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  • in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981216

    Midwesterner! Heyyy, i’m so sorry!!!!! We’ll try to offer you all the support / encouragement possible….any questions, ask away.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981214

    Oomis, thanks for the advice!!! This place is d-e-a-d!! Helllllo, if anybody does check in 😉

    in reply to: prediabetics #881729

    Hey ilovetheholyland!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! I’M SOOOOO PLEASED FOR YOU!!!!!! (and i don’t even know you!) WELLLL DONNNNEE, FANNNNTTTASSSTICC!!!!! keep it up, and take it as encouragement for the future! See, G-d can help out, we can have faith and hope that things will turn out well! (ahhahaha, my turn now to get it in normal range…) I’ve also been “hiding out” as it is, lol. You been thinking of me for any special reason?!

    Btw when you going to the holy land next 😉 your username always makes me think of it!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168247

    Hey you all, once again, there’s some very nice pieces and thoughts.

    Luna you write wonderfully….yet, you convey so much frustration and hurt. You write – “tell me, what does my soul look like?” – YOU tell you, what it looks like. You talk of a choice to life or death. It’s not your choice – it’s His…He believes in you! Every day He gives you back the soul because he has faith in your potential. He created you and when anyone looks straight to your soul, there lies it’s Creator…G-d Himself. He has faith in you…you have faith in you too…i hope it all gets easier.

    MiddlePath – thanks for the shouts again! How are you doing? I like that piece you wrote 😉

    Kapusta! Hey! What’s wrong ;( i hope things get ALL better!!!

    NOMTW, good luck with all the work!!!

    Nitpicker – It’s good what you wrote, and the messages true….

    Syag – Hi!

    ICOT – that’s really something! And your right of course…we give to some and we take from some…

    SaysMe!! How are you?!!? You’re poem is not only written nicely but is nice. Hope you’re doing well!!

    Shout for blabla and for everyone else – hi 😉 And good shabbos!

    in reply to: But I want to feel bad… #872033

    Sorry for not being clear. Thanks for explaining HaLeivi.

    Basically, i’m talking about the point that when you do something on the outside it makes you feel that way on the inside. It works with everything, for example, if you want to become a calm person, than a way to achieve that is by PRETENDING to be calm on the outside, and than it will soon come on the inside too. Soon the person will be a calm(er) person for REAL.

    It’s the same thing here. By actually doing an act you make it become part of you. Look above for the ideas of some acts. Good luck!

    in reply to: But I want to feel bad… #872030

    When you do something on the outside it makes you feel that way….so perhaps try to do an act, even if it’s saying out loud something, or saying tehillim, or writing a letter where applicable, or blessing them in words or something! It’s not nec. an easy thing to do,good luck!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168193

    Hey everyone, and welcome Luna Lovegood – your writing seems good! and shopping 613!

    Haven’t time to catch up all i’ve missed, but just saying hi to you all!

    Think First, happen to see this comment you posted,

    “PrincessEagle- we always appreciate you coming by and saying hi.”

    you know what, i used to live here but now i’ve gone to live in the real world.. I miss you all though!

    Blabla, how are you doing? Middlepath! thanks for your shout, always appreciate it, hope you’re okay….

    Puppy, welcome back here too 😉

    SaysMe!! Just happened to see s1 comment about music – i asked about it, and was told to rather listen to real music than cappella.. if it’s nec. you can often get a psak to listen.

    There’s so much pain in this place! i’m sorry, i wish i could make it better to you all! Apparently the yitti liebel helpline is meant to be a good place to turn to.. thinkin’ of you all and hope things will turn out good…. try to keep holding on to the hope that things will get better, and to the faith that you (must!!) have in yourself, and the faith that G-d has in you (Modeh Ani … Rabba Emunoscha). Miss ya all!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168082

    Hey!!! How are you all doing??? I haven’t read everything in too great detail…

    blabla, once again, i’m so impressed and truly glad to see how you seem to have matured so much since we’ve first “met” you here!!! And once again, you write so well 😉

    2facer, send ’em in!

    SaysMe!!!!! How are you?? You expressed the wedding beautifully! Nice thoughts regarding seder…thanks for that!

    MiddlePath, thanks for the shout.

    Shticky Guy – you live up to your username 😉

    ThinkFirst, lol, although it can be so frustrating to lie awake in bed!!!!! Plug in music perhaps? And yeah, get up earlier (or to bed later)

    write or wrong – cute!!

