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  • in reply to: how to define "hairy" #804047

    k so this is funny. its harry.not hairy. it refers to the name. as in someone who would try to fit in with the yeshivish crowd but there are so many giveaways that he’s got no idea how to act. the most blatant one being his name “Harry”. harrys generally wear white socks, use highlighters in there gemaras, have never touched a cigarette, always have headphones in their ears while going someplace, have “shtarkmarks” to show the place of all the rishonim in their kovetz, always wear their brim down, use words like perhaps,suggest,possibility, and solution when trying to explain a tosfos, say tosfos, and always always have interlinear siddurim. I’m not bashing; just stating the facts.

    in reply to: TOTALLY MESSED UP!! #804283

    if a guy is demanding cars, vacations, and a lif eof luxury; get a job and go for it. But i happen to be in kollel, and i can tell you that alot of us are squeezing budgets to learn and not demanding the high life. dont stereotype. and if you (girl) wants a good learning boy then by df. the money has to come from somewhere else.

    in reply to: Coffee at McDonalds #804560

    by now i think most peopple know that your going in for soda. o wait. remembered halachah. dumb post sorry

    in reply to: Kohen marrying a half jew????????/ #803683

    oy vey!! elul!!

    in reply to: Raising the Pinky #1115295

    zen hope that was a joke. i asked a prominent talmid chacham and he told me there is no mekor. a few years later i saw one in one of those weekly english jewish mags but i dont remember it.

    in reply to: Proper Procedure for ending Amidah #803831

    sam- th episkei tshuvos aka the chassidishe milaket makes up a mekor from psukim. if i recall correctly he takes a posuk that talks about angels jumping over mountains (?mashehu kozeh) and says that could be a mekor. ba humbug.

    in reply to: Raising the Pinky #1115292

    piskei tshuvos makes up somemekoros on his own from pesukim. A”S.

    in reply to: Proper Procedure for ending Amidah #803827

    you misseed out to get a bit lower each direction, but still make sure not to be bent over by the time you finish oseh shalom.

    in reply to: Kohen marrying a half jew????????/ #803675

    why not shes not a chullul. at worst shes pogum. why cant she?

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804892

    k this isnt going to good places. MODS!

    in reply to: Bas Kohen #803454

    1st daf in makkos. rashi. tosfos.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804881

    imagine your fifteen. you do the stupidest thing you can imagine. imagine that being held against you five to ten years later. youv grown up. your a different person. why.

    in reply to: smoking and olam haba #803979

    ok ok ok everyone chiiiiil out. anti smokers wont be convinced, and smokers dont give a hoot about all your rants and indignation. its just one of those things you cant fight. and im maskim- coffee and cigarettes in the sukkah are perhaps the pinnacle of oilam hazeh.

    in reply to: me…? working with kids at risk…? :O #803511

    interstingly enough, i just asked to help a kid ive never met, but knows some of my extended fam. i have a typical young teen nearly off the d story, and BH i bounced back to be a normal well-rounded indivdual. i have no formal training but i always helped out troubled kids in yeshiva. i was thinking of pusuing a job. good luck to you!

    in reply to: reason for saying no #803860

    not kiday. you may end up looking petty or too exacting. if it was his acne and it bothered you a toooon, someone else might not be so bothere and think you were nit-picking. stick to generic answers unless its someone you trust that wants to set you up again.

    in reply to: Kohen marrying a half jew????????/ #803664


    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804879

    mytake-thats because tou saaume your image of him wont be tarnished by past deeds. thjink of the worst possible thing you can imagine. imagine he did it. now he has changed,not just his actions but his pnimius too. he is no longer the same person. im sure ypu agree with me in theory, but when it comes limaaseh its simply not so easy. therefore, IF, as i said b4, IF she wont find out, and it wont effect their marriage, why risk diminishing him in her eyes for a matter of no consequence.

    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085430

    i’m due for a subtitle. preferably something scary. with lots of fur and claws. and leery eyes. o yes. and a tail.

    in reply to: smoking and olam haba #803967

    thanks for the laugh.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804866

    the general issues. not sharing specifics sorry. but you cant ever know someones matziv unless he tells you. dont jump to kill a shidduch if its water under the bridge; she’ll never know and it wont hurt her.

    in reply to: hair covering and married women #816438

    the gemara in gittin says a man can divorce w/o a kesuba if she wont cover her hair. maybe your right about the faults in communities; that doesnt take away from the seriousness of what these women are doing wrong.even though mumar li’not covering hair isnt mumar likol hatorah kulah, there could still be a valid personal feeling of mistrust. someone doing something else wrong, worse or nor, doesnt take away from the choimer hu’issur.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804864

    i have a history. my wife might not have married me had she known. we’re happily married. tread carefully. get a psak. and get it from someone who knows where this guy is really hoding.

    in reply to: Keeping on my Trousers #1051091

    your english. you said trousers instead of pants and packages instead of bags. in that case…um…no shaychis. hatzlachah.

