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  • in reply to: No Thanks for Your Mishloach Manos! #1009878

    Why is it disgusting?

    in reply to: Avoiding Secular Music #933981

    The time I stopped listening to English music was during sfira like 5 years ago. I started listening to talk radio ( might seem boring to you). Once sfira was over I was so over the music, and have been listening to talk ever since. I’m not sure how old you are ( my love of politics and current events started in hs) but you can listen to it in your iPod its really entertaining and interesting and you will always have what to talk about when you’re around adults!

    Obviously shiurim are a great solution too ( better) but if you want something other than music to distract you…

    in reply to: Questions on Megila #933304

    Yaff!!! I had the same question. It bothered me so much I couldn’t understand.

    in reply to: Would you marry…? #940999

    I know a few people who suffer from depression who, when taking their Meds, are happy upbeat , non violemt members of society. I also know that my cousins mother suffers from it and refuses to take her meds, and has had to be institutionalized on and off for the past 10 or so years. She purposely served treif chicken to my cousins family because at times her illness causes her to be spiteful. There is a difference between writing someone off , off the bat and just taking precautions.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935201

    What if you have a joint fb with your husband like I do? He didn’t care to have one so I made a family one. I feel like that’s different then having desperate ones especially if you think it is as dangerous many of you are saying here.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935197

    A mamin.. Actually no it’s not. And I did not say Facebook is good, I just am saying that it is ridiculous to blame it for the end of someone’s marriage. And please don’t preach to me about chinuch!!! You are here, on the computer talking to a room or mixed gender yidden. I am too and I am fine with that, but I am not saying that you are spewing apikorsus. If someone in this coffee room is going to tell me they follow every last detail ever last smidge and speck that the gedolim tell them to do, then I will resign from the CR! You my friend are not one of them because you are in here! So please take your nonsense elsewhere.

    Before I even send I apologize if I was harsh but you were too.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935170

    To blame Fox News and the like for a persons infidelity is like blaming someone’s weight problem with restaurant billboards. My husband and I watch Fox News and we are still holding on to a strong marriage. Do you ever think it’s the fact that the rebbes and our society try to close us off from the outside world so much that it just makes the taboo more tantalizing? I do and I know a lot of other people that do as well. ” don’t go into manhattan unless its an absolute necessity”. ” don’t open your eyes at a chassunah chas vshalom you will see the heel of a woman dancing”. ” don’t read the ny times or wsj there might be a spread with a picture of that female cogresswoman and c’v it exites someone”. I think that by making every single little aspect of life seem so dangerous to us, that it is intact pushing people to explore that which is so “taboo” and giving a possible intriguing and exciting out for someone in a rut or boring marriage.

    in reply to: Costume for teacher? #931154

    Why is it less appropriate than dressing like an old lady?

    I’m going as Minnie Mouse!

    in reply to: Vacation days for yeshiva children #953366

    Even thought my child is way too young for us to be looking into schools, we have been asking around because we already know that we don’t want him in a school that has Long Sundays. Why is it that so many parents have little interest in spending time with the children Hashem blessed them with? When I was younger I would sleep in on Sundays, my mother would make a big breakfast and we would all just spend time together. In the winter that could mean sledding, ice skating, going into the city. In the warmer months we would go to the park or have play dates with friends. I think that people expect kids to act like adults 24/7 and it’s very unhealthy.

    in reply to: Lawsuit against Williamsburg stores dress code #930819

    The sign I saw was outside of the whole shopping center basically meaning no flip flops.

    in reply to: Lawsuit against Williamsburg stores dress code #930816

    Maybe I have the name wrong? name removed in the big shopping center upstairs? I was very thin I don’t remember the size but they sell Kiki tikis and long sleeved tops that fit me.

    in reply to: Vacation days for yeshiva children #953359

    Why even have children them? Let’s just give birth and drop them off by our local yeshiva rebbes since they do such a better job of parenting than us.

