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  • in reply to: why cant ywn ever show any gaffs of trump #1897893

    a more important issue is why this site doesn’t focus on the health of Trump.
    He has had trouble picking up a glass of water with one hand which is not normal at all for a 100% healthy individual.
    His clandestine visits to Walter Reed without announcing why, are also signs that he might have serious health issues.
    He is not a young man.
    This site completely ignores this serious issue.
    I guess it is fine if we have a President Pence.

    in reply to: Jacob Blake #1895965

    “People known to carry guns must be considered armed until it is verified otherwise.”. It would be great for the Policeman to say that excuse under oath so that he could be prosecuted for murder.
    Is that what is taught in the Police Academy ?
    That is Trump’s America but that is not America founded on the Constitution and bill of rights.

    Is this the new Trump motto – “Police can shoot everyone known to carry guns.” Which party is the one encouraging violence? Which party has no sanctity of life?
    It is ten times worse when the violence comes from the state and the police under the shield of the law. That is what all the protests are about. Trump followers still don’t understand.

    Police investigating themselves usually reaches a very biased conclusion.
    There needs to be peaceful protests or else they will continue killing innocent people.

    ” I would want to use deadly force against these animals”. I am surprised that line got through censorship. Rioting doesn’t always require deadly force to stop. Unless you want the cops being the Judge, Jury and Executioners, that is not the way it is supposed to work.

    in reply to: Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem for the evangelicals #1894286

    I will give a few away for free.
    1) The parties nominee for President in 2012, Mitt Romney, who garnered 47% of the popular vote, is now persona non-grata in the republican party.
    2) John McCain, a bona fide American war hero and the republican party’s 2008 nominee was persona non grata due to Trump (“I like people who don’t get captured”) and refused to invite Trump to his funeral.
    3)George W. Bush , the party’s president has said that he will not back Trump.
    4) The lincoln project , made up of republicans, is running ads destroying Trump.

    in reply to: Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem for the evangelicals #1894282

    Can we make a deal and you give 1$ to the tzedaka of my choice for every proof showing how the life long liberal democrat Trump has hijacked the Republican party ?

    It is only 1$ because there are thousands of proofs.

    in reply to: Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem for the evangelicals #1893743

    Trumps moving the embassy for the evangelicals means that he did not do it exclusively because he loves the Jewish people. He never would have been able to do it without the bi-partisan support and resolution that had previously been expressed for it by Democrats and Republicans. He does not get total credit for doing something that was based on previous governments.

    There were many reasons that the previous governments didn’t actually move the embassy. None of the reasons is because they were anti-semites. Most of them are because of the Arab/Palestinian situation cannot be ignored.
    Talk about ‘kicking the can down the road’, that is exactly what Trump did.
    He worsened the Arab/Palestinian situation and Israel (and America) needs to deal with it. They are currently dealing with the worsening situation. There is no Trump/Jared peace plan.

    Not everything that is supposedly a benefit for Israel is actually beneficial. A prime example of this is the Gaza withdrawal. Everything has 2 sides that must be weighed. The Oslo accords and the Peace Treaty with Egypt are further examples. Time will tell. 2 years is too short.

    Trump moved the embassy for the evangelicals , but the evangelicals don’t have much to show for their support of Trump. Some probably died due to Covid-19.The SCOTUS continues to rule against their values.
    Trump loves dictators and communists that have destroyed christianity in their countries.

    Even the move of the embassy is reversible. It’s just a building. Peace and Life are more important.

    in reply to: kamala harris wants to be the vp of a racist #1892907


    “Inherited wealth from slaveholders” . (even if it is true) she can’t be VP because of that ?

    Trump supporters , please spare us your made up qualities of what a ideal presidential candidate should be. Trump has so many negative qualities and you still all voted for him. Stop your hypocrisy.

    in reply to: kamala harris wants to be the vp of a racist #1892896


    The lie is that she did not call Biden a racist. If anyone heard , please send the source.
    (She also did not call him a rapist, which you also did not claim outright.)
    She has been critical of Biden’s position on busing to integrate schools and comments he made about segregationist senators, and she has said that she believed women who accused Biden of making them feel uncomfortable.

    There are many reasons why she would accept being the VP.
    1) Trump is a proud racist and a accused rapist (maybe confirmed if he ever gives his DNA to the court). and she will do what it takes to defeat him.
    2) She has personal ambitions and she is willing to look the other way. Similar to how a solid christian like pence can be a vp to a person who is the antithesis of most of what he believes.
    3) Maybe she said these things during the campaign for the nomination even though she wasn’t 100% sure because it would help her be the nominee.

    in reply to: Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat #1889221

    The Little I Know,
    Please do not resort to name calling.
    If you can disagree with objectivity there is what to discuss.

    First, you are confusing 2 different accusations against Obama regarding Iran and money.
    The 150 Billion dollars was never delivered with cash. I can’t even imagine $150,000,000,000 in cash.
    There was 400 Million dollars delivered to Iran in cash on a pallet in January 2016. It was on the same day as 4 American citizens detained were released and it was claimed to be for a decades-old dispute with Iran that had been litigated before an international tribunal and America was obligated to pay. You should check your version.

    The truth is I do not know Obama’s motivations, but neither do you. That is my point.
    You are not a psychologist and to propose that you are 100% positive of your understanding of Obama’s actions sounds a bit arrogant to me.
    His legacy is debatable (between favorable and critical ) as are all presidents .Presidents know that they must say and act in unpopular ways. Some people will laud them for it and some people will condemn them for it. You can claim that it is etched in manure and I can claim that it is etched in gold. I am not lying or being offensive or arrogant and neither are you.
    To claim that any action taken by a past president is in order to secure their legacy, without reading their minds , is pure speculation. Obama and Trump are doing what they believe in. Of course after they are out of office they will want what they believe in to continue. Nothing to do with a legacy.

    “Obama’s administration is lauded by no one outside of the DNC and the media they own. “This is partially true. But there are things that Obama did that even some republicans are in favor of . The Affordable Care act is one. The reversing the economy from the Financial crisis is another. Eliminating OBL is another . Trump also has done things that he will be lauded for by all Americans. For example, the first 3 years the economy was doing great according to all standards.
    You have your perspective but it is very subjective.
    The different views will partially depend on whether you listen to fox news or the Lincoln project.

    I never heard that a politician was in favor with the complete elimination of all police departments.
    Were they also in favor in freeing everyone from jails and prisons? Eliminating the army, navy, air force and marines? Eliminating the department of sanitation? Fire Department ?
    Where are you getting this information from ?
    The NYC police are still paid decently (not terrific) and can retire after 20 years with a pension. No need to be so worried about their pay or being eliminated.

    I never wrote anything about the racial divide and whether Trump is escalating.
    Regarding this point , I think we can agree that he is not trying to de-escalate it.

    in reply to: Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat #1889130

    Obama has no ulterior motives other than to see what he believes in continued.
    His legacy is etched in gold already , no matter what the spiteful, despicable individual that came after him did .

    Nobody advocates or enjoys violence.
    “Elimination of police.” ?!
    The slogan is ‘defund the police’ . It is not ‘eliminate the police.
    It is hard to believe that someone thinks that someone believes that.
    When the republicans deal with racism and brutality by the police there will no longer be any protests.

    Socialism is the new republican slogan.
    I would like to meet the republicans that oppose the trillions of dollars that the government does not have, but anyway handed out to save millions of businesses and millions of americans .
    Republicans are the same socialists as they attack the democrats with. They just believe in socialism for the rich. Wall Street bailouts.

    Obama never gave 150 billion dollars to Iran. This is totally false. It was repeated by trump in a tweet because trump is the biggest lying president we have ever had.

    Here is the truth.
    The nuclear agreement, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, with Iran included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. The deal lifted some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

    Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

    in reply to: Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat #1888887

    Osama Bin Laden would like to have a word with “the little I know”. The hundreds of terrorists killed by drone strikes are also waiting in line.

    They are all suffering in Gehinnom . It might be hard to hear them through the screams of pain.

    in reply to: Switching sides #1886748


    These words are not taken from the NY Times. They are a direct quote from Trump’s campaign website. This was his goal and his raison d’etre.

