yummy cupcake

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  • in reply to: single peolpe are marriage counsellors? #807278

    i actually spoke to someone who said he had a marriage councelor at a shabbos meal. the councelor had been divorced four times. go figure.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223693

    i wrote this on the good news thread, but mazal tov adorable!!!!!!!!!! and i still wanna know how everyone found out, cuz i don’t see mention of it anywhere!

    in reply to: Any news about boy hurt from live wires? #803149

    they added a name. it’s now chaim reuven dovid. may we hear besuros tovos b’karov!!!!

    in reply to: best/worst compliment???? #802871

    i think it’s funny when ppl say “oh my gosh, i didn’t recognize you- you look so good/amazing/stunning!!!!!”

    like, thanks. did i used to look THAT bad??????

    in reply to: Dating in a Hurricane! (or immediately after) #804812


    in reply to: Irene Message: Clean Eyes Message I=Eye, Rene, Rein=Clean(Yidish) #802168

    wow wow wow!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Time for new thread #802968

    i used to like entenmann’s donuts. the white cake with chocolate over it. but then i took on cholov yisrael…

    in reply to: Should I go to Monsey for Shabbos??? #802272

    last i checked, monsey was IN new york. unless there is a different monsey you are traveling to, or you are in a different new york, that does not have a monsey. so now, what’s your question?

    in reply to: How do you deal with negative people? #801483

    adorable- on the contrary. these negative people need ppl with a positive attitude to be there for them (to an extent), give them a listening ear, and comfort them, and basically try to make them see the positive even through what is seemingly negative. They might not want to hear of it in the beginning, but you never know who you will rub off on in the end. if you rub off on even one person like this, it will have been totally worth it! but like kapusta said, don’t let the situation of the person really get to you to the point where you are not properly functioning on what is important to you.

    in reply to: Life Coach: Pros and Cons (squeak vs. aries) #801568

    my friend is a certified life coach. she is so amazing, and she works mostly with teens (girls) who are having trouble with yidishkeit/family/friends/school… you get the picture. you really have to Daven tho, that you say the right thing the right way at the right time, cuz no matter how hard you worked to become certified, these kids don’t always want to hear what you have to say, and you could c”v make them feel worse. but it’s all b’yad H-Shem.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223671

    mazal tov e/o!

    and, mazal tov, one of my closest closest friends is getting married tonight!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story #819668

    i know everyone has told you this already but: wow wow wow! you really sound like an amazing person. you really make one realize that you have no right to judge people based on their situation, because you never know the whole situation, and you don’t know how much the person grew from his/her situation. may H-Shem give you the strength to keep going and to become the best person you could be, bringing more kedusha and bracha into this world.

    in reply to: aahhh…FIRST DATE…HEEELLP!!! #804101

    oh no! sorry you felt that way! so now back to what someone said before. are you only traumatized because you were nervous and uncomfortable, or because it was really a bad date (if you really think about it, i doubt your answer will be the second one). but look at the bright side, if he wants to go out with you again, you don’t have to go through the “meeting process” again. you will have met him already, may take the edge off the nerves. and obv, if he wants to go out again, your nervousness did not matter to him, and it shows you he can see beyond it, to the special person you are. (but i’m just saying this as encouragement, cuz obv, i dunno what his thoughts are) and if it turns out that he is not the one, don’t be discouraged. whoever is bashert for you will like you for who you are, and nerves won’t get in the way of that. hatzlacha and keep us posted!

    in reply to: aahhh…FIRST DATE…HEEELLP!!! #804096

    2cute, how’d it go? if u answer this, we know you survived B”H!!! but really, was it as horrifying as you thought????????

    in reply to: Wish me luck! I need it TODAY!!! #801086

    hatzlacha rabba!

    in reply to: Married to a Black Berry #803029

    speak to him and tell him how you feel when he is constantly playing around with his phone. if that doesn’t work, maybe you can somehow at least start weaning him off of it. start off small. try to get him to go without it for 15 minutes, eventually a half hour, 45 min., an hour….see if that works. might sound childish, but hey, if it works it was worth it!

    in reply to: Best orchestra #800754

    i love neshama!

    in reply to: Coffee Room Etiquette #800489

    1) don’t type in all caps (that seems to be a biggy here!)