    in reply to: Lawsuit against Williamsburg stores dress code #930814

    I was in monsey when I was engaged, with my mother shopping for Sheva brachos outfits at name removed. they have a sign that says something like ” you must have covered feet to enter”. I was not wearing tights, but I was wearing shoes.. Oh boy! I will never shop there again. This was a number of years ago and I am still so upset. These chassidish girls maybe they were 10 and 11, about 4 of them were following me around and pointing and laughing and they even dragged their mother over to the dressing area where I was standing to ” show her”. I am NOT exagerating. Mind you the Hispanic sales lady was in Jeans. I finally said loudly ” can I help you with somethig?!?”. The mother looked at my legs and said ” zats no good” and her kids burst into hysterics. Am I the only women they have ever seen without tights??? This was not the manager but I will still never spen a dime there again. It was grotesque behavior.

    in reply to: Kashrus of Dunkin Donuts #1022388

    Why are you saying the whipped cream and flavors are not kosher? That’s false. The whipped cream, at least in the dd near me is kosher and chalav stam, as was the french vanilla flavor. I didn’t check about the other but all you need to so is ask. No need to assume its not.

    On another note I have a question. I don’t understand how people drink coffee in diners or restaurant out of china mugs!! ( not kosher places I am talking about). At dd and Starbucks the coffee is poured into a to go cup, but in a diner the china mugs are washed in a dish washer along with everything else!


    She showed contempt of court. Whether or not you agree that putting her in jail was right, it was 100% legal. He has the power to do as he sees fit in his courtroom.

    in reply to: Learn Mishnayos for Mayor Koch, z"l #927292

    This ganging up on zdad is really horrible. I’m sorry if this is hurting your feelings and upsetting you. If you don’t like the things zdad says just ignore him, this is going too far.

    in reply to: Learn Mishnayos for Mayor Koch, z"l #927261

    Regardless, he was still a Jew! Maybe he was on the wrong path, maybe he did support things that were anti Torah, but he was very proud of his Judaism and a big supporter of israel. Whether or not you support israel, he did and he was a big voice for us that will be missed. I’m a girl but I would be interested in learning in his memory, if you all think that’s a good idea.

    in reply to: Wedding dancing #925939

    I danced with my mother first, than my mil, than my sisters then my husband sisters then my cousin and so on. I was very aware of who was there and who I needed I dance with first. It’s not as much of a blur as you might think.

    in reply to: MorahRach�You Ditching Us? #956698

    Who? Not me right, I don’t think I know what you are talking about?

    in reply to: MorahRach�You Ditching Us? #956685

    Aww this made my day! I don’t know, I decided to leave ( as in stop commenting because I hate arguing with people but sometimes I can’t hold back because I get so frustrated! Then I saw that someone asked a question about a homeless man in queens and I happened to know the answer. Then against my better judgement I checked back at the thread from yesterday an saw supreme yelling at me so I got sucked back in!

    Honestly I love the CR. my husband and I both find it so interesting and entertaining, but lately I feel that it might be damaging my yiddishkeit. I grew up very mo-dox, and became frummer on my own during and after high school, but I still really respect my family and how thy raise me. Sometimes I just can’t take the bashing in the CR. it’s as if modern people aren’t Jewish to many. I also guess that part of it is my fault because I guess I don’t know all the halachos and chumras, but something’s that I read here confuse me. I feel sometimes that t 120 iyH we will all greet Hashem and he is going to say.. You took things too far. You should have emphasized more on middos, and loving your fellow Jews and humans, and less about the color of your tights and length of your sheital. I have left the cr room over the passed few weeks thinking for split seconds, but still, that maybe some of this is silly and I should just quit and just try and be a good person. Obviously I love being frum and try to be a bas yisroel and good mother and wife, but I feel that the emphasis’ are all or somewhat wrong and that I’m stuck between wanting to improve daily in my yiddishkeit, but then being so so so turned off here that.. I should just leave because chalila it actually wil make me less frum. Does that make sense?

    in reply to: Saying Good Shabbos To Passerbys #1010733

    Supreme, did I say I’m proud I speak to the opposite gender, or did I say for work etc I do? Oy ill just send a note to my boss/accountant/doctor/parents of my students that a man in the coffee room who loves talking I girls on the computer told me I can no longer speak to you. That’s the ticket!

    in reply to: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars #926747

    Yes he is Jewish. I live by there and I asked someone inside on Benjys. More often than not if you talk to him he asks you to go inside wassermans and buy him food or soup from Benjys.

