always here

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  • in reply to: Chicken Bottom Ideas #735217
    always here

    re: vegies — asparagus: my husband has me remove all the feathery, buds at the top because of possible infestation, & too hard to check.


    I bake my chicken, with whatever topping/herbs/sauce for a good 1.5+ hrs.

    the rice comes out fine, & very flavorful from the chicken juices.

    in reply to: An open letter to the Egyptian Rioters #735401
    always here

    new2thescene~ veryy clever! 🙂

    in reply to: I did not sign up to be a punching bag #735494
    always here

    haifagirl, Oomis… triplets… I do the same 🙂

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757939
    always here

    yossi z.~ Chico was the oldest Marx brother.. he used to (pretend to) speak with an Italian accent & wore a Tyrolean hat.

    Chico, Groucho, Harpo, Gummo, Zeppo … all Jews, of course 🙂

    eclipse- refuah sheleima b’karov!

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757927
    always here

    eclipse– wouldn’t ‘Yinglish words & phrases’ make a good new thread? 🙂

    in reply to: Heimish: What Does it Mean to You? #929207
    always here

    yes, Derech– that’s how I use it, too.

    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993081
    always here

    always here is my screen name, duh, not a subtitle.. altho’ it does sound like one 🙂

    in reply to: How do I get a free flight to Israel? #877746
    always here

    onegoal~ I understood every word & some would consider me an old (-ish) lady

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757921
    always here

    cute, Goq! *always here*

    in reply to: Share Your Worst Date Ever! #777917
    always here

    Sac~ I was waiting for that response, but was wondering if the Mods would let it thru… it’s a ‘teenage words’-worthy expression.

    in reply to: Share Your Worst Date Ever! #777907
    always here

    oomis1105~ that story you related is horrific, hurtful, & sad.

    ” It was such an appalling lack of menschlechkeit.”– you’re not kidding!!! :/

    in reply to: p'chah #735072
    always here

    oomis1105~ “brioche”?! hoo-ha! shmancy lady, LOL 😉 ..j/k

    in reply to: How do I get a free flight to Israel? #877733
    always here

    oomis1105~ “Auction tickets to E”Y are expensive, and while the cost is tzedaka, there is no guarantee of winning.”

    I’ve seen tkts for 2 to Israel for as low as a $5.00 raffle. the 2nd half of your sentence it more to the point… in other words, you can hope, but don’t count on it. also– restrictions usually apply, which means there’s a cap on the am’t they’ll allow for the cost of the tkts &/or blackout dates.

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757903
    always here

    binahyeseira~ no, I haven’t. thanks. Amen! 🙂

    in reply to: p'chah #735065
    always here

    per Wikipedia: “P’tcha has high amounts of protein but is low in fat and cholesterol.”

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? #1194473
    always here

    used to be chocolate all the way for me; now it’s coffee or cherry vanilla 🙂

    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993078
    always here

    me, too.. feeling left out 🙁 ..even tho’ I’ve only be posting here 2 months…

    in reply to: OTD #736048
    always here

    kol hakavod, Derech! stay safe! 🙂

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757896
    always here

    maybe it’s me (IRL)? lol 🙂

    in reply to: How do I get a free flight to Israel? #877721
    always here

    oy! maybe I should’ve put my post on the ‘grumpy/kvetch’ thread! 😉

    in reply to: How do I get a free flight to Israel? #877718
    always here

    EliGildener~ sorry, I have no ideas for you.

    Eclipse~ wow! you missed 2 brothers’ weddings 🙁

    I only have one sister who lives in Israel. I made a wedding a yr ago, & was soo disappointed that only she, & not my brother-in-law, came to the wedding. they’re both close to my daughter & my son-in-law (who they met in Israel & reallyy liked). then when I made another wedding 5+ months later, neither of them came ($$) & they’re reallyyy close with my son, cuz he was in Israel for over 6 yrs & even lived with them for periods of time there. my son’s wedding was half the size of my daughter’s, 250 guests vs. 500, but I only had ONE relative– a first cousin once removed- from my entire (familial) side. 🙁

    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757894
    always here

    I’d like to “Kvetch away!!” but I’m afraid people would just be feeling/saying: ‘oyyy, nebach! – refua sheleima!’ ..

    ok, so my back hurts & it turns out my dr. said “I have alot going on” with my lower discs, but I’m smiley & cheery nonetheless 🙂

    in reply to: Visiting relatives = top secret ATTN: METRODRIVER #736686
    always here

    by webcam, do you mean skype?

    in reply to: Good experiences in hospitals #734089
    always here

    thank you, Yochi.