    Menucha 12 – the compliments are waiting ..

    Happy Cleaning!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981212

    Hey, how are you all doing??? Do you remember last year what this place looked like erev pesach, lol?!!

    So, it’s getting real close now…anyone care to give some reminders/tips?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168031

    Blabla, i’m sorry i didn’t mean that at all!! I meant to say since a while ago, since you’re other posts a couple of months back!

    in reply to: prediabetics #881727

    Hey ilovetheholyland! How was your follow up???? Dr pleased with you??? He sure should be! You sound so amazing!!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981208

    Oomis – yeah, you’re telling me…

    Hey Dx3, that’s so interesting! So maybe i should make sure i’m going down and then drink wine… especially by the shabbos seudas! How much percent alcohol does it have to be to do it’s work ?

    in reply to: Have you ever actually… #860732

    Lol go to bed!!! Isn’t it like really late your time?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168026

    Hi!!! I’m in the midst of being busy 😉 wanted to just say hi and thinking of you all here…

    SaysMe, just quickly read your poem on page 20. You write so well!! How are you?? T.O.Y!! I hope it’s only got better. I love how you express that you want to give as well as take… you talk of “mending your ways”, and of being ashamed, and of wanting connection with G-d again, – i hope you aren’t still feeling like that. Assuming you’re talking of something in particular, firstly, whatever a person has done – he can always return. REGARDLESS of how far he’s gone. We don’t make “bad” mistakes, we only make “not great” mistakes – there’s a difference. We can learn from them and become better and stronger from them. I wish you all the luck in the world!!!

    Shticky Guy – i like your poem, and i like your point. I also see the other side , both are right i suppose.

    Batseven, lol.

    Middlepath – thanks for the shout! It’s appreciated! How are you?

    S2021 ;( 🙁

    Puppy – hey, hi!

    NoOneMournsTheWicked – hello again!

    Kapusta – how are you?

    Blabla, you seem to have matured since 😉 keep going and keep growing!

    ThinkFirst, sounds great.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167995

    Hey, thanks for your replies on my post!! Appreciated 😉

    MiddlePath – i’m so sorry!!! i really hope it all gets easier for you. Yup, thinkin’ of you!!

    Blabla, i’m so happy to see your poem, keep going!! It’s kind of you to share with us your good times too !!!

    Think First – amein!!!!!! And may it be quick, for all of us!!!!

    NoOneMournsTheWicked – hi ;)!

    SaysMe, how are you?! Good point you mention about not dwelling on things that we fear ….

    in reply to: Kinneret #859295

    Hey, I heard kinneret, she’s great, isn’t she? So did you buy her albums skiaddict? (I like your username, what made you choose it anyway?)

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167984

    Rednails, that’s cute, thanks for sharing!!!!

    Middlepath, SaysMe, Kapusta, Blabla etc, there’s so much pain recently here, and this is for all of us!!

    Everybody goes through times,

    When the light is not clear,

    Fazed, or not seen at all,

    Better times seem not near.

    The hurt and pain lie heavy,

    The cloud, a confused haze.

    Direction, there may not be,

    Perhaps losing a mind to craze.

    Emotions may be twirling around,

    Its depth too deep to feel,

    Too many, and all at once,

    Wonder…will it ever heal?

    Each person, with no exception,

    Goes through times of doubt,

    Of trail, of struggle, of hurt,

    A battle to be fought out.

    And at times like these,

    There’s one thing to cope,

    Till this time will pass,


    Tomorrow just may be better,

    Hold on, don’t ever let go,

    You can get past this time,

    For G-d is running the show.

    Try to have some faith in G-d,

    And in the faith he has in you,

    He can turn the tide in a sec,

    And believes in what you can do.

    “Modeh Ani” we say each morning,

    Reminding of his faith each day,

    So please hold on to the hope,

    (And yes, don’t forget to pray!)

    It’s a wonderful gift from G-d,

    That things can come our way,

    Just by hoping and holding on,

    …Tomorrow may be a better day.

    in reply to: WHAT makes you CRINGE….??? #858361

    Although i understand it and do a lot myself, it gets me frustrated when parents bring up their children to just follow blindly, ingraining in them not to question, and not teach them basic things until they’re “grown up”.

    in reply to: Purim Shtick for teachers to do on students #1059780

    LOL these are great!!!

    in reply to: flowers? or too soon? #858742

    Mazel tov!!! +1 Nechomah’s post – thanks!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167976


    RedNails – hope you’re okay!!!

