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  • in reply to: help!!!!!!!!!! #805230

    a physcologist is called a shrink. do you know why?

    in reply to: My date.. #803202

    im assuming this isnt normal normal yeshivish dating or you wouldnt have planned dinner. that said, your post wasnt specific enough. how “yeshivish” are you. generally reg. clothes for date one is a nono. but maybe something came up. maybe…who knows. dont dump her.

    in reply to: i'm scared! #802205

    OMG!! Waht will we do!!…

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802629

    first of all. obviously sunglasses in and of themselves arent a problem. to anyone whos honest to themselves and has open eyes, big fashion sunglasses are totally in style and attract atention. thats the problem. what i mean is, are you wearing sunglasses that dont have thick arms and frame? or are your sunglasses actually horse blinders in disguise. if you can honestly answer then youve answered the ops question. also, go check out what the yeshiva bochurims first accesory is when he dresses up (or dresses down) for his bein hazmanim cross country road trip. they will be sunglasses, and they will be large. thats cuz theyre makingh a statement. and the statement theyre making is the same one when a frum anyone wears them- whether you mean it or not.

    in reply to: off the derech #801735

    go find a learning earning thing. or do daf yomi and work. dont impart foreign hashkafos just to be in an institution.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803614

    anonymo7654e34s. they look difeferent. duh. moot point.Sam- i agree that tzitzis will show that your jewish. e ven if madonnas wearing them. but- someone who wants to show what he believes in ie hashkafos, ideals, and his high regard for a certain way of life makes that statement by wearing as hat. he could also put a sign around his neck. maybe everyone else would too. or maybe they wouldnt. i dont understand why you take issue with someone wearing their heart on their sleeve. and in response to saying that tzitzis shows this too, i would argue that the giggly breslov guy in tzfas- i met him there yesterday- doesnt have the same regard for a blatt gemara as does the roshei yeshiva whose footsteps i want to follow in. thats why i wear a hat. are you opposed to a tzioni wearing an israeli flag on his backpack? if he means to identify with what he believes is a jewish ideal then his tzitzis should be enough and his actions should bother you. please respond- iom interested in what you think- sam2.

    in reply to: Hebetude Persons #806838

    yay i have a thesauras too

    in reply to: aahhh…FIRST DATE…HEEELLP!!! #804103

    its probably not the best thing for your prospective shidduch and your whole matziv to hear a gagillion opinions in the CR. just saying- itll confuse you

    in reply to: If You Get a Bad Psak #801678

    i was illustrating what someone said above,no cause for concern.

    in reply to: Divorced and Remarried Woman–didn't cut her losses #801468

    you can never know what happened. never

    in reply to: off the derech #801717

    obviously a child raised in a certain hashkafic environment by his parents; with future education decisions made by his parents will not end up in an MO institution, because they probably dont want him talikg to girls. thats not really a solution; more like an admitted defeat. this kid needs a shoulder to cry on and then to man up and take control.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803607

    sam2-your arguements are singularly not compelling. A hat is an association with a certain segment of the population,granted. tzitzis, unfortunately, have become part of a look, aside from the mitza observance that lies in wearing them. hollywood stars have been spotted in tzitzis. na nachs who do nothing but giggle and dance all day wear tzitzis. i agree it should not be so. take their tzitzis away and i wont need a hat. tzitzis (especially low-hanging ones with tcheiles) have become part of a grunge hippy look. so yes, these associations do exist, and tzitzis, in this day and age, do not tell the truth about a person.

    in reply to: Helping Fat People Lose Weight #801967

    maybe someone wrote this, i havent read all the post but if steadiloy drink about a gallon of water a day youll see results soon. do that with moderate excercise and dieting and youll drop poundage real quick

    in reply to: I'm hungry! #801847


    in reply to: New York=Israel Why???? #801398

    o please all you hear from in towners is how many restaurants and bungalow and lexuses they have. gimme a break. and maybe there are more NY in EY because ratio-wise there are more. duh

    in reply to: If You Get a Bad Psak #801674

    my rebbe told me that r mohes tshuva to make tea on shabbos in a kli shlishi was given to an old sick woman and shouldnt be followed for the hamoin am. just an example.

