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  • in reply to: Lost Dor Yesharim ID Number #1141017

    i’ve heard one case at least where someone lost her number but called n didnt have to retake. try it first

    in reply to: I am a weirdo #991285

    you shoulda looked em in the eye and said that last line: if you need to demean others to make yourself feel superior than at least have a shred of human dignity to not do it in front of us.

    Some senseless people in this world… sorry you had to endure one last week.

    in reply to: Who sings this song? #1056845

    shopping- which song?

    in reply to: Who sings this song? #1056843

    i have most the lyrics, but dont know the composer

    in reply to: Vote for me to get a subtitle #993645

    welcome 29 and thanks for joining the crew that keeps this place going!

    Why thank you. The training was tough but I passed on my fourth try.

    in reply to: Anyone in need of Chesed? #995021

    superme- you should take care of it. Walk, swim, exercise. Go to a chiropractor, massage therapist, physiotherapist. Read dr sarno’s book.

    in reply to: Salmon from a can, oh yes I can #990129

    nope, dont like it at all. You can make it into fish patties/cakes. My bro eats it with lemon juice, oilive oil, and/or spices

    in reply to: Somewhere, far far far far far far far far far far away… #989245

    me? An annoying teen? Nope, i dont think i was! 🙂

    in reply to: Mildly annoyed: what people call things #989587

    of course he did :). Also, notice how he said he crochets, not knits!

    in reply to: Sort of a Goodbye Thread…. #989672

    thumbs up! Gluck with ur new occupation

    in reply to: Mildly annoyed: what people call things #989581

    rebyidd- they are? Do you knit or crochet? What craft group are YOU part of! 🙂

    where i come from crochet is not called knitting. Maybe they should both be called yarning? Oh and hookrug also uses yarn and a hook, but it aint either knitting. (in case there’s any doubt, this is being said in jest with a huge grin on my face).

    in reply to: If You Were The Moderator #990106

    i would close these kinda threads so they dont get bumped so noone has to unneccesarily reread hurt or conflict, and let new threads replace them

    in reply to: I need your tefilos #1058250

    thx for the update n encouragment! Wishing u continued progress n improvement!

    in reply to: I need your tefilos #1058247

    ourtorah, fkelly- can we make that a wish for 3-way email chizuk? :-/

    in reply to: I need your tefilos #1058238

    hatzlocha rabba and good for you for jumping into that tought conversation!

    in reply to: I hate you all, you big fat jerks #1019664

    seriously, even in jest, the insults arent neccesary

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183355

    smc- i think you may be assuming you know why he was going otd, or why people do in general, but there’s no one reason, or even 2 or 3. And even one kid who goes otd likely has multiple overlapping or combined reasons/causes. Yes what you’re saying definitely applies to some, but only some.

    in reply to: Which gadol should I get a bracha from? #988289

    i’m next in line after syag!

    in reply to: Ask the opposite gender #989527

    i had a guy do that once- ‘discretely’ snap a pic of me on the bus one day. I was not impressed with it, nor with his failed discretion :). But snapping a pic of a guy at a wedding, how do you even know if he’s single??

    in reply to: Saying each word of Shma multiple times #991195

    because there’s chiyuv shema twice a day n if mispronounced, you are not yotzei. Tho the ppl i’ve heard doing it didn’t repeat in middle of davening but after, resaid shema with the repeating til i dont know what- it ‘felt right’ to them?

    in reply to: Knockout *Pow* #987560

    disgusting, scary and mindboggling. What has this world come to that kids find it entertaining without a thought or regret for the victim?? I’ve been avoiding groups of teens since i saw the news clips. Isnt some degree of sympathy inate in humans without social disablities?? Peer pressure reaches a new low (perhaps not so new… But in the last 50 yrs)

    in reply to: How to name and eat a pet fish #988559

    call it gefilte. Then eat it with mayo and chrein

    in reply to: What to do when your hero lets you down? #987444

    my experience of that, it was painful, unsettling, even a little scary. First step was yes, realizing she is human and has her struggles and life i dont know all about. But it did initially lower her in my eyes alot. After time though, it became more proof she struggled and failed too, so 1- more relatable, more attainable to strive for, and 2- more respected for all the times she overcame that aspect. Her ‘role’ slightly changed, from my equivalent of hero i guess, to that partly, and partly advisor cuz now i saw she too had flaws she works on

    in reply to: This isn't my thread title. Please change it. #987064

    mod 127 i believe said at one point she was changing some to remove grammar errors or make em more descriptive of their contents. What’s wrong with it?