    Shticky Guy, cute song!

    Kapusta!!! 🙁 ;( How are you today?? Hope it’s still “better”!

    T/Drink First, lol to your akdjfahdfadnfl ! yup, like saysme and the rest say, you write so nicely!

    Blabla, i third saysme post… you can do this, you can get out of here, this time too will pass! Keep holding on, keep hoping, this time of year is so appropriate to hope, first purim, and now coming up to pesach (!!!). Did you ever learn that the hasboas that happened than come down every year again? Because time is like a circle, so every year we tap into those same attributes that G-d send than. Keep hoping for a better tomorrow!!!! You’re a wonderful person because you’re created in the image of G-d Himself!!!!

    Middlepath!! I’m sorry you had a rough day ;( are you feeling any better today? Very impressed how you’re taking it so positively.

    SaysMe – how are you, how was purim????? Been thinking / praying for you!!!!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981205

    A happy shushan purim! Oomis1105, hope today is indeed better! It is so difficult indeed to keep away..

    Dx3, congrats for getting it down again!! Doesn’t wine make you go lower rather than higher?

    Somehow, bh my numbers stayed somewhat okay until the evening ;( 🙂

    Good shabbos!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167954

    SaysMe, i’m sorry you’re feeling so down ;( if you want the email addresses, perhaps go to soundcloud and type in middlepath for his email address and he has ours (some of ours anyway!)

    Is there something you can do to cheer you up? Like listening to music (there’s some great ones on youtube if you listen there) , or draw, or bake, (or write?!) … perhaps you can give in some way, do something for someone else (babysit, visit, help out) , that gives MEANING and can be very worth it.

    Perhaps you can try to lessen the PRESSURE of having an upbeat purim, as in, you try your best to do what you can to keep yourself cheerful, but if not – than that’s okay too. It’s very normal, we all have those sorts of times, (whether its purim, pesech, yom kipper, etc)

    i’m thinking of you from my end (of the screen lol) and hoping you’re okay!

    Remember: You can do it!!! You’ll get through this time, it WILL pass and you’ll hopefully be a better, happier, healthier person for it. Keep holding on!!!!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223919

    Great Yossi! And yes, a day can be a longg time, esp with waiting. good luck!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167946

    Middlepath, i fully believe in that line of thought, that there is a BALANCE!!! On similar lines, but not directly related, it also bothers me when people do things “extreme” when it is not genuine, when it’s only because of the way of being brought up / pressure / etc, but i understand why it’s done 😉

    SaysMe!!! I’m so sorry! Using Kapusta (/your!) exact words, if that was addressed to me, it absolutely still stands. I’m thinking that maybe you can go to middlepath’s “soundcloud” and get his email address from there, and he can forward you mine / ours… thoughts with you.

    in reply to: prediabetics #881725

    ilovetheholyland! How ya doing?!! i’m soo sorry about the side effects, that’s dreadful! Did you manage to talk to your doctor? I know how difficult it can be to have to take a medication and KNOW that you’re going to have side effect ;( 🙁 . Okay, sounds interesting what you don’t want to explain, i hope it gets ALL better REAL quickly.

    Thanks!!! I love to write…that’s my way of expression 😉 i hope all goes well, shidduchim and otherwise!

    in reply to: Hakaros Hatov #935955

    Good questions, and great points made in replies! I have heard of people thanking for the “bad” things people do, ALTHOUGH not straight after, every time. I would think that if somebody WOULD do like you say, it’s hardly likely for it to be a genuine appreciation, and therefore doesn’t seem straight to me. Unless it’s an older person whose worked on him/herself a lot through the years to reach there, it doesn’t seem realistic for it to be “real”.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223917

    Mazel Tov!!!

    Yossi Z – cute !!!! Waiting…still waiting 😉 lol

    in reply to: Advice from preschool teachers #857382

    mra01385 (squeak +1 happy belated birthday to mra!) keep thinking though, and brainstorming! there is a lot already, but maybe you could do something completely different.. either way, it’s a shame to not make the most a talent, and good luck!!!!

    in reply to: Energy #857363

    Nobody mentioned Chocolate!!!!!! But of course 😉 (for some) !

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167942

    blabla, for the upteenth time, just for good measure: you write so well! I like the poem, and i like the way you end off, and middlepath, and thinkfirst, both are right – there’s just the balance, somewhere happily in the middle, (that’s your screenname after all, middlepath! you choose it well, what made you decide for that name anyway!)