    in reply to: Saying Good Shabbos To Passerbys #1010705

    Omgggg I am officially done. Ask your Rav? If you honestly can’t decide for yourself then just don’t say good shabbos. I feel like I am in a different world I really am so confused as to the thinking that goes into some of these threads. I’m so sorry if this is a mean post I just don’t understand. I get so frustrated. You are all here mingling with the opposite gender, and your spouses probably don’t know. I don’t care because I do talk to people of the opposite gender in real life wether it be for work or some other social function, but I know that many of you don’t. You hate people that don’t serve Hashem the exact same way as you think they should, and no one can wipe their own nose without asking a Rav’s permission. Oyyyy I do enjoy a lot about this site besides the great news articles but, I think the time may have come.

    in reply to: Bridesmaids #926201

    Love they movie. And calm fine about the smileys! I was just attempting to point out that some people here are so gung ho that they are better than less religious people etc, when HE is in essence winking at ( any woman in the CR). I don’t take offense because we are all hidden behind our computer screens, I just wanted to point it out.

    in reply to: BTs vs. OTDs #925803

    As much as I dislike this thread and want to stay out of it I want to point something out. Daasyochid, are you male? If I am wrong then forgive this post. You are typing a smiley face to me which in the real world is flirtatious, yet you do it. But agree with a caste system I’m Judaism, putting yourself higher than those who let’s say wear srugies or are mechalel shabbos.

    in reply to: BTs vs. OTDs #925792

    Did he/she not write ” between these 2 classes of people”? Is that NOT a very common way of thinking in the CR. I know you try to use your wit to make a point by being ” funny”, but this is not funny.

    in reply to: BTs vs. OTDs #925790

    Did you actually write, ” between these two classes of people”. Excuse me while I vomit.

    I would rather be OTD then think that Judaism is a class system.

    in reply to: Bridesmaids #926175

    Instead of mamish bridesmaid, I had my closest friends wear long dresses. Actually they asked, since I said no bridesmaids, but they wanted to feel special. My photographer took some pictures of me with them and I am so glad we did because I can cherish them forever. I have a small family so it enhanced the simcha for me.

    in reply to: Is This Normal? #925324

    They were just fooling around. Does it look bad? Yes. Sometimes people or I should say children need to be just that. Everyone is expected to grow up so quickly do everything perfectly, cut these girls a little slack. What’s next, the outdoors ate off limits too?

    in reply to: Who Is Really On Welfare? Basic Hashkafa! #927830

    DY and others, relax. I was actually asking because someone was trying to make a point about all the chareidim contribute by learning ( not arguing) ” and that’s even before what the chareidim contribute financially”. I was asking not bating.

    And every single IDF soldier goes on to work therefor contributing financially. I am not discussing my opinion one way or another but that was a baseless statement.

    in reply to: Who Is Really On Welfare? Basic Hashkafa! #927812

    What do charedim financially contribute to the state?

    in reply to: Shop Local vs Amazon #1007031

    I would be shocked if I found out Macy’s haggled. It’s a major chain department store with fixed prices, not a mom and pop hardware shop. Certain companies advertise that they will match prices. When I was buying beds last year, sleepys offered a better prices than 1800 mattress, but they matched it etc. it’s not normal to go into a local store and demand anything, let alone such a huge discount.

    I don’t like amazon I used to use them all the time but have been very dissappointed lately. For electronics I stick with B&H.

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021407

    Ah truthsharer! That just happened to me a few motZei shabboses ago. I wanted to text my husband that I was leaving the apartment to pick him up and with my phone in hand I frantically searched everywhere for it, I even began to text him that I couldn’t find my phone and then I realized.. That I was an idiot!

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021395

    I do, don’t worry. I know of other people its happened to as well. Sometimes ill stop at a stop sign and be talking to my passenger or child and just think I’m at a light then when I realize I’m like ” oh..”

    in reply to: In Witch He Snorted #1115418

    I only read the first book, now I feel like I missed out on so much!

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021391

    I have been driving before and am very preoccupied and end up waiting for a stop sign to turn green for minutes.

    in reply to: Engagement #952365

    I was engaged for 6 months. Everyone is different. There is no fast rule here. Yes in the yeshivish circles dating and engagements are quite short, but you do what is right for you, not what random people in the CR did.