    The theory that what Trump meant was only 7 majority Muslim COUNTRIES, who were all potentially planting cells of terrorism in this country and Trump is going to save us from them by banning every single citizen from those countries, THEN HE FAILED MISERABLY. The USA had a terrorist attack from a Saudi Arabian in Dec 2019 on US soil. That is a fact. If Obama was president, fox news would have used that fact every day for months how Obama is soft on terrorism.He did not ban Saudi Arabia who was the one country who we know had already sent us a terrorist cell in 2001.They should have been first on the list.

    Osama bin Laden type terrorists are not walking into the country and doing things legally as they plan to commit terrorist attacks. Also, we have not had an Osama Bin Laden type terrorist attack in 16 years. There was no reasonable reason for Trump to make his travel ban. EXCEPT FOR RACISM AGAINST MUSLIMS.

    We have a very good intelligence and immigration system that vets the people coming in. There was no need to deny every single person from those countries. In fact, it has never been done before except by JFK against Cuba.

    By the way, the low IQ people did not vote for the person who promised to build a wall with Mexico ( NO WHERE NEAR COMPLETED) and that Mexico would pay for it (NOT ONE PESO). (BECAUSE HE COULDN’T FOOL US. BESIDE ALL OF HIS OTHER LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES.)

    Obama’s bombing certain countries has nothing to do with Trumps Muslim travel ban.

    In one area Trump has been very effective with his travel ban. He has effectively banned Americans from being able to travel. Since the US does not have the Covid19 pandemic under control with over 4 million having caught it and over 143,000 Americans having died from it, Americans are restricted in their travel to Canada, Israel and Europe. Congratulations. That is the effect of the Trump travel ban.

    Do you understand the difference between American Muslims and Palestinians ?

    in reply to: Switching sides #1886355

    Coffee Addict,
    – “Telling me to look at Wikipedia is the same as me telling you that Trump is an oheiv yisrael and my source is Joe (or YWN)

    Anyone can post anything on Wikipedia..

    My point was why would you ask YWN when you the answer is clear and well known and can be found in any library? I see that a few other posters already decided to spell out the history lesson just in case your firewall blocks anything but YWN.

    – And Obama said “if I had a son it would be Trayvon” and stuck himself into a case before it was decided.

    You are right . Obama was wrong for saying it.

    – “Additionally I remember videos of Arabs cheering when the twin towers fell, so what it wasn’t in New Jersey rather it was in Gaza.”

    Because you , Trump and the rest of the Republican party do not understand the difference between Americans who practice Islam while living in Jersey City and the Palestinians who live in Gaza is the exact reason Trump is a racist.

    Syag and Som1,

    What I said was not taken out of context. It was very clear what he meant . All the white christians at his rally understood him exactly the same way.

    – “he’s talking about from specific countries!!! and those countries on the travel ban list are all from obama’s bombing list countries”.

    How someone can think that Trump was saying that “I am just going to continue the Obama ban on countries that are already banned” is beyond me.

    in reply to: Switching sides #1885943

    Coffee Addict,

    You can do 2 minutes of research on the internet and learn the history of how, why and when this occurred.
    The facts are straight forward. See wikipedia.

    Is your trolling question intimating that currently republicans are not racist or that the democrats currently are?

    Regardless of the what people (voters and politicians) personally think in terms of racism. for decades it has been off-limits for a politician to be openly racist.
    This all changed when Trump decided to make openly racist statements (many of them false) and subsequently legislate racist policies.

    “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”.
    ” Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

    in reply to: Biden is No Moderate #1882608

    To add to what n0mesorah wrote.
    My point is that to claim that since you came here first so you can decide on who immigrates afterwards, then when your grandparents came here they could have been discriminated against by the people before them.
    That is not the way American immigration should work because it leads to racist policies. ie. Trump saying numerous times that he wants to have a complete and total Muslim ban. He wasn’t able to legally get away with it but the racist policy that he promoted is against everything that America stands for .