    Think First!!! i’m so glad to hear that, may it go well and you get lots of satisfaction from it. Thanks for sharing ;0!

    SaysMe – how are you? …

    in reply to: American girls/ ladies this is for you!! #856706

    Yeah, i would say lord and taylor too – i just bought something there recently and the price was GREAT! Good luck ! Oh and mazel tov 😉

    in reply to: Random Acts of Kindness In Honor of AYC #1023212

    Ayc, it would be great to have her back! She’s missed around the place, but we can understand why she won’t come back… although rochelle – you’re idea is a great one! Try telling her that though, once burnt, twice careful.. Ayc – at least know that you’re thought about and missed over here!

    in reply to: prediabetics #881723

    ilovetheholyland! Hey right back!!! how are you doing?? I’m sooo glad you don’t need the surgery!!! And i def. empathize with taking meds, i know how difficult that can be. Do you get side effects from it? What’s the meds for – ? Hope you’re doing okay!!!! Thinking of ya too!

    Rc – it must have been very difficult to make all those changes – congrats to you!

    in reply to: Advice from preschool teachers #857376

    mra01385 – it’s a nice idea, i just wonder if it would work. I tend to agree with boroparkgirl, as well as kollelwife’s idea to start out for free. …What can you do that is better than all those free websites? Powerpoints is an idea, personally i wouldn’t buy it, either i’d find one for free or more likely make it myself, esp. as it’s for little children so shouldn’t be too difficult.

    This is NOT meant to put you off!!! Your idea may have potential, so work on it!!! Perhaps try it offering these powerpoints etc for free and have adverts which will pay. This of course is only once you’ve built your name up, like someone mentioned previously.

    I wouldn’t mind teaching ideas, if they were all free and of top standard! Perhaps, to bring more people to your website, you can create a message board where teachers can share there ideas etc.

    good luck!!

    in reply to: cant get the guys to give a yes :( #859424

    ilovetheholyland, just want to send to you the wishes that you’ll get THE yes very soon, to the right one…. You only need just the ONE yes! (that’s not belittling your frustration in any way) Keep doing all you can, perhaps look where you can change, or do different, and PRAY, PRAY AND PRAY. i’m sorry it’s difficult ;( toy! The right one will be very lucky to have you, so don’t lose hope just yet.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167929

    Hey people, just dropping a few lines to say hi 😉

    Bygirl93, i notice you’re back – welcome! Hey, i missed seeing you around! You’re poetry is great like usual.

    SaysMe, it sounds difficult from what i’ve glanced at, i hope it’s better for you today – ? Please keep holding on, you’re strong, i have the confidence in you!!! Remember, this time too will pass!!!!! i know this is “just words” but hey, we both – all – know the power of words!!!!

    Syag, both your pieces have touched me. You express your obvious pain so eloquently and with a beautiful flow; and you inspire with your strength, with holding on instead of letting go, with seeing G-d instead of being angry. (i assume you’ve gone through those stages, and it’s inspiring to see.)

    ThinkFirst – sweet poem on purim!

    Kapusta, always great to see you around!

    Middlepath – thanks for your shout! Miss ya!

    TheGoq, Blabla, and the rest – hi, and hope you’re okay.

    in reply to: Cash or Credit? #853479

    Okay, so at least it leaves us to grade it ;-). You know of a good online writing course? Very impressive writing! (regardless of what the topic was “meant” to be on!)

    in reply to: A Conversation With Hashem… #856482

    Logician +1. I’ve come to the conclusion that the points of these stories with great endings is just to see that it CAN happen, and hey there must be a G-d that’s leading… And yes, we can see this message when something goes “wrong” too, and not AS much when things go just so.

    Feif un, lol, i liked your piece… and yes, your point is clear!

    Emlf, i can see why it bothers you. Than again, such a conversation can’t take place anyway! We can also write something and send it via email, and we can even say it’s a zcus for a sick person, or if you don’t than ???? won’t come today.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981201

    Allsgr8, that’s great!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! MAY we all get it down, at least to the 7.1!!!!!!

    Dx3, i used to go crazy when i looked at the IOB , until i just decided not to look anymore…i do sometimes, and i use it when i use the easyBG – does anybody use that? Do you use the IOB often?