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970712

    Thanks, yeah everything I have been looking at is very far out of my price range. If I could I would invest in this because I see a career in it but I can’t right now. I love shooting outdoors, I find that even with the cheaper end cameras, photos still come out beautifully with the natural light.

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970710

    Great idea! I am trying to go from amateur to (pro) status but I know that it doesn’t happen over night. The timing of this thread is funny, because photography is all that I have been talking about for the past week.

    What would you all say are the best cameras or lenses for taking newborn portraits?

    in reply to: What do you drink, if you have a cold on motzaei shabbos? #924836

    This is the cutest thread ever.

    in reply to: Are things wrong cause they're wrong, or because people go OTD? #924350

    There can be sooo many factors. Abuse is/can be just one. I also think it’s bold to say that a person who has questions about Judaism has no emunah, unless I misread. Throughout my life I have had questions here and there, but bH my questions were answered. If someone comes to a rebbe, parent or teacher with a question, and is shushed or ignored, what message does that send? Even now sometimes I will have questions about something or some Halacha that I mamish do not get the reason for and my husband bH always takes the time to talk it out with me. I am so thankful tht he is so knowledgable. My husband Btw had amazing beyond amazing rebbes in israel. He “rebelled” a bit after high school and parties etc shana alef, shana beis he really connected with his rebbeim who never made him feel worthless or like Gd didn’t love him. He still has very good relationships with them, some came from israel to out Ny wedding. I think it all depends on if you are taught with love or not, and if you Have someone learning with you and teaching you, who actually cares about YOU.

    in reply to: What do you drink, if you have a cold on motzaei shabbos? #924825

    I used to hate tea.. Hate hate hate. Until I had strep last year and it was the only thing I could get down my throat. Now I love it. Peppermint or green with a drop of honey.

    in reply to: Are things wrong cause they're wrong, or because people go OTD? #924332

    Rabbaim.. Wonderful post. I especially like the end.

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105448

    Thanks mercury! You’re right. I do feel pretty yuck about the whole thing and wish I had just zipped my lips and not even gotten involved. It’s over and done. Haha YES bH my husband rocks. Someone at the airport when he was changing him IN THE BATHROOM said to him ” wow I am a 60s father.. I never changed a diaper”.

    in reply to: "A Jewish Star"�Not Very Jewish #957752

    I opened this thread thinking it was about. A magen dovid being un-Jewish. I’m so out of the loop!

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105446

    What did I throw back in anyone’s face? I thanked everyone for their input. It’s in the past I just wanted to share the story and see what people thought, that’s all. Sorry if I offended, superme.

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105444

    Let me be clear. It was at best a small pish, we just wanted I change him before the flight. My husband didn’t actually change him all he did was take out the pad. Yes he was going to and I’m not disagreeing with anyone. But it was smelly/ next to this lady, it was on the floor by the side of his feet. Now I’m not disagreeing, we were catching a flight and disnt know there was a changing table. I would have preferred that ( which we did end up doing).

    On another note though I guess I’m just not so sensitive but the sight of a mother changing her child’s diaper doesn’t gross me out at ALL.

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105439

    Thanks Zees. I have no interest in asking her for forgiveness and if I did I would have no idea how to even go about doing so. I already “spoke ” to Hashem about it and asked him for forgiveness. Again.. We did not change him incase people didn’t see that part. When we realized there was a changing table, that’s where we changed him.

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105434

    Thanks for your opinions everyone. I do wish I had taken a step back to breathe before I said what I said. However going over the situation in my head again and again, I stick by what I meant, just shouldn’t have voiced it. I think I was more annoyed or upset that she was having a phone conversation next to me, about my family, extremely loud so I and others on this flight could hear. It was just so rude.

    Da Moshe I hear you. My friend had just changed her baby where she was sitting, I have never flown with a child I didn’t even think to look for a changing table because most places I go don’t have them. Now I know! It’s not like we changed him next to her anyway though. My husband took him to the bathroom and she continued to be disgusting.

    in reply to: WHO was right in this situation? #1105426

    Also I want to add. At some point she said ” I feel bad for the person who is going to sit there after you ( as if we are spreading down sort of germs). Everyone was staring at us but looking at her with disgust. She was SO loud I tried to stay on the quieter side of things.

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