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1882609

    coffee addict,

    I could also give away my paycheck if I was a ganov.
    Never trust a ganov.
    His giving away of his salary is a meaningless stunt because he is making hundred of millions of dollars on the properties he owns that he forces the American people to pay for when he stays at them.
    That is besides all the money he is making by diplomats staying at his washington hotel to curry favor with him.
    That is besides all the money he is making that is so well hidden that you will never find out about it.

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1882067

    Coffee Addict,

    Regular bachur is 100% correct.
    The Torah does tax jews and takes away their hard work earned money – which is really their Heaven sent money – and gives it to the poor. Leket, Shicha ,Peah, Terumos, Maasros, Maasar Aniyim, Challah, Bekurim, Bechoros, Shmitta, Tzedaka …
    If you do not fulfill these mitzvos, you are stealing.

    This is not a Republican vs Democrat issue. Both sides agree that the government will never get a penny out of anybody unless they tax it and take it from them. Nobody trusts that a rich person will altruistically help out the poor.

    The issue is that the republicans are soley for the wealthy and do not care about helping the poor. People could die in the streets due to lack of healthcare and they wouldn’t care less.

    Republicans are examples of big givers to the poor ? Show me.
    They are all for tax breaks and the wealthy keeping the money for themselves.
    (Our POTUS is a prime example of this selfish republican behaviour. He and his family are forbidden to run a charity in NY because he has stolen from his own charity and not used it for the poor. )

    in reply to: Lets stop driving #1881932

    Stop counting traffic deaths. You will see that next week it will be down to zero.

    in reply to: Biden is No Moderate #1881782

    Ben Levi,

    What made America your country ?
    The Irish and Italian’s immigrants that were here in 1930 before the influx of European Jewish immigration also felt that this was there country. Was it proper for them to try to keep America a white american catholic county?
    Does the freedom of religion and worship enshrined in the constitution teach us that America was founded on allowing all peoples to come here and make a contribution to the melting pot?

    What democratic policies are you referring to that decimated factories and towns?
    Many republican policies have destroyed towns and factories.

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1880108


    Explain the difference.

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1880008


    Your 2 sentences are the exact reason that Trump has destroyed the presidency and the GOP.
    “I can’t stand listening to him speak and don’t read his tweets. Unlike the anti trumpers who thrive on his every move, I just worry about the policies.”

    To ignore anything that the president does (or did) or says or tweets because of the “policies” is like saying ” I will vote for Jefferey Dahmer for President since I only care about his policies.” .
    I am glad you agree that he is a mushchas.
    I plan to use this idiotic defense for the next 8 years when Biden is President and Fox news and the GOP lie about him being senile or anything else .

    I am intrigued that you can reach across the internet and know whether I am frothing at the mouth or not. You must have some super duper extrasensory capabilities.
    Can you tell me if I have Covid or not?

    in reply to: Biden Coming for the Suburbs #1879333

    1 –
    He will never mention even one of the things you mentioned to get re-elected because they are all his failures.

    Tax cuts are worthless when you can’t pay for them and the economy did not get better for the majority of Americans.
    Obama added 8.588 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
    Trump added 5 trillion to the national debt in his first 3 years . He promised to eliminate it.
    The are millions of Americans currently unemployed . Trump’s economy is terrible.
    The 130,000 people dead from Covid can’t vote for him. But their family members who are suffering will remember his pathetic response.

    He is running for President of the USA , Most Americans couldn’t care about where the American embassy is or Rubashkin. If you said the name Rubashkin to 99% of Americans , they wouldn’t know who you are talking about. His also pardoned many traitors that he deemed worthy of pardoning. He uses his pardoning power to curry favor with people he want to keep loyal.
    His great Peace Plan for the Mid- East is nowhere in sight and DOA. Wouldn’t you like there to be real peace in the Mid-East?

    Russia payed the Taliban to kill Americans and Trump did nothing. That is not a good Commander In Chief.

    Please feel free to vote for him but there are many Americans who believe that we can do much better with a Biden presidency There are even many Republicans who will never vote for Trump. They have a Lincoln Project group and show what a disaster his presidency has been for America.
    Racial Strife , division and Police brutality – including the protests – are a direct result of his presidency.
    He is a great divider.

