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  • in reply to: Silencing Talk Radio?! #1059759

    Well, it didn’t happen. Or did it? I don’t follow political news…

    in reply to: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be? #1059910

    So who set the inches guidelines?

    Important contemporary poskim, in consultation with experts, have determined that 4i below the knee is the minimum length necessary for a garment to keep the knee covered in any position, with some garments requiring greater length. ?? ?????.

    in reply to: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be? #1059905

    Translation: You will not find a verse in Tanach that says so,

    but neither will you find one for most of the body.

    The halachos of tznius are derived from the halachos of not saying

    d’varim shebikdusha (brachos, tefilla, Torah) in the presence

    of indecent exposure, and they include those parts of the body.

    in reply to: Boycotting Borsalino? #1070157

    I read the article. Except for one seller saying that the quality

    of the hats has gone down (though not in a way noticeable to the

    average buyer), it seemed like it could have been commissioned

    to discourage a boycott.

    They didnt interview those behind this “boycott”, or those in the 13-24 year age group

    Those said (in the article) to be behind the boycott are “Chabad bochurim,” so they’re probably in that age group, and when have

    13-24-year-olds ever been asked by Mishpacha for their opinions

    on serious(?) matters?

    in reply to: Haiku #1059646

    Nature as a concept, or some part of the natural world?

    (This isn’t your homework, is it?)

    (“Haiku is, today, a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.” In other words, they’re always 3 lines.)

    in reply to: What to call people #1060537

    ??????? ??????

    (Google) Translation: Satan-worshipper.

    in reply to: What to call people #1060529

    The standard plural is actually mongooses. Or did you mean Mongoloid?

    in reply to: Halacha Question #1058689


    in reply to: Haiku #1059641

    Ah, Lenny’s Pickles

    They are just the crunchiest

    Thank you, Haifagirl

    If your entire post

    Can fit in the title line

    Save us the trouble

    More seriously, are we supposed to write one or suggest someone else’s?

    in reply to: Why I'm an Ama'aretz #1060485

    You got me into some trouble, DaasYochid…

    Why I'm an Ama'aretz

    Do I have to re-submit all that stuff, guys, or can you just edit the phrase out of my posts and restore them? (Was it really that annoying?

    It is the Purim season…)

    Resubmit (iawtp)

    in reply to: Why working out is assur #1191421

    LOL! (@popa)

    in reply to: Why No One Posts Here Anymore #1060794

    I don’t have Internet access for nearly as much of the day as I used to.

    In fact, I hardly have it at all except for at work, where I’m supposed

    to be, you know, working.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202661

    “They all him if he’s soiree the guy is dead.”

    A handy reminder of why you shouldn’t use that feature on your phone.

    in reply to: Couplets, haikus and any short poems by weird people #1209853
    in reply to: Everyone get outside FAST #1057389

    “Yaktrax” is a brand of “ice-traction devices.”

    in reply to: Jokes #1202656

    Well, that’s ironic…

    in reply to: Couplets, haikus and any short poems by weird people #1209851

    (I’m Randomex.)

    The Kotzker Rebbe taught that anything not fully true is fully false.

    in reply to: Is it ok to publicly bash President Obama? #1055658

    (Without addressing any issues…)

    This is not the first such occurrence I’ve heard of:

    A teacher made misinformed negative remarks to

    my sister’s class about the First Lady’s choice

    of clothing for her husband’s second Inauguration Day.

    in reply to: Telegram vs whatsapp #1065145


    Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as [deleted]. A distinctive feature is that it confines photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images, in contrast to the 4:3 aspect ratio typically used by mobile device cameras. Users can also apply digital filters to their images. The maximum duration for Instagram videos is 15 seconds.

    WhatsApp Messenger is an instant messaging app for smartphones that operates under a subscription business model. The proprietary, cross-platform app enables users of select feature phones to use the Internet to transmit communication. In addition to text messaging, WhatsApp can be used to send images, video, and audio media messages. Locations can also be shared through the use of integrated mapping features.

    in reply to: Telegram vs whatsapp #1065144

    Are you sure you don’t mean Instagram (as Cozimjewish already asked)?