    in reply to: New York=Israel Why???? #801395

    i hear all the taanos of those who haven’t moved to EY. it is still obvious that NYers are way more complacent and content in NY then most other jewish communities in NA.

    in reply to: Haifagirl #881519

    Every single post about the values of good grammar and punctuation has had some sort of typo within. I would suggest that it’s a siman from Above. Stop the grammar police. I don’t want it.

    in reply to: CR stands for communal rabbi" AT&T rabbis!!! #801475

    cant READ, as in run through, toras shebiksav at night. if you learn it with rashi or meforshim its ok

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803596

    the hat represnts. thats identify with an ideal, an image. of course, there are people that have those ideals and dont wear a hat. but if you want to show someone what your service of hashem entails, a hat says it. thats the practical application.

    in reply to: Supporting your son-in-law #988584

    ya seriously.issues like that should be clarified early on.

    in reply to: off the derech #801707

    i want to remind all posters that only one side of this story is being presented, which means at best half the facts, perhaps mostly opinions. i was at risk and getting out of it is nearly impossible. i got “busted” and my RY yelled at me for half an hour and broke down crying. thats what i needed to snap out of it. maybe the op had recieved previous intervention that he didnt respond to. in todays day and age its easy to crucify every rov and RY, but the truth is that its the easy way to play the blame game. bite the bullet and snap out of it. its your life and dont let the fact that your mad cloud your shtayging. on a harsher note get over yourself jst a bit. people have been through this and worse. find someone older – in their forties or fifties that you can trust. younger people often seem like thew ones you want to talk to but i find that age = wisdom and experience, and they generally have less ulterior motives.

    in reply to: Kohanim not being able to go to exhibits with real dead people. #800204

    yay. i love cheese.

    in reply to: Haifagirl #881508

    I get get my grammar kicks from the book title ‘Eats, Shoots, and Leaves’. A very worthwhile read. but grammar police on the internet is really not appreciated.


    ya for all the unfairness in shidduchim boys are the ones who need to do all the work for the date and they have to spend oodles of cash

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801770

    im aint usually harsh or nuthin, shucks. im just a bit fed up lol

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801768

    do you understand how annoying un-asked for help is. how about dis-asked for. ya i made upa word. it means when you are driving the whole CR crazy and you are repeatedly asked to stop but continue to add punctuation where no-one wants or cares for it. get off your high horse.

    in reply to: Hamevin Yavin #807005

    i use it when i think ill get modded. i hope the mods wont chap. and the people i want to chap will. vihameivin yovin

    in reply to: ??? ???? ?? ???? – For women only! #1029314

    why doesnt the shor say its sorry and the para forgive him?


    Mpc for president


    there is a city in japan called Usa. alot of stuff is made there cuz you can print made in usa and people think you mean america. maybe he’s in japan

    in reply to: Kohanim not being able to go to exhibits with real dead people. #800198

    i have seen mummies in the open in a museum. the body, not a sarcophawhatevertheheckitscalled


    you just gotta chil out and know that ein oid milvado; what looks like a great shidduch may not be the right one, or vica versa. point being worrying’s not gonna help because its b’yad Hashem. if you take that to heart itll be way easier

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803529

    original posters intention was understood. 100 years ago everyone, yes everyone; any grown up man wore a hat. it was standard attire. not only the rich and famous wore it. it wasnt a status symbol. people nowadays have changed whats the norm. the bnei torah arent looking to dress like ceos; they want to dress like normal, respectable people. if nowadays the average joe doesnt have enough respect for himself to dress in a bkovodik’ manner that doesnt change what is really standard nice attire. so actually, the standard would be jeans and a t shirt, because we’re not aiming to look like ceos

    in reply to: Come on Mods #825553

    i might pull out a shotgun on the cop. that should send him flying. your comments and/or enlightening corrections are not appreciated. can you post a schedule of when you are online so ill know when to avoid this website? thanks

    in reply to: You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…) #800810

    aries i think you need to chill out just a bit. the op put his topic in inspiration/mussar. what should be posted there- the yankees stats? you can read what you want. but he/she has the can post all the mussar vorts he wants.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803527

    modern society doesnt dress well or respectably. do you want the uniform of bnei torah to be jeans and a t shirt?

