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  • in reply to: The Russia-Ukraine War Hoax #2077865

    Omg none of the posters realized op was satirical????

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2072818

    “have you ever pursed professional help”
    is that the verb for putting a business card in ur pocketbook?

    in reply to: Two Years since Covid #2072523

    “At least public attention throughout the world has turned away from fighting a virus. Instead the government is focusing its problem solving skills on Ukraine.”

    To quote someone on the jokes thread, Putin cured Covid in one day.

    in reply to: No Vax needed in NYC – if you’re a pro athlete! #2072522

    @forshayer I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. I sure hope you’re not.

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2072521

    “Rav Moshe Wolfson says that having payos behind the ears circumvents a kabalistic problem of mixing beard hair with payos hair,”

    Interesting. I know of a certain big talmid chacham (litvish) who twists his peyos into his beard. someone told me it was al pi Kabbalah.

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2072520

    “5. How long should the Peyos *ideally* be, not considering antisemitism or other external/non-halachic factors? The satmar rov said that it shouldn’t be longer than the chin”

    you ever saw a picture of the satmar rov?

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069237

    When did it become in style to get drunk on Purim? Sources close to me tell me that in European yeshivos, Bochurim didn’t get dtunk on Purim. (They did on Simchas Torah.)
    Americans of old have barely heard of the halacha.
    How recent is this?

    in reply to: JOKES #2068223

    An old lady sees a young boy at the crosswalk and helps him cross. She’s feeling good about her good deed until she hears the boy telling his friend “I helped an old lady cross the street.”

    in reply to: Book on R’ Yitzchok Scheiner #2068220

    “Additonally an entire chapter of the book is devoted to his brother in law Rabbi Goldstein, his hashkapha – again brilliantly captured – and his moissad, Beis Yehuda in Detroit, going as far as to picture R’ yitzchak with the head of the adminisstration.”
    So what’s the problem?

    in reply to: question for competent lawyers and anyone else who knows law #2060907

    rocky, ujm, and maybe others are not understanding me. An airline may impose any rule it wants. The question specifically was whether the federal law forcing the passengers to wear masks, as well as the airline to enforce said law, is unconstitutional.

    Further, the question wasn’t whether it’s constitutional to set laws upon an airplane, such as requiring wearing pants. The question was whether prohibiting the travel, including entry into the country or a different state, was unconstitutional.

    So the answer seems to be that airline commerce is different. Thanks, GH, CTL. I’ll research that and speak later.

    in reply to: WWYD: Stolen Hagbaha #2058405

    You’re sure the gabbai asked you to do hagba and not glila?

    in reply to: JOKES #2058289

    The man walks away and recognizes someone else. The once all-popular, handsome, tall teenager, now gray-haired, fat, and old. “Hey,” he approaches him. “You’re John?”
    “Yes,” John responds. “Who’re you?”
    “Gary Smith.”
    John thinks for a minute. “What class did you teach?”

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2057999

    The Republicans should devote the energies to blasting Dems and let the primaries choose the candidate.

    in reply to: quiet when people are working #2057988

    “The way some people are wired they need human connection way more frequently.”
    Some people are wired that they need food way more frequently, but that doesn’t give them a right to steal your groceries. Some people are wired that they need sleep way more frequently, but they don’t end up in your bed.

    “Don’t waste their time either and wait half a conversation for them to pick up on hints. ” Two things wrong. A) Wasting THEIR time???? Huh? B) I don’t.
    “An immediate and considerate, “Sorry really busy right now, you’re kinda interrupting my flow – please let me get back to you later,” can go a long way.”
    I achieve the same thing with about a twelfth of those words.

    in reply to: How do I search for topics in Decaffeinated Coffee? #2057987

    1. Decaffeinated coffee is on the internet.
    2. there’s a little magnifying glass next to the word “contact”, plus a sticky thread called “search the coffee room”.

    in reply to: Purim in Israel #2057986

    2/13 doesn’t = 1/60.