    2) remember, we are all different, coming from different places, different backgrounds, have totally different life situations, but we all come from the same Source. Treat everyone with respect. Your tone of voice can be heard through your posts, and even though we don’t know each other, words can be hurtful. We all have tzelem Elokim, and deserve to be treated with respect, and in a dignified manner. I’ll try to work on that. Hope you will too. (even trolls deserve a little respect 🙂 )

    in reply to: You Are Cordially Invited #1096096

    goq, i guess you are somewhere on the east coast, so i am an hour late to your party, but better late than never! happy birthday and many many more!!!!!!




    – –



    sorry that’s the best i could do 🙂 it looks better as i write it, but then it gets messed up when it posts. promise when i am looking at it, it looks like a smiley with a party hat.

    in reply to: please say tehillim #799423

    just letting you know that gefen came out of the tests fine Baruch H-Shem. thanks for all your tfillos!

    in reply to: please say tehillim #799419


    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solution #799407

    yeshivabochur, i hear what you are saying, but first of all, you can’t just have one income, the husband’s, and then say, now the wife doesn’t have to worry about a thing. one income is just not enough these days (sometimes, even two isn’t enough!) now, yes, there are exceptions to this rule, like the very wealthy ppl,or the young couples being supported by their parents (which is a whole different discussion) but you know, i don’t think young couples (not being supported by parents) are part of this exception. i can hear that one income is enough until you have kids.(that is ultimately what I want) but once the kids come, and hopefully, there will be at least a few, you really need the money, and these days, you need both the income of the husband, and that of the wife.

    also, what you said about bochurim who are not cut out to be the next roshei yeshiva- i don’t agree. yes, if the bochur is mamash just sitting there and warming benches, and he really doesn’t want to be there, but he is doing it because that’s the thing to do, and it’s the “only way to get a good shidduch”, then he should go to work. but if someone is sincerely sitting and learning, and it means the world to him to be engaged in learning the precious words of the Torah, just because you don’t think he will become the next rosh yeshiva (and how are you supposed to be able to judge that anyway?)why would you rip him away from it? he is not wasting his time! and how do you know he won’t be the next rosh yeshiva? it doesn’t happen overnight! all big roshei yeshiva had to start somewhere. if they would have gone by your advice, we would be minus many of the great gedolim and roshei yeshiva we have today!

    now, i think it would work, and make all sides happy, if: boy wants to learn. girl wants husband to learn, at least until they have kids. girl works. boy learns. they have a kid. boy works and definitely sets aside as much time as possible to learn, and keeps aside time, to assist wife in housekeeping and helping take care of kid. girl works (and it is possible to get a job that you can do from home, or you can find a job that only requires you to work half day- and don’t say that it’s not realistic, because i know so many wives who are doing either of these two options) once the kids get older and are all in school, if wife is working out of the house, she can lengthen her working hours, if desired, or if needed. there! now everyone is happy!

    in reply to: what do you do #798855

    kudos to the ywncr! look at this! not even so many ppl have come to this thread yet, but we are so many ppl, doing so many different things, we are all at different stages of life, and the cr brings us all together into one big happy family! thanks ywn!

    in reply to: sheves achim 2 #1152926

    my absolute faves on the cd are the first three songs (sheves achim, mayim karim, and the artist) and the sixth (sameach)!

    in reply to: High School! #802252

    people take high school way too seriously. amazingirl97, everyone goes through high school, and lives to tell the story (B”H). you will be fine! just be a good student, listen in class, take notes, study, and you will do great! and by my first line, i did not mean to advise you not to take school seriously, i just meant to chill, because its not as bad as people make it sound. it’s actually an amazing experience and high school is the place where so much of your growth takes place. so cherish every moment!

    in reply to: But I looove the rain – Anyway!! #798941

    observanteen, why did you write the title the way you did? do you know the song?

    in reply to: what do you do #798827


    in reply to: Hello #798776

    welcome welcome!!! hope you have an awesome time here! why don’t you tell us a little bit about urself? not too much of course. but what age range are you in 10-20, 21-30, 31-40,….. (i assume ur a female)

    so lemme introduce myself- i’m called yummy. i’m in the upper end of the 10-20 range, i live in the midwest (my second homes are the cr and only simchas). oh yeah, i’m a girl. or young lady. whichever way you have it.

    looking forward to getting to know you!!!!!!


    in reply to: Photos in the CR #1121578

    hey, and i’m sure i can find one of a yummy lookin’ cupcake (thanks for the idea, 600kb!

    in reply to: Photos in the CR #1121572

    and the confidentiality of this site goes right down the drain… i personally don’t think that would work, and like coffee addict said- definitely pritzus (esp the pics of women/girls) definitely not right for a yeshiva world.

    in reply to: Today Is The Day! #797893

    AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Jokes #1201856

    what did shakespear’s bull say when looking for her boyfriend?

    wherefore art thou, rodeo

    in reply to: I moved! #797720

    may we ask to where you moved? hatzlacha with everything!

    in reply to: Thank you cards #796903

    dear so and so,

    thank you so much for the ________ (name the gift)

    (or if it was monetary– thank you so much for your very generous gift).

    i/we appreciate it greatly. thank you for helping us build our bayis ne’eman b’yisrael.

    may we always share in simchos together.


    cshapiro and chosson :))

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223654

    mazal tov kylbdnr!!! may you be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael. much hatzlacha with the preparations!

    in reply to: Could someone please explain the Joseph story to me? #798883

    goq, ayc and minyan gal, i was thinkin’ of saying the same thing, but checked, cuz i assumed someone would’ve put it on here already!

    in reply to: Bracha #796543

    amen!!!!!! and same back to you!!!!!! happy birthday!!!!

    in reply to: does ur screen name represent a/t bout u? #875824

    my name indicates that i had a different name first, but it was too similar to someone else’s so i changed it to the next closest thing, but not too similar.

    in reply to: Wierd, Great or Interesting Names #799943

    i know someone named shcneiur zalman yissachar getzel, and someone named chaim yechiel mechel simcha. don’t worry, they are not called by all four names!

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914097

    kshmo, i never heard that one before! that’s crazy! truthfully, these are all crazy! i always tell people, its not a shidduch crisis- its a priorities crisis!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: How Often Do You Eat Meat? #1088160

    same here, yid

    in reply to: How Often Do You Eat Meat? #1088150

    i would eat it every meal if i could! i am a major fleishigs person!

    in reply to: CR POSTERS #793297

    i’m a young morah!!! and i love my job!!! and i love all the kinderlach that i teach!!!

    in reply to: why is ywn radio on now???????? #793927

    i figured that, but it can’t be that difficult! i was hoping someone would say my original answer was right. 🙂

    in reply to: Texting on Shabbos could be worse than murder #794039

    i just saw the title for this thread. its a good thing i know that now, because i was just gonna text on shabbos, but i guess i’ll go murder someone instead!

    in reply to: What do you do Shabbos Afternoon #838691

    men or women? from a woman’s point of view, i can tell you i usually get together with friends and/or go to a shiur, or stay home and spend quality time with my family

    in reply to: Is it worth it to get married and divorced? #792130

    worth it? obviously, in HaShems plan, this marriage had to be, whether anyone understands or not. is His plan not worth it? not up to us to say whether or not its worth it. it is up to us to trust HaShem that it had to happen for a reason (ie: if they were married long enough and had kids, those kids obviously had to be born), and see what we could learn from the situation to come better.

    by we i mean general population, as i am not yet married. and i give all those marrieds and singles a bracha never to have to go through something like this, and if someone here did, or is, we have no idea what pain you are going through, but may HaShem help you and guide you and always be there for you and soon give you a reason to rejoice like never before!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223621

    os- only simchas! (that’s my second home)

    yossi z- i dunno why, but ur not the only one who said that to me! (i guess if anyone here comes to the midwest, just stay off the roads!!!!!)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223618

    omg!!!!!!!!! c shapiro, i saw this the other day on os, and i was sure it was you, i didn’t wanna post tho, just in case. mazal tov!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may you be zoche to build a bnb with ur football player 🙂

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223614

    i got my license!!!!!!!!!!

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 494 total)