    in reply to: hair covering and married women #816434

    k great but where do you draw the linbe

    in reply to: smoking and olam haba #803964


    in reply to: There is an issue that really bothers me…. #802823

    the next thread is gonna be that maybe she has an ingrown toenail- one can never be sure!

    in reply to: Making a Song Out of a Pasuk #802898

    wow. niskatnu hadoros. we know chumash from songs. Hashem ya’azor.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804852

    this is too big for you. if its lisheim shomayim, ask someone who you trust(as in a posek) who also knows this boy very well. other then that stay out of it.

    in reply to: Dating in a Hurricane! (or immediately after) #804814

    dating is never tznius. you go outside and boys can actually see you. in real life. Ah!!!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221717

    as i sit here feeling fat

    my boiach,first a pot now a vat

    i’ll get up and move

    to myself ill prove

    o wait i fell;splat

    in reply to: KORC Symbol – Would you use it. #1060734

    most poskim say that aluminum foil pans need not be toiveled.

    in reply to: best/worst compliment???? #802874

    people alternately ask my mother if shes her boss’ mother or sister. her boss is late thirtys and shes fifty.ouchy.

    in reply to: secular studies #802510

    OP- as this topic is education-related, i feel it’s my duty to point out-“their not a minority”. i love it.

    in reply to: Hey! Is That My House #802829


    in reply to: so i blushed…… #803774

    anyone think of just telling him WHY your having this dilemma. then he’ll understand himself instead of feeling brushed off.

    in reply to: ????? ???? ???? #870928

    sometimes you just get a dud. dont feel too bad.

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802695

    sam- after a few years in seminary, there are a few things i dont question her on; this is among them.hanhagos and the like.

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802686

    my wife, who has a firm grip on hilchos tznius has just informed me that covering up too much, as the scary ladies in meah shearim who actually, no, im not kidding, wear burkas with slits for eyes(part of a fringe movement that no-one holds of), is also a lack of tznius cuz dressing like that attracts attention. it would stand to reason that eye-catching sunglasses shouldnt be different.

    in reply to: Figs #806976

    ya the sugya in makkos, or more specifically rashi, goes through all the issurim. four for sheretz,one for flying sheretz (4+1=5),and 2 for swimming = 6. i think. havent learnt it in 3 years though, so check it up.

    in reply to: My date.. #803242

    okeedokee. this thread is ridiculous, just a bit. standard date 1 dresas code isnt cas. thats understood.if your planning on investing heavily in this promising relationship, you come dressed to say so. (not in white gown though; could be misleading

    in reply to: Elul is almost here! #802415

    OMG!! yay!!!

    in reply to: so i blushed…… #803728

    A. He’s in college so he probably isnt “Mr. Yeshivish”.

    B. He might have done it because HE feeks awkward and new in a new school and is trying to aclimate.

    C. He might have not put that much thought into it in the first place; you may be looking into this too deeply.

    D. All of the above are probably true. Clearly this guy isnt a typical lakewood yeshivish dude so cut him some slack. He doesnt have to shtim with your def. of ben torah; in fact who said he wants to- your all assuming hes intyerested in being what you call appropriate. maybe hes not. its harmless. fartig.

    in reply to: Making a Song Out of a Pasuk #802883

    sma2- R Baruch Ber composed “kol dodi dofek”, and as one of the gedolei hador i’m sure he had firm halachic ground to stand on.

    in reply to: Not trying to offend anybody but are you for real?! #802450

    some advice- like chulent recipes (yum!) and the like i only trust a certified posek. for shidduchim and other life decisions i’ll generally rely on the coffee room.

    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #842992

    i just discovered the best cgulent ive ever tasted, and im pretty particular. after the basics add: 4 cloves of fresh garlic( and leave out garlic powder), 2 sauteed onions(and leave out the powder), a bottle of beer (light), and a few squirts of soy sauce. believe me its literally unbelievable.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803637

    my brim is small. so hah. i dont like cowboy hats. and-josh- when the hamoin am was separated by their general look fom the goyim maybe they didnt need the black hat.(as an aside they all wore some sort of hat/cap.) nowadays many jews are trying to dress like the goyim. this is as new a phenomeneon as black hats- so maybe its counterbalances.

    in reply to: shrin=physcologist. reason for this illustrious nickname, anyone? #802042

    o boy. so much funny. i assumed you knew it was a silent “K”.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803626

    sam2- please. an apikores? an intensely right winger in terms of hashkafa and i dont think that. i often play devils advocate at the risk of getting modded. so believe me thats not true.

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802642

    no gadol assured wearing shorts to kol nidrei. but some things there are sensetivities about. thats all

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803622

    i dont think a black hatter considers himself more frum. i think he has confidence in his approach to avodas hashem because many, many gedolim of previous times and the present endorse or otherwise agree with the way of life he has chosen. im not saying that confidence manifests itself in the most agreeable way, but is still think thats what it is,, not a sense of being holier then thou.

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