    Dear Romain
    If someone steals your house, call 100 immediately.

    in reply to: quiet when people are working #2057989

    “By “internet office” do you mean a “shared workspace” and if so, is it one of those with small private offices/individual cubicles or a large room with long tables where you simply set up your laptop and use their Wi-Fi??”
    It’s a room with lots of computers, but if u get permission you’re allowed to bring your own. There are two rooms, the main one each computer is divided by a divider from the next one. It’s mainly for people who don’t use it for a long time. There’s a different room for more kavua people. Both rooms have this issue.

    in reply to: quiet when people are working #2057990

    “If you are forced to be in a place with strangers, maybe think about them as family, and count time you are talking with them as cheated ( and talk accordingly). One of the baalei musar was overheard asking a farmer about his chicken and at the same time murmuring gemora to himself.”
    Maybe I should think about them like farmers and murmur gemara to myself.
    But yeah, I do count time talking with them as cheated, and talk accordingly. Maybe you didn’t gather that from my first post.

    in reply to: JOKES #2057592

    Coming from the man who boasted on his first press conference that under his administration, the economy reached the highest ever since the pandemic.

    in reply to: JOKES #2057591

    Biden: “If I got a, you know, well, quarter for every eh, george, eh, for every smart thing I said, I’d have two dimes.”

    in reply to: JOKES #2057590

    I know of a good racist joke.
    Donald Trump.

    in reply to: JOKES #2057589

    When I was young, I wanted to play the violin really badly. After years of diligence, practice, and hard work, I can now play the violin really badly.

    in reply to: JOKES #2057588

    What is red and really bad for your teeth?

    A flying brick.

    in reply to: JOKES #2057510

    A man in Paris saw a pit bull attacking a toddler. He killed the pit bull and saved the child’s life. Reporters swarmed the fellow to cover the story.
    “Tell us! What’s your name? All Paris will love you! Tomorrow’s headline will be: ‘Paris Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!'”

    The man said, “But I’m not from Paris.”

    Reporters: “That’s OK. Then the whole of France will love you, and tomorrow’s headline will read: ‘French Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!'”

    The man said, “I’m not from France, either.”

    Reporters: “That’s OK also. All of Europe will love you. Tomorrow’s headlines will shout: ‘Europe’s Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!'”

    The man said, “I’m not from Europe, either.”

    Reporters: “So, where ARE you from?”

    The man said, “I’m from Israel.”

    Next day’s headlines: “Vicious Israeli Kills Family Pet”

    in reply to: JOKES #2056805

    Walking down the street in Harlem, a policeman observes a resident pickpocketing another. The pickpocket notices him, and before the cop could react, bellows at his neighbor, “Yo man! What’s MY hand doin’ in YOUR pocket?”

    in reply to: JOKES #2056460

    pretty famous joke. but if u didn’t hear it yet, it’s a good one.

    A lawyer is driving down the street in his sports car when he sees the most miserable looking man he’s ever seen. His clothes are torn and dirty, he’s skinny as skin, and his glasses are held together with a string.
    “Sir,” he asks, rolling down the window, “have you eaten anything today?”
    “No,” the man said. “Except for some grass.”
    “Oh my goodness,” the lawyer says. “Well, hop in the car. I’ll take you over to my estate.”
    The man can’t believe his good fortune and eagerly hops into the car. “Can my wife and child come, too?” he asks.
    “Yes,” the lawyer responds, “But I’m in a bit of a hurry.”
    “They’re just down the block,” the man says, pointing. “I have elderly parents who are ill. Maybe they can come along?”
    “Sure, sure,” the lawyer says. “We just have to hurry.”
    “And how about my sister in law? She’s been living with us for the past month, after she was evicted.”
    “As long as we do it fast,” the lawyer says, a tad impatiently, “I don’t care how many people. The grass in my backyard is over foot long.”

    in reply to: Hospital Horror Stories? #2056462

    huh, emunas? Why don’t you practice what you preach?

    With the covid19 insanity there are plenty of horror stories. To quote umm, never leave a patient alone. I heard thirdhand that someone wrote a note that if he dies, it’s not because he can’t breathe, but because of starvation. And many more.

    in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2056453

    You guys might know history, but your linguistic skills need practice.
    Good thing you frequent the coffee room.
    You may have noticed that this thread (as of now) says “12” in the voices (a reference to “posters”) column, but “15” in the posts. That, even though ujm and GH both have multiple, non-successive posts. Interruption doesn’t turn someone into another person, and it doesn’t turn them into a different president.

    in reply to: JOKES #2056454

    Sara wakes up one morning but stays in bed.
    Her mother comes to her room, “Come on Sara, time for school.”
    “I’m not going to school anymore,” Sara says. “The teachers hate me, the kids make fun of me, and all it is is work, work, work.”
    “Come on Sara, you have to go to school,” her mother chides her. “You’re the principal.”

    in reply to: Democrats vs. Republicans #2056071

    Who is this due by?
    how many words does it have to be?