    Because the people here do appear to know what a telegram is.

    in reply to: This Segulah really works #1054776

    Git Meshige: I am doing it on 2 of my neighbors this year and will let you know the results……

    Has it worked yet?

    in reply to: The Chumrah Song #1077103

    Until this thread was bumped, I didn’t know LAB actually was the

    creator of those videos, although I had wondered if he was.

    (If anyone’s wondering what Yserbius quoted earlier in

    the thread, it’s “Makhmir” by the Rechnitzer Rejects.)

    in reply to: The Chumrah Song #1077102

    Yes. (I don’t know how you could have considered any other

    possibility, given my use of the word “fourth” and the context…)

    in reply to: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? #1055322

    Sheitel macher. Hatzolah dispatcher. Manual laborer.

    Stand-up comedian. Cashier. Salesperson. Cook. Many more?

    Does “not going to college” include not taking courses any other way?

    in reply to: Hebrewbooks.org Directory #1054699

    Li: >See here.<

    in reply to: Pictures #1072361

    Anyone on this site knows the first part of Lipkin’s statement is

    hogwash, even if secular people don’t – and they might, too. This is not about children. Even if it was somehow certain that the paper would never end up in a child’s hands, they wouldn’t print pictures of women. But if the world will take it, fine…

    The second part:

    Presumably, the logic is “Martyrs = holy, pictures of women = immodesty, and thus coverage of the former should not include the latter.”

    I had to work to figure that out, instead of taking it as

    “Women are unholy.” I can easily imagine people taking it that way,

    and I think it was a bad idea to say it to a secular news source.

    (It could even be interpreted as saying that the world desecrated

    the memory of the “martyrs” with their coverage…)

    Also, it’s irrelevant.

    Does the paper print pictures of women in any other context?

    No, it doesn’t, so this particular context doesn’t matter

    (unless this is meant as further reason not to bend the

    rules for this specific picture).

    in reply to: Pictures #1072359

    (Not a full response to this thread, obviously.)

    Oh, they were contacted all right…

    From The Guardian (and quoted by many news outlets):

    Binyamin Lipkin, editor of Hamevaser, said the newspaper is a family publication that must be suitable for all audiences, including young children.

    He also said he did not want to tarnish the memories of the people killed in the attacks.

    The Washington Post also included Guardian coverage of last

    time in one article (I don’t think anyone else did):

    in reply to: The Chumrah Song #1077100

    The fourth video is called “How to go off the derech.”

    (No, I’m not joking. Search for it and see.)

    in reply to: Hebrewbooks.org Directory #1054697

    Thank you, DaasYochid!

    (I think it will continue to be odd, though…)

    in reply to: A personal question #1054468

    I’m not sure what they’re called – possibly Empire. They’re large, red, and soft, but not as soft as a Macintosh (I think). I also particularly enjoyed a kind that’s tall and green, with red highlights, which I had in Israel.

    Macintosh and Granny Smith are also nice…

    I haven’t been eating apples recently.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis – Solution before the problem #1054397

    Hey, od Joseph choy! When did that happen?

    in reply to: The Laboratory II – Try Your HTML & ASCII Art Experiments Here #1054219

    Never mind (I thought your second-to-last post was from yesterday).

    in reply to: need the lyrics to nybc "pump it up" #1054405

    CxP’d from the video description on YouTube:


    VERSE 1

    His majesty, some years ago, invited all the jews to go

    to a party that he made, no one forced ’em but they all stayed

    The jews had left the torah way, their evil deeds had made them sway

    yes it made their father sad, his children were so bad partying for fun each day




    VERSE 2

    Haman hated us, you know, drew a lot for jews “to go”

    got approval from the king to do his evil thing, evil thing

    The lot fell out Adar thirteen, the jews were sad, what could this mean

    Mordechai gave his advice, repent or pay the price so light and joy will soon be seen

    VERSE 3

    Achashverosh, in his hand, a scepter of reprimand

    of her life, he could demand, Ester came without his command

    Her violation, he’d ignore, half the kingdom, ask no more

    yes, it’s Haman “blessed be he”, him I want to see party with the king and me

    VERSE 4

    The jews repented with their heart, G-d tore Haman’s plans apart

    yes he hung right on a tree, made for Mordechai Hayehudi

    Learn from all our history, how good it really all can be

    if we live a righteous life, no, there wont be strife a torah party is alright!

    in reply to: The Laboratory II – Try Your HTML & ASCII Art Experiments Here #1054217

    When do we get to see your work, SIDI™?

    in reply to: Why are there so many sticky threads? #1052492

    New answer: Because of tz’fardei’a !

    in reply to: Why is there so little CR activity all of a sudden? And… #1054459

    Hey, I’ve joined the Sticky Club! I elect myself El Tigre Numero Uno.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224359

    Mazel tov to Eftachbchinor, who has presumably gotten married!

    (>Posted on December 24<)

    in reply to: See you in… a while. #1085388

    Sorry, NeutiquamErro, I didn’t notice your post until just now

    (though it appears you haven’t been on much anyway).

    My former account was blocked.

    in reply to: Thank You HaShem for… #1051941

    Let’s use the following terminology in future:

    “rejected” – Post never made public.

    (That’s what he meant by “blocked.”)

    “deleted” – Post made public, then removed.

    in reply to: Does anyone miss me?(kj chusid) #1052883

    I have been able to verify that PAA is alive and probably well. Maybe he just decided this slow period was a good time for a CR vacation.

    in reply to: Why are there so many sticky threads? #1052491
    in reply to: Opinion – Computer Games for kids #1051911

    Despite, or perhaps because of, my love of gaming, I think I can

    understand the desire not to have video games in one’s home…

    in reply to: Does anyone miss me?(kj chusid) #1052880

    Speaking of which, it’s quite unlike Patur Aval Assur to

    disappear for weeks on end. Does anyone know anything?

    in reply to: [slippery] [sticky] situation #1052505

    (I’m being good. See?)

    In answer to RebYidd, I think the Purim season has started…

    in reply to: new jewish music videos #1051698

    “Jewish video/movie/film,” “Jewish [graphic] novel,”

    “Jewish board game,” “Jewish magazine,” “Jewish play,”

    “Jewish album (music),” “Jewish university,” “Jewish video game,”

    “Jewish sports team,” and “Jewish website” –

    which (if any) of those would also be oxymorons?

    in reply to: Coffee room terms… #1051704

    I’d rather subtract.


    When a thread is posted in, it moves to the top of the

    front page. Bumping is posting in a thread for the sake

    of that effect, in order to bring attention to the thread.


    To troll is to write insincerely

    in the hope of getting a reaction from people.

    A troll is someone who does this.

    (Posts that are obviously false or insincere are

    sometimes made on the CR for the sake of humor,

    and this is also referred to here as “trolling.”)


    A closed thread cannot be posted in.

    Only a moderator (or “mod”) can close threads (or give subtitles).


    A sticky thread is one that is kept (“stuck”) at the top of a board.

    (There are currently a few more than usual.)








    Just kidding.

    <em>Italics</em> = Italics

    <strong>Bold</strong> = Bold

    <a href=http://www.example.com>Link</a> = Link

    You can also link like this (check out the thread):


    (When linking this way, you don’t have to type the

    http://&#8221; – it’ll appear by itself.)

    <blockquote>Quotation</blockquote> =


    <code>text</code> (or just backticks – the key above Tab)

    lets you type things like <strong> without it having an effect.

    (Text typed this way uses a different font, one in which all

    characters take up the same amount of space on a line.)

    Most or all of the above can be combined. Example:

    <strong><em>Bold+Italic</em></strong> = Bold+Italic

    Oh, and you should know about the EDIT button if you’re

    going to be trying this stuff out. It’s at the bottom

    of your post, and will let you change what you’ve written

    for 25 minutes after you first post it.

    Have fun!

    in reply to: piano music notes #1051469

    He’s serious (and for “Asur,” you can look for “Azul”).

    in reply to: What happened to the funny side? #1051075

    Yes, the Italian wasn’t there to scare him away.

    in reply to: shlomo carlebach #1050752

    Patur Aval Assur put it up here:



    (Be aware that anything that was not known about at the time

    the t’shuva was written is, of course, not addressed in it.)

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