sister? Tutoring?

    frummy in the tummy

    Crikey! When did I become pareve?? You can have the latkes – please pass the Haagan Dazs.

    in reply to: If You're Popular #910747
    frummy in the tummy

    No need to respond. You’ve said it for us.

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952444
    frummy in the tummy

    Roger: Don’t tell me you’re getting antsy? (This was the first usage of the term in history and is the word’s source)

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047538
    frummy in the tummy

    I like turtles!

    in reply to: Getting married!! #910904
    frummy in the tummy

    There’s nothing to be nervous about – yes, this is a new chapter in life, one that you have zero experience with, but you know that marriage will be good for you, and you know that you enjoy being with this person. You don’t have to know that life will be perfect, because it won’t. But you can be proud of the decision that you made, and you should realize that you and she are capable of working through any situation that may arise. I’m not such a big believer in the whole bashert thing – whether it’s true or not, I think that line of reasoning is counterproductive, and I believe that as long two people WANT to live happy, productive lives together, they will.

    Hatzlacha rabba, and mazel tov!!

    in reply to: Robert Moses #910497
    frummy in the tummy

    takah –

    You do know that all the information on the internet used to NOT be on the internet, right? I’m sure shmoel is aware of google; perhaps he is looking for certain pieces of interesting information about the man, and isn’t just looking to fill up pages (maybe someone like you who is a master of the internet can help him sift through all those sites and find what he’s looking for?); perhaps he is interested in the specific knowledge base of the CR? For all you know, Moses’ great-grandson could be a CR regular, and that 1,100,001st hit will be an interesting anecdote that doesn’t exist in any of those other 1,100,000. No, I’m not suggesting that it is likely that Moses’ great-grandson will contribute, but why not prod the source of the internet (i.e. humanity’s collective brainpower) in order to increase the information contained within said internet?

    My intent is to be no more (and admittedly no less) belligerent than you, takah 😛

    That said, I don’t have any useful info about Moses, but I was unaware of him before your q, shmoel, and being a civil engineer, he seems to have been an extremely interesting individual. Good luck with your report!

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952440
    frummy in the tummy

    The end??????

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047530
    frummy in the tummy

    Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection; the lovers, the dreamers, and me.

    in reply to: If You're Popular #910738
    frummy in the tummy

    I gauge how popular I think a poster is before I respond to their comment on a scale of 1 to 10, and base the length of my response on that scale. All the posts I have not responded to are because the poster ranked a zero or lower. BaalHabooze managed to rank at a 2, and that’s why this post is as long as (65 words plus one parenthetical max for rank 2).

    in reply to: Quote and 1 Liner Mashups #1121391
    frummy in the tummy

    I like turtles!

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047517
    frummy in the tummy

    math…….instincts……can’t……give in….AAAHHH!!!….dividing by ze….AAAHHHH!!!!

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047513
    frummy in the tummy

    hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – a fear of long words

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952433
    frummy in the tummy

    Continued Nancy Brodrick, our feline hero, “The reason we are here, my friends, is to prevent a tragedy that will befall humankind in the year 2015 if the timeline were to progress as is. If things were to go as is, the entire state of Wisconsin will turn into giant killer ants on August 14, 2015; they will then proceed to take over the world and force us, one by one, to watch the entire show of Twilight while listening to Justin Bieber on repeat, thus killing any brain cells of value.”

    “Now this apocalypse is only able to occur because of an event that occurs in 1837, at which my ancestor, Brodrick B. Brodrick, was present. It is at this point in time that Vadim, a man notorious for eating red ants by the handful, is thrown into a furnace; this is no ordinary furnace, either. This is a deep furnace that connects to the very bowels of the earth, and as everyone knows, Wisconsin is the gateway to the core of the earth. Brodrick saw this event, and this information has been passed down to me, through 170 difficult years of persecution and sped up devolution from man to cat.”

    “Now this is where we come in. The first red ant that Vadim ever ate came from a shtetl named Beerandcholent, and this shtetl’s roots go back to the time we find ourselves in now, i.e. the first beis hamikdash, and to a Persian town called Awannakillya. The only way we can prevent the red ants from breeding is to…

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952423
    frummy in the tummy

    This name is already popa bar abba?

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952417
    frummy in the tummy

    (This seems to be forming into some crazy breed of A Hitchhikers Guide and Doctor Who – it makes me smile 🙂 )

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952415
    frummy in the tummy

    (Lol, I forgot he named her Nancy.)

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952409
    frummy in the tummy

    (I propose that when and if there is a conflict due to multiple posts going up at the same time, the next person to post be the one who decides where the story goes; he/she doesn’t need to specifically say whose storyline they are following; it can either be implied or they can just ignore the issue completely and continue on their own way. If you have a better idea for conflicts, please share.)

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952406
    frummy in the tummy

    Simple. The name of the cat is Brodrick.

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952402
    frummy in the tummy

    Henry turns to Muhammed and asks, “By the way, did you buy that chair at Gimble’s?”

    Muhammed: What are you talking about?

    Henry: Never mind. How did you know we wouldn’t die from that extreme heat?

    Muhammed: I experimented first with a cat; don’t worry, it wasn’t mine. I borrowed it first from Shloime.

    After a few moments, they hear a multitude of hoof beats nearing on the road; the entourage that follows is clearly of an aristocratic nature. A beautiful carriage is drawn by four well-bred horses, and is surrounded by several knights. They are clearly pursuing the crown. Peering through the window of the carriage, they see a well-dressed man with an intent look on his face. But there is another strange individual in the carriage with the aristocrat. He is (continued)

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952400
    frummy in the tummy

    The next day,

    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952394
    frummy in the tummy

    Brodrick slowly turned around and realized the entire population of the village, albeit fewer than 50 all told, were staring at him in a a way that made him think perhaps the head was not really partaking in his heated conversation at all. He quickly dropped the innkeeper’s most valuable possession and bolted into the dark of the night.


    in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952388
    frummy in the tummy

    The man who had heard the noise, Brodrick, shot out his hand as the innkeeper headed towards the back, stopping his fellow travelers in their tracks.

    “I don’t trust this man,” he whispered to them. “Spies? Why is HE so interested in our travelings? I think we should discuss this first amongst ourselves before we decide to blindly following him into G-d knows what trap.”

    in reply to: Quote and 1 Liner Mashups #1121381
    frummy in the tummy




    Simple, yet effective. haha

    in reply to: Quote and 1 Liner Mashups #1121367
    frummy in the tummy

    spiral – lulz. But you clearly copied many of them, considering your repeat of one of the jokes 😛

    p.s. don’t worry, I copy these kinds of jokes all the time

    in reply to: Quote and 1 Liner Mashups #1121347
    frummy in the tummy

    Don’t count your chickens before your eggs are all in one basket.

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047442
    frummy in the tummy

    Has anybody seen my keyboard???? I’ve looked in the closet, under the bed, in the fridge, on the balcony, under the desk, in all the drawers, everywhere on the floor…I really need to type up this paper! If you need more info to help me out, I can chat with you on facebook.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 276 total)