    Cmon mod, you’ve GOT to change this title now 😀

    in reply to: Talking to a Doormat #987042

    by dr. Dovid Lieberman. Or buy it for yourself, and conveniently leave it lying around 🙂

    in reply to: Talking to a Doormat #987039

    buy her the book Real Power

    in reply to: What would you do? #986777

    notasheep- i agree it’s a problem the way they knock, ring, then batter on the door, all in 30 seconds. It takes time to walk to the door! And it’s given people at our house a good scare more tha once also. It’d be nice if it’d work to hang a sign over the bell, so they had to see it, asking not to ring, or only ring once, or ‘if i’m home, i heard you, but i need a minute to turn off my stovetop and walk to the door. Please be patient’. It’d be smart for whoever is hosting or driving or meeting them to tell them how we knock in America.

    in reply to: Older Single Age #987415

    depends when u want to see yourself as or call yourself an older single

    in reply to: Wheelchair accessible seminaries #986346

    i know a girl who has a wheelchair who went to sem in israel- the sem built ramps for her. She should ask the sems she’d consider if they have/wld have the ability to install ramps. Worth asking abt elevators too. Im sure some have tho they dont advertise it

    in reply to: New to the CR #986165

    peruse, selectively click, read, back. Peruse, selectively click, read, back. When you have something intelligent, humorous or helpful to add, submit to post if kosher. Repeat.

    in reply to: Three Chairs for the MODS #1042994

    get back to me when u have a better answer

    in reply to: Three Chairs for the MODS #1042992

    haha my reply got blocked :). Maybe I was onto something!

    in reply to: Three Chairs for the MODS #1042988

    little froggie- why are you seemingly trying so hard to provoke/annoy the mods?

    in reply to: Three Chairs for the MODS #1042985

    wolf +1!

    in reply to: At what age should girls start dating? #986109

    zeena.kasta- its neither. Its just a fact. No more positive or negative than him having brown hair vs black hair. 7 yrs isnt 20 yrs that would be red flag im my mind. Its a nice normal avg number. Assuming ur asking abt a guy suggested, dont think abt the age gap; if e/t else looks good, give it ur go ahead n let the important factors determine whether there will be another.

    in reply to: People who use the word 'I' a lot tend to… #988650

    i thought this thread wld be about using I sentences to express emotions or criticism. ”it makes me unhappy when garbage isnt taken out” vs ” you make me unhappy when you dont take out the garbage”

    in reply to: Need a mobile site for the CR #1022837

    site i hope.

    in reply to: Can't stop eating! #985777

    fill your plate once and thats it. And no, not overflowing or piled up!! If u mean between meals, only allow yourself one snack (or none). Then again, these tips may be pointless because you have to start where you’re at and build slow

    in reply to: Beautifying Shabbos #985738

    streekgeek- wow, good for you! One more pc of advice: dont take on too many kabbalos at once. Dont add a new one until the last one is really part of you/your routine, hopefully for life.

    in reply to: To the-art-of-moi: (Sorry if I spelled it wrong) #992548

    mod- taom’s age should probably not be posted for safety?

    in reply to: Beautifying Shabbos #985729

    bring in shabbos 5 min early

    in reply to: I'm in an angry mood #986934

    why angry? Refuah shleima!!

    in reply to: $2975 for a wig? #985323

    thats crazy indeed. It seems to me the same as buying clothing for the designer label

    in reply to: At what age should girls start dating? #986088

    zeena.kasta- a name of old! Welcome back!

    To your q, there aren’t answers that apply across the board, you know that. Some ppl are ready at 17, some only at 24. Some find their bashert right away, some dont. And of course there are a limited number who date before they are ready- sometimes that can work out anyhow, and sometimes it doesnt. And the same to the age gap. There is no rule! I know girls married to boys 3 yrs younger, 3 yrs older, 12 yrs older even. If it works for that couple, then dont say no cuz a friend will gasp that he’s older than you. Yeah its true the majority of couples i know are within the range of 2 yrs younger to 8 yrs older, but the other couples i know are happily married, some for years already. It shouldnt matter what yenem does, there’s really only 2 ppl’s opinions who matter in a marriage proposal. As long as he and she agree!

    in reply to: Tznius Inside Your House? #984935

    would that be through mail-order?

    lol +1

    in reply to: Good Night Thread #1001716


    Goodnight thread. Goodnight bed

    goodnight shower. Goodnight block tower

    goodnight slippers goodnight socks, goodnight storybook about goldilocks

    in reply to: to TAOM: I'm Resisting the Urge… #985855

    well that was sweet. Not.

    in reply to: At what point is it considered studying too much? #985112

    20 hours sounds like a lot for a quiz to me. A test ok, a final can take many hrs- key is to break it up. im not sure if you do already, but you should try reviewing every day that days material, and every week a less in depth review. You shouldnt have to read through 150 pgs for a quiz. When you go through it, hilight key words and key concepts, or write them out. Your school might offer a session on study methods. If they do, it sounds like you might benefit from learning other new approaches, if your current one isnt working out for you. NOT cuz of the C! Cuz of the 20 hrs for a quiz. Hