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Here you go:
(All the quotes from TorahUmadda are from one thread and there were in fact more, but they were redundant so I left them out. Additionally, several of the quotes here are from threads from three years ago when I first joined the coffee room, and I may have said some things in the follies of my youth which I would not say now.)
“I am not going to keep harping on your asinine intellectually dishonest misconceptions…”
“If you have no kavod for gedolum and you’re not machshiv what you’re sons rebbeim are teaching them, please keep it to yourself. It doesn’t matter how many seforim you can quote, you are crum.”
(the plumber)
“The sheer arrogance of this statement is staggering.”
“This is an example of where you ignore responses to you and talk “around” them. I have used this while trolling very effectively”
“Stop with your lawerly kup-dreing”
“This is an egregious misrepresentation of the havanah…”
“C’mon mods, it is far more likely that I call PAA a Kofer and believe it than vice versa. :)”
“Wow. This is beyond arrogant. But at least now you’ve made it abundantly clear that this is agenda driven, and that you’re unsinterested in hearing anything else to the contrary.”
“PAA, says kefirah. Enough is enough.”
“Why do you have to be whiny?”
“This is nonsensical and irrelevant. You for some reason seem incapable of making what is a fairly straightforward distinction…”
“So what you are saying is that you are not ma’amin be’emunah sh’leimah?”
“You just like being contrarian”
It seems that the original post no longer exists.
“Is it possible that Patur’s name just might be a freudian slip?? lol”
“why do you keep posting mekoros to back up your position long after people have stopped debating you. mima nafshach, either you’re just right, or people find you so annoying that they don’t engage you in conversation anymore.”
“I think it is quite outrageous to suggest that you understand the place and scope of mesorah in Judaism better than the Gedolei Rosh Hayeshivos.”
“You’ve quite frankly argued yourself into circles, probably because you forgot what your original position was.”
“This is nonsensical, circular logic, or gruesomely misleading (but still nonsensical).”
“PAA, like I said — stop with your lawerly convoluted arguments. Admit the truth.”
“If it makes you happy, you’re both kofrim.”
“You are yet again substituting ignorance for understanding…”
“PAA, you have made taking quotes out of context into an art form.”
“My wife says PAA is meshuga l’davar echod”
“you cannot say smthng halichically absurd and when proven wrong just say its a limud zechut. lo zu haderech.”
(Davar Katan)
“PAA was talking about the 12 step program? What does he know about it?”
“You are spewing blistering rhetoric to mask your ignorance.”
“…you are so much more removed from reality than I can imagine.”
“Pardon me if you wrote it in extreme innocence.”
“That seems like just the kind of belief that would come from not learning anything in shcool”
“I was not commenting upon her desire to daven, but on your statements that show a disdain for for both Torah and secular learning.”
“Not everything written should be quoted.”
“…taking R’ Chaim out of the realm of “hypothetical lomdus” (black hat tip to Gavra) is so outrageous, yet that is what you are doing.”
“Just bc you’re sitting by a computer doesn’t mean you turn off your lomdut”
(Davar Katan)
“Why oh Why do you insist on ignoring everything I post?”
(Ben Levi)
“…bringing more mareh m’komos of shittos which we don’t have a mesorah to follow doesn’t help your case.”
“Not good to mix jokes w/ real torah.”
“Patur aval tiyuvta…”
(Davar Katan)
“But seriously Patur Aval Assur, you’ve got to be kidding…”
(Sister Bear)
“PAA- I AM A GIRL!!!! if i walked into a beis medrash- there would be problems!!!!”
“demeaning Torah, halacha and gedolim is not okay”
“Sam and PAA, you have just destroyed the concept of Torah shebaal peh.”
“You have an interesting habit of dismissing dissenting opinions.”
“PAA: Meh.”
“You don’t have to force a wedge where it doesn’t fit.”
“It’s funny that you left out the other Pshatim if the Maharal. When there’s a point to make..”
“Oh, the halacha man are you. Don’t you think it is halacha that you are supposed to daven?”
“Now that they have been wrong for years, for you to agree with them is like believing in fairies, in that both are stupid.”
“”My point is that from what I see in my dealings with Orthodox Jews” Ulifi shehotzi atzmo.”
“…why are you hocking here”
“I object to this thread…”
“that doesn’t seem like so compelling logic.”
“Do you know the concept of angel?”
“PAA, u make no sense.”
“Yes, it was trickery on your part, please do not engage in that any more.”
“We’ll do this multiple choice style:
1) PAA, behave yourself.
2) That is the most moronic Diyuk I have ever heard
3) Koifer!
4) Try that again and you are blocked
5) I am kidding
6) All of the above”
“Mr. big talker, patur aval assur…”
“You stole that T’shuvah…”
“This is not reform”
“Just to annoy you.”
“Right is right, whether you can successfully prove it or not.”
“PAA, you seem to spend a lot of time delving deeply into the sugya of why we shouldn’t spend a lot of time delving deeply into one sugya.”
(This was originally in a different thread, but seems to have been expunged from there.)
“If you would know how to learn b’iyun, you would have chapped that it was a backhanded compliment. ;)”
“Some of PAA’s comments are tolerable.”
“And there you go again, mixing up proof and being right.”
“Now watch PAA make painful diyukim on my line.”
“oh stop it!!!!”
“If this is anything like the iyun thread, you’ll never end up deciding.”
“I think this is facetious…”
“…I realized how bad your portrayal of the other CR members was…”
“”merely spewing Aramaic quotes that have no relevance to anything, but give the impression of being somewhat learned.”
Precisely the point I was trying to make”
“In other words ‘do I have to be consistent and not hypocritical.'”
“Patur avul Assur- you […] have obviosuly no respect for our Minhagim and our Gedolim. Shame on you.”
“You’re NUTS”