    in reply to: JOKES #2056069

    A man walks into a pet shop.
    “How much is that parrot?” he asks.
    “Ten thousand dollars.”
    “What? Ten grand for a parrot??”
    “This is no simple parrot. He knows the entire sefer tehillim by heart.”
    “Oh, I understand. How much is that parrot?”
    “Twenty thousand.”
    “What???? Twenty grand for a parrot??”
    “This is no simple parrot. He know the entire tehillim and mishnayes by heart.”
    “Oh. How much is that one?”
    “Fifty thousand.”
    “Yes. He knows tehillim, mishnayos, and the entires has buy heart.”
    “Wow. Well, how much is that one?”
    “One hundred thousand.”
    “What???? What does he know?????”
    “To be honest, I’m not sure what he knows. But all the other parrots refer to him as “Kvod HaRav.”

    in reply to: “I work in property management” #2056064

    He was engaged until 8:33



    Can someone help me understand why YWN has to give minutely updates on his (dis)approval rating?

    in reply to: JOKES #2054621

    Mr. and Mrs. X take the mishpacha to a dinosaur exhibit. Mrs. X’s mother comes along for the trip.
    “Wow, this place really changed since I was a little girl,” Grandma says, eyeing the fancy floors and high ceilings.
    “Yes,” Mr. X agrees. “It’s no longer a zoo. Now it’s a museum.”


    Cuz he hasn’t mastered the art of emojis yet.

    in reply to: JOKES #2053865

    A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender “Hey, you want to hear a blond joke?”
    The bartender says, “You see me? I’m blond. You see that six-foot-five guy there? He’s a body builder, weighs 200 lbs., and he’s blonde. You see that guy in the corner? He’s and undercover security guard with about three guns on him, and he’s blond. You see that woman at that table? She’s completely crazy, will fight over anything, and she’s blond. Still want to say the joke?”
    “No, no, of course not,” the customer says. “Not if I’ll have to explain it four times.”

    in reply to: I am cleaning a cholent pot right now #2053864

    How do you clean and type at the same time?

    in reply to: JOKES #2053862

    A ventriloquist is performing and in middle of his spiel says a blond joke.
    A blond woman in the audience gets up and starts screaming “That’s rude and offensive! Blondes are just as intelligent as any human! How dare you say such a disgusting thing?”
    The ventriloquist starts apologizing, explaining it’s just a joke, but the blond cuts him off. “You stay out of this, mister! I’m talking to that jerk on your knee!”

    in reply to: No No words allowed on YWN #2053861

    That’s a stupid thing to say.


    Along with several other factors.


    Can someone help me understand why Biden’s approval rating is so high?
    He’s doing a terrible job. 72% of Americans think the country is moving in the wrong direction. Why do only 54% of Americans disapprove of Biden? Why do 28% of Americans want to see Biden run again in 2024? I am having trouble comprehending these numbers! Do the American people not see Sleepy Joe’s incompetence?

    in reply to: Parashas Yisro Birthday Dvar Torah #2053855

    You should have celebrated it.
    “When we celebrate one’s birthday, we are showing them that we see them as a tzadik.”

    in reply to: Do you think we will ever stop wearing masks #2053867

    get with the program, buddy.
    Culturally North America wears masks.
    Full stop.

    in reply to: Amnon’s Pizza Guy from EJMR are you here? #2053494

    I said I’m right here. How can I help you?

    in reply to: JOKES #2052653

    I’m driving along a bridge when suddenly a car crashes into my trunk. I lurch forward; luckily, I was wearing a seatbelt, and lived to post this tale. I get out onto the shoulder of the road to inspect the damage–pretty bad, mind you–and the crashing driver also does.

    Anyway, we schmooze a bit, and he reveals that he’s a CR mod. I told him I’m Participant. So he says, “you know what? I think this is a sign from Above that we put our differences aside and become friends.”
    “That’s right!” I enthused. “Let’s drink a lechayim to this!”
    I get a bottle of Scotch from the passenger seat–luckily it wasn’t in the trunk–and offer it to the mod.
    He takes a long swig and hands it back to me. “Your turn. Enjoy.”
    “Nah,” I said, promptly tossing the bottle into the ocean below. “I’ll just wait for the police to show up.”

    in reply to: Parashas Yisro Birthday Dvar Torah #2052652

    Did you celebrate your birthday?

    in reply to: people who become therapists usually just want haak #2052651

    people who talk about therapists just want to hock.

    in reply to: Amnon’s Pizza Guy from EJMR are you here? #2052650

    I’m right here. Can I help you?

    in reply to: Controversial topics list #2052649


    in reply to: Trumpamania? #2051395

    “How frum Jews could ever support an orange-haired”
    Agree 100%.
    Maybe that’s why Trump died it blond.
    But still, in less there’s no alternative, frum Jews should always be behind brown or black haired politicians.

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