    My nurse told me to start to use the easy CARB, she didn’t seem to care that i told her that i can do the math on my own…

    My ##s are a 🙁 story at the moment.

    How’s it going for everybody???

    in reply to: Cash or Credit? #853477

    This is something so beautifully written, and pulls on the emotions. I hope you got a great grade!

    in reply to: Seminary-'SEMINAR'!!!!!!!!!!! #853406

    Who else are you introducing to the coffee room

    in reply to: teens doing chesed #863519

    Banana123, get your priorities straight! As a school girl, studies would seem to come first. However, we are living in a world with other people and we always have to think of others. Chesed doesn’t have to be in big actions if you don’t have the time for that. A smile, a nice word, picking up litter, sharing, caring, praying for others – are all chesed in “little” ways.

    We have to go out of our way to help others, and depending at what stage of life we are at, how far that will be taken.

    If you’re asking if you should “make up” for it later on in life, well, what makes you think you may have more time than? If you’re seriously out to help others, you can at whatever stage you’re up to, in a way that will doing all you can according to that stage of life.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167877

    Hey, this thread is so active, (even without me JK!!!)

    Saysme, how are you? Blabla, how are you? i wish i could make it easier for you…

    Think first, that’s something special! I think it’s great!!!!

    NoOneMournsTheWicked (what’s makes you choose this for your username anyway?!) hopefully its easier for you now to see reason to get up. ? It’s a great piece on r’moishe.

    ICOT, you have talent!!! I like your poem esp on this thread. You have something nice to say to everybody, you sound like a nice poster 😉

    Middlepath, hi!!!! You’re doing a great job responding 😉 where did you find that longer piece, who wrote it? I take it that you try to follow it too.

    The Goq, that’s incredible. it sure sounds like a lot of pain.

    Dancing Girl!!!!! So nice to see you back again, here!!!!!

    in reply to: prediabetics #881720

    Hey ilovetheholyland! So glad to hear about the lack of surgery – how’s the new medication working? Isn’t it difficult for you to take it?!!!!!! That’s really amazing about the weight loss, yup, my mum is also amazing like that! But somehow i cant seem to keep it off!! Being fussy and having a sweet tooth 😉 so my weight goes up and down, and it’s dreadful!!

    Hope you’re okay!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981198

    Hi!!! How are you all???

    Allsgr8 – Lol, if only!!! Even just for enough time to get the A1c down (sigh)!!!!!!!

    Dx3, for purim, and times when i know i’m going to eat (like, for me, friday afternoons…) i’ve just come to a 2 pointer, which i’m hoping may work… 1. Eat whatever – in control! bolusing correctly! – That means, bolusing “PLENTY” and “IN ADVANCE”.

    2. Worry about weight but in a sensible manner. Eat normally, but not excessively. ……. good luck to all of us. …..

    Oh and good shabbos!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167848

    SaysMe, it sounds like it’s very difficult, and i’m sorry. Try to keep holding on….this time too will pass…. i just want to point out that although i’ve not been around this place much, i’m still thinking of you and hoping you’re doing well 😉

    MiddlePath: Hi!!!! Miss you too 🙂

    Think First – keep writing ! Do you really feel that way after say losing a job?! that’s incredibly difficult!

    Good shabbos!!!!

    in reply to: yesurim #849766

    Some very nice posts, zeeskite,

    In theory we can look at it as making us a stronger person, we’ll be able to help others, giving us the opportunities to get to the next world,

    Rabbi Akiva had a town reject him, his light go out, his donkey and his hen killed – big yesurim, right? Wrong. He was saved from the murderers that took the towns people away. Sometimes it comes to a point when you just say, G-d must have a plan and we just cannot understand. But He must still care for us because of XYZ – look out for it in your life, being positive always helps.

    in reply to: Favorite Non-fiction #851555

    supergirl613: +1. Behind the Walls, also Miriam Cohen. (supergirl, read that one too?)

    There’s so many books, non-fiction, all different styles – what style you looking at?

    Twerski is great if you appreciate it; Lawerere Kelerman, Permission to Believe/Receive is fantastic, The Magic Touch, Gila Manolson is a must if it applies .

    …..!!! Happy Reading!!!!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #981194

    Oomis1105, i don’t know about type 2, if it’s like type 1, i normally like to wake up between 90 – 110 .

    It’s so important to start of well. It’s so much harder for the numbers to come down once they’re higher to start with and it ripples effects through the rest of the day.

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