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1879015

    Syag Lchochma
    Take a break. I am not defending anybody. If a person committed the crime , I could not care less if he is a D or a R , let them rot in jail. Clinton can go to jail too if he committed a crime.

    There a numerous pictures on the web of your beloved leader, the womanizer , Donald J Trump, together with Epstein. He is even mentioned in the legal documents by the accusers. If anyone has to be afraid , it is him.

    Hence , for IHAtecommunism to create a post and thread with salacious accusations that there are going to be democrats that will be toast is ludicrous. It is just another typical day of TYW trolling.

    Epstein had friends from all over the world and political spectrum whom he invited to his parties with underage girls.

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1878977

    Do you have inside information that nobody else in the world has ?
    Can you name 1 big dem that will be toast to add a little credibility to your claim? ? I bet your source is a bunch of hot air , rumours and conspiracy theories – more formally known as Fox news.

    in reply to: Biden Coming for the Suburbs #1878812

    As I said many times before , the Trumpists have nothing to show for 4 years except hate and scare tactics.

    Trump has destroyed the party and is going to lose so big(ly) in November that the Republicans will be eating crow for years to come.

    in reply to: Atlanta #1874419

    The DA that indicted him has more testimony and evidence than anybody posting here will ever have.
    They have to try the case in a court and prove it to a judge and jury. They decided that what he did was wrong and they have enough evidence.

    “Hopefully, the entire Atlanta police department will go on strike”. If they don’t want to be police officers , they can all resign or even better they can be fired. They will lose all of their benefits and seniority. There would be plenty of applicants for the open positions.
    These police will never find another job. They are not 4 year college educated graduates. They are dedicated public servants .

    If only Quay can so logically say that an interaction between a person drunkenly sleeping in their car and the police should not end with police executing him, then the USA has a real problem with GOP/Trump supported and approved police brutality.

    Maybe there should be more riots against police brutality since the GOP/Trump so aggressively protested Colin Kapernicks peaceful protest. Maybe then you will wake up that many police are loose cannons and can be internally disciplined for years but never forced off the force.

    in reply to: Help Trump speak about coronavirus. #1874199


    Obama left the cupboards bare .
    3 years later Trump still had empty cupboards. Why don’t the Trump supporters blame that on Trump?
    If corona happened on Jan 22, 2016 , the blame of Obama would make sense. 3 years later it is ridiculous.

    Fauci said that the numbers are not important. They are projections based on models. They are not nevuah and they are worthless in gauging whether Trump was the successful shaliach of Hashem or a successful shaliach of Hashem’s maloch hamoves.

    in reply to: Help Trump speak about coronavirus. #1874136

    Joseph and huju,

    I will quote Dr Fauci on March 29th on CNNSOTU in which his gives you numbers but tells you to not project with numbers on a moving target.

    TAPPER: Well, Dr. Birx said yesterday, as you know, that she doesn’t think any city will be spared from this virus.

    How many cases do you think the U.S. will reach? A million cases, 10 million cases? Or are these — we — or do we not even have any idea?

    FAUCI: You know, Jake, the honest — to be honest with you, <b>we don’t really have any firm idea.</b>

    There are things called models. And when someone creates a model, they put in various assumptions. And the model is only as good and as accurate as your assumptions. <b> And whenever the modelers come in, they give a worst-case scenario and a best-case scenario.</b>

    Generally, the reality is somewhere in the middle. I have never seen a model of the diseases that I have dealt where the worst-case scenario actually came out. <b>They always overshoot.</b>

    So, when you use numbers like a million, a million-and-a-half, two million, that almost certainly is off the chart. Now, it’s not impossible, but very, very unlikely.

    So, it’s difficult to present.

    I mean, looking at what we’re seeing now, <b> I would say between 100,000 and 200,000 cases. But I don’t want to be held to that, because it’s — excuse me — deaths. I mean, we’re going to have millions of cases.

    But I — I just don’t think that we really need to make a projection, when it’s such a moving target, that you can so easily be wrong and mislead people. </b>

    What we do know, Jake, is that we got a serious problem in New York, we have a serious problem in New Orleans, and we’re going to be developing serious problems in other areas.