    I posted B’H 6 great Maimonides experiences. in fact, I have an upcoming surgery, & was very disappointed to find out that my doctor doesn’t operate there. I may ask for her ‘boss’ who is the head of the dept. @ Maim.

    in reply to: Visiting relatives = top secret ATTN: METRODRIVER #736684
    always here

    “We have a phone and mail system for a reason.”

    also- email, facebook inbox or pop-up chat…

    in reply to: Academic Freedom – how far? #734008
    always here

    OH NO!!! HE’S BEEN RE-HIRED!!! ://

    in reply to: posting pictures on onlysimchas? #735742
    always here

    ahoy! man overboard!!!! … (too sarcastic/facetious?)

    in reply to: OTD #736041
    always here

    Derech HaMelech~ just curious: do you live in Chashmo or the environs?

    in reply to: Heimish: What Does it Mean to You? #929200
    always here

    my husband says: hameish-beheimish .. (his parents were Hungarish/ Czech/ Romanish)

    in reply to: herring #734285
    always here

    slimey?! ewww… oh, wait! this isn’t the p’tcha thread?!?! lol 😉

    in reply to: Of your Shidduch related decisions what would you change if you could #735786
    always here

    once again, sorry to go off topic, but: I’ve barely gotten used to the fact that ‘Health’ is a man, & now I find out that ‘aries2756’ is a woman?!?! oy vey! a blessing on my head, mazel tov, mazel tov!! 🙂

    in reply to: teenage words #734193
    always here

    lol= laughing out loud 🙂

    in reply to: If you were buying a sheitel now, which would you buy, where and who #733700
    always here

    the last ones I bought for myself, my kallah daughter, my kallah daughter-in-law, & my married daughter were from Milano, Ave. I & MacDonald, when they had sales; they did the cuts. we all love Liz @ Ben Simon’s on Ave. P for re-stylngs/re-dos.

    in reply to: herring #734276
    always here

    wanderingchana~ LOL!!! ;-D

    in reply to: p'chah #735051
    always here

    I love grieven!! oy! 😉

    in reply to: Using Maaser to pay for dates #733797
    always here

    sorry to go off topic, but: “dating can be very expensive!” ?! – for the majority of my daughter’s dates in 2 yrs., all she had was a diet coke!

    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011308
    always here

    dunno~ I tried earlier! “a “Man’s Thread”: what chores and things do you do around the house, with the children, for your wife? 🙂 “

    lol ;-P

    in reply to: intellectual thread #733589
    always here

    oy! & ty

    in reply to: intellectual thread #733587
    always here

    & I have no clue about ‘Pashuteh Yid’ vs. ‘apushatayid’! who had the name first in the CR?

    in reply to: teenage words #734184
    always here

    I used to say ‘hi’ to my in-laws,A’H, & they would always say “shtroy” (straw?)

    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011288
    always here


    in reply to: The name Shira – A Problem? #1160804
    always here

    HaLeiVi is not Joseph 😉 — I’ve had all my children already. considering I know that my married children are not so crazy about some of the names of our more recently deceased loved ones, I figure I’ll throw the suggestion out there to them… but they probably won’t care for it so much either. already, one grandson is named for R’Avigdor Miller, ZT’L.

    my husband really gives our children a hard time for not naming who HE wants named after… I’m just sayin’

    in reply to: texting #758880
    always here

    I stand corrected… I text a couple to a few times A DAY.. to my husb. & kiddos

    in reply to: The name Shira – A Problem? #1160800
    always here

    my paternal grandfather, A’H, was named Hirsh. as far as I know, no one in my family was ever named for him. my husband kept saying: ‘his name must be Tzvi Hirsh’. the matzeiva says Hirsh. he still doesn’t have anyone named after him 🙁

    so what’s the story with ‘Hirsh’?

    in reply to: herring #734265
    always here

    Imaofthree~ I DAFKA referred to my husband right @ the beginning. anyone can post here, lol 😉

    in reply to: Judging a Girl's Brother #733744
    always here

    ” just because a girl has brothers that are in college(gasp) and plan on working(gasp) but also daven with a minyan three times a day, have sedorim, wear a hat etc”


    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011270
    always here

    a “Man’s Thread”: what chores and things do you do around the house, with the children, for your wife? 🙂

    in reply to: Judging a Girl's Brother #733732
    always here

    shlishi~ I had heard it was from a Gemora, which is why it perplexes me so… a hard & fast rule, always 100%??(I am not an apikoras, just not learned in Gemora.)

    in reply to: herring #734258
    always here

    oh yeah, schmaltz, too, for my husband. I forgot cuz I just love my cream sauce, lol ;-P

    in reply to: Judging a Girl's Brother #733731
    always here

    jl~ ” but you WILL have a child with some or all of those middos. MOST LIKELY”

    I said the girl is a tzeddekes. just as you said, I also say: I have personal experience.

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