    in reply to: Goyish brands, that are kosher… #800363

    whatevers cheaper

    in reply to: You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…) #800800

    interstingly enough,it shtims with the poshut pshat. the gemara learns from here the issur to rent your house to someone who will bring in an avodah zara. maybe cuz it will affect you just by being there. (ayin meshech chochma)

    in reply to: Why are people still smoking? #845884

    i know nthis is an old thread. i think its kidei to mention something. smoking is dumb. theres a good chance it will kill you. comparisons to artery clogging fatty foods are dumb, and i think that is self understood. however, the questionisnt all that valid. cigarettes are addictive; physically, emotionally, physcologically. no-one will get up and tell you its right. but quitting takes literally super human effort. so if someone is still smoking its understandable. not good- but understandable. calling them morons and abusive is unfair. smoking is not a deciding factor on whether a person is good or not. if you have never been addicted and tried to quit you CANNOT understand what theyre going through. cut them some slack and stop hating. at least its not something directly harmful to their neshama. and to make shidduchim harder for boys on purpose, such as a policy that even if he smoked five years ago and quit, my daughter still wont go out with him, is achzoriyus. he saw the error of his ways and quit- give the guy a break. maybe go break his legs cuz he used to smoke? and another thing- theres a difference between wanting to quit and knowing you need to for whatever reason but not actually desiring to stop smoking. if you dont want to quit- just your doctor tells you to, you still love the cigarette and you wont be able to. if you have a tangible reason now why to quit its way easier. exhale.

    in reply to: Come on Mods #825549

    mods- no more grammar police please.

    in reply to: Post Yom Kippur Fasting Advice #817054

    im starting cheesecake for next shavuos. ill sell it for pesach.

    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800911

    actually the gemara also says ha’ochel bashuk domeh lakelev. i would also like to point out that the fact that it grabs mens attentions is the litmus test. someone posted b4 that we shouldnt be looking – fakert! ( i dont mean we should be looking lol) if its grabbing attention we’re not trying to look- it’s in our faces- which is a general guideline for whats not tznius.

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801759

    enough of the grammar police! it’s getting annoying to post in here; you have to look over your shoulder. please leave us alone- we can decipher posts our own without your comprehensive expertise sending us back to 6th grade. i’m not trying to attack or be mean but enough is enough.

    in reply to: Tumah in Camp – we must differentiate ourselves from the Goyim #808224

    i think this is one of the most difficult topics ever posted. the first time i read the OP my reaction was to just type chill. then i thought more and realized that today maybe its not safe to chill. then i read it again and thought”AHHHH!!” big sakonoh. then i thought “chill it was a mock wedding”. in conclusion this doesnt appear to be a standard troll post. i would say it requires hadrachah from a real, experienced moreh derech or mechaneh. not the 30 year old shnuk round table kind, a real rosh yeshiva.

    in reply to: Derech Halimud #1093333

    move to ey. you just wanna taynah. nothings gonna actually answer you if your set on moving faster unless you do (and get the hanhala mad) or move. your not gonna get a constructive, satisfying answer. fartig

    in reply to: Kohanim not being able to go to exhibits with real dead people. #800191

    accepted ,lol

    in reply to: no sad news for a kallah #799508

    R gedalya schoor writes that the simcha of engagement of nowadays is that 40 days b4 leidas havlad a bas kol goes out” bas ploinee l’ben ploinee” and on this world we dont know who it is. when people are mishadeich its mivarer the safek- v’ein simcha k’hataras hasfeikos

    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800903

    i think any1 chewing gum on the street is an aside my mother once tried to redd a shidduch- after giving glowing info on a special girl the mother had one question,”does she chew gum?”

    my mother, utterly astounded, answered,” I dont know if she chew gum. But i do.”

    in reply to: Derech Halimud #1093323

    the reason ehy yeshivos in EY go faster is because theyvce never heard of cris colombus and cant name four elements on the periodic table. their entire curriculum is learning. youre coming from high school. your computer literate and just finished regents. maybe going slow will clear your head of 10 years of limudei chol.

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