    So, although people like to model it, let’s just look at the data of what we have, and not worry about these worst-case and best-case scenarios.
    This was CNNSOTU

    After viewing the Lincoln Project’s ad against Trump , Trump has already failed miserably in protecting the health and lives of the US Citizens. No need to wait until the number reaches 200,000 for democrats or non-trump republicans to use this against him.
    From PPA shortages and minimizing the impact of the pandemic to encouraging states to open too early, he has failed .
    On the other hand, Trump will gloat over any temporary good news even if he had nothing to do with it.
    If the number is 199,999 deaths, Trump will declare victory.

    in reply to: The Real Problem #1873024

    How would frum jews feel if it was legal to be fired for leaving early for shabbos ? Wearing a sheitl and only tzniusdike clothing? wearing a yamulke ?

    This is no different in the eyes of the law.

    in reply to: Cancel Culture #1871192


    1) Blacks have always had a disgust for the confederate flag and its leaders. On the other side, many southern whites have always idolized the confederate flag and their leaders for what they represent.
    2-5) Do we really want to fight the civil war again ?
    6-7) That is a praiseworthy position.

    The ones who wants the monuments taken down compare them to having monuments for leaders of the Axis powers. They lost and the losers do not get the right to decide on how to remember them. How do you respond?

    in reply to: Cancel Culture #1871099

    The republican party and Trump are openly and unabashed racists. White Supremacy is their party platform.

    Full stop.

    They would love that all minorities should be slaves again. The minorities are sub-humans compared to the white master race.
    The South and confederacy lost the civil war but the ideal that the whites are the supreme race has never disappeared.
    They honor the confederate generals and leaders because they pine for the time when they had slaves and whites were supreme.
    By taking down the statues and renaming the military locations, the USA of 2020 is repudiating their entire belief system.

    It is surprising that Jews would disagree with this repudiation.

    in reply to: DeBlasio is Brilliant #1870716

    mw13 ,

    For sure, he is playing 4D chess. He only acts in a way that makes you suspect him of being a double agent for the conservatives because you think it makes the liberals look bad. This allows him to implement all the liberal policies However, the truth is he doesn’t care if he is hated. He truly believes in the liberal policies.

    He delivered universal pre-K and expanded paid sick leave, reduced stop-and-frisk policing, and oversaw the city’s $15 minimum wage hike.
    He repealed a requirement that mohel’s inform parents of the risks of metzitzah b’peh and he is closing Riker’s island.
    The clincher that he is playing chess is that he has a strained and combative relationship with NYPD during the looting and protests against police brutality.

    in reply to: Askonim, Are you Happy? #1869987

    Good askonim deal with the politicians that they are dealt. That is their only agenda.
    Whoever is in power needs to be shmeared and flattered like every Aisov.
    What did the askonim do in Russia and Poland ? Askonim have always dealt with the anti-semitic leaders.

    in reply to: Defunding Police #1869664


    Welcome to the Fake news Fox universe. The same ones constantly screaming about bias in the big bad MSM.
    If they didn’t have anything to lie or exaggerate about, all their followers would realize that they are a bunch of selfish conniving 1% millionaires who are completely uncaring about anybody except themselves.

    I wish a hearty mazel tov to Christian Sean Hannity,who is a strong believer in the sanctity of marriage, on his recent publicly confirmed divorce from the mother of his children. HYPOCRITE.

    These guys are looked up to ! Yich !

    in reply to: Defunding Police #1869561

    Charlie Hall,

    It is even funnier when you realize that if a trumpster would hear the 4 words “due to tax cuts” before the sentence “we have to defund the police”, they would go raving mad in applause and be all for it.
    Similar to the GOP’s constant refrain that we need to defund social security, healthcare, and education due to the US being broke.

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1867120


    There is no connection between the small groups of people who are antifa and the democratic party.

    Please provide examples of antifa openly advocating for violence, wreaking havoc, defacing and destroying public and private property, and assaulting private citizens who they feel disagree with them.

    A person committing acts of violence does not automatically make them an antifa member.
    Twitter just shutdown a fake antifa account that was really tied to white nationalist.

    Trump created a false punching bag so that he looks tough to his supporters. Similarly, Trump saying that he will send in the military when nobody asked him is political theater. Walking to a church to take a picture with the bible is beyond outrageous.

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866542

    Doing My Best,

    Coronavirus isn’t trumps fault.
    <i> did not say it is </i>
    Neither is George Floyd.
    Impeachment was a joke.
    <i> was very real </i>
    Mainly just trump is.
    Asylum seekers now wait in Mexico.
    <i> does not solve the immigration issue </i>
    Boris Johnson. And besides, Who cares.
    <i> as an American, we do care about the standing of the US in the world.</i>
    I don’t believe that to be true.
    <i> is mar o lago still making money? </i>
    He definitely has gone over the edge since the beginning of coronavirus but the other choice is the crazy left which isn’t much better.
    Democrats view about religion? They think it is a backwards way of thinking.
    <i> false</i>
    View of America? An American flag was burned in DC last night and nobody said boo.
    <i> I guess the SC is anti American because they said that you are allowed to burn the flag and nobody can say boo. Would you want a test before enlisting to determine if you voted for Trump or Biden</i>

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866536


    Chas Veshalom that I would call you idiots or morons. As a frum Jew , I am also socially conservative.
    But I reject the adoration of republicans and the demonization of democrats.

    The answer is because there is no such organization and therefore the title doesn’t even make sense.
    As Mark Bray , who wrote a book on antifa, explained. “To explain a little: it’s like calling bird-watching an organization. Yes, there are bird-watching organizations as there are Antifa organizations but neither bird-watching nor antifa is an organization”.

    “Tolerate” ? What do you mean ?
    They should not be allowed to do anything illegal. If they do, they should be thrown out of society like all other criminals.

    Does trump, and by default his supporters and the GOP, tolerate white supremacists/Nazis ?

    Can I start a trolling post that says a vote for trump is a vote for white supremacists/Nazis (those are organizations )? Would you accept that ?

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866532

    1 posts a post like this and I am the troll ???
    This post is a continuation of the tens of other troll posts on YWN by people who believe that it is their obligation to raise the republican party to be equal in status to Hashem’s party. (Where do they teach this ?)
    It is completely illogical and untruthful.
    It has no basis in fact.
    (The democratic party also isn’t Hashem’s party by the way.)
    I am no longer surprised that after trump showed YOU what the republican party is all about and you still don’t get it. You can close your eyes to all of trump’s faults but nobody else does.

    He didn’t cause the virus but he FAILED to take action early enough.
    He minimized the threat and refused to listen to officials warning him of the pandemic. He gets an F.

    Biden will be a great President and I can’t wait for his moral and ethical leadership. He is well respected all over the world. His family actually served in the military. He believes in listening to his advisers and is concerned about what science says.

    I know your response – blah blah blah -“sleepy” .blah blah blah “harassment”.blah blah blah “ukraine”.blah blah blah “hunter”. A bunch of embarrassingly crazy conspiracies.

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866433

    Maybe someone can explain the Title of this post.
    Just because 1 says something doesn’t make it true or credible.
    It is very disappointing that TYW lets people start posts like this.

    I assume that 1 can’t even define who antifa is.
    How many members do they have?
    Where do people sign up to join them ?
    Who are their leaders?

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866414

    The trump followers have zero reason to show to vote for him.
    30 million Americans out of work.
    Economy – broke.
    Stock Market – tanked.
    Over 100,000 Americans dead from COVID19.
    Police brutality going strong.
    Racism in full force.
    American cities are burning with protests and riots.
    Trump impeached.
    Trump and America – an embarrassment in the world.
    Abandoned allies in Mideast.
    Relations with China are terrible Still in a tariff war
    Wall with mexico ? A total joke.
    Only friends trump has are ruthless dictators.
    Filled Government with grifters and added thousands to the swamp.
    Trump aging and slowing down. Mental capacity diminished .

    Only tactic is to lie about the democrats view on religion and america and fascism.
    It will not work.

    in reply to: A Vote for Dems is a vote for ANTIFA #1866415

    The trump followers have zero reason to show to vote for him.
    30 million Americans out of work.
    Economy – broke.
    Stock Market – tanked.
    Over 100,000 Americans dead from COVID19.
    Police brutality going strong.
    Racism in full force.
    American cities are burning with protests and riots.
    Trump impeached.
    Trump and America – an embarrassment in the world.
    Abandoned allies in Mideast.
    Relations with China are terrible Still in a tariff war
    Wall with mexico ? A total joke.
    Only friends trump has are ruthless dictators.
    Filled Government with grifters and added thousands to the swamp.
    Trump aging and slowing down. Mental capacity diminished .

    Only tactic is to lie about the democrats view on religion and america and fascism.
    It will not work.

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1842178

    No substance to this rumour at all.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1834035

    Monsey Yid,
    I know that midrash and it is shrecklech scary.
    But, there were other reasons for the mabul that are not treated with the same mindset.
    For example – Gezel. Even a פחות משוה פרוטה . Is a “white collar criminal” allowed to be elected ?
    And זרע לבטלה . And ע״ז.
    The US is full with these other aveiros also. We are living in galus. May Moshiach come speedily.

    PS. לכאורה the pshat in the medrash is that not only was the toevah not prohibited but they went so fat as to also codify into law to allow marriage.
    To just disallow the marriage part , but to never even try to disallow the actual toevah, is not enough. Maybe Jews should only live in countries with Sharia law.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1833572

    Regarding Toeva, what do you want the republicans to do ?
    The prohibition is not having a certificate of marriage . The prohibition is the act itself. And the prohibition for men is different than women.
    Should we throw them all into jail or kill them? If you want that, please move to Saudi Arabia.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1833570

    This posting is your monthly Public service announcement brought to you by the anti abortion troll posters who believe that Jews can only vote for candidates that oppose legal abortion.
    It has also been brought to you by the republican party to force all Jews to vote republicans or else.
    I can’t wait for next months trolling.

    The Supreme court of the US has not changed it’s opinion since 1973.
    It is still legal for Torah Jews in America who have a Orthodox Rabbinically approved valid heter to get an abortion in the US

    in reply to: Mitt Romney is now persona non grata #1832558

    When did the Dems turn their backs on their Democratic beliefs?
    Hillary is not running.
    I think I belong right here in the coffee room discussing these issues with people who think that everything is so simple. 🙂 R means right and D means wrong.
    Which Tanna or Amora said that ? I will answer – none.
    Both parties are driven by people that הֱווּ זְהִירִין בָּרָשׁוּת, שֶׁאֵין מְקָרְבִין לוֹ לָאָדָם אֶלָּא לְצֹרֶךְ עַצְמָן. נִרְאִין כְּאוֹהֲבִין בִּשְׁעַת הֲנָאָתָן, וְאֵין עוֹמְדִין לוֹ לָאָדָם בִּשְׁעַת דָּחְקוֹ:

    in reply to: The top two dems are either a sodomite, or a communist #1832395

    Why wouldn’t Trump vote for a gay man? I know why you wouldn’t , but why wouldn’t he?

    in reply to: The top two dems are either a sodomite, or a communist #1831967

    If you believe that Trump has some miniscule form of morality I have a bridge to sell you.
    In his “locker room” speech he was talking about a married lady.

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831750

    MDG and Catch,

    Neither of you know what anybody thinks about Trump or what the motivation for impeachment was. Members of congress are not babies although many act like ones.

    The constitution was written for human beings. Not angels.

    According to you we can just throw out every impeachment because they hated Richard Nixon (oh boy did they!) and they hated Bill Clinton. (Super Oh Boy did they!!).
    The myth of “They hated him” and therefore impeached him is meaningless.

    in reply to: Why was trump impeached??? #1831748


    You are not a Trump supporter but did not support impeachment ? Do you mean removal ?
    Do you believe Trump should be allowed to abuse power and obstruct justice to go after his political enemies without oversite because he is abhorrent etc …. ?
    Are you making an observation that lawyers who prosecute pedophiles and murderers find the accused abhorrent ? Should they recuse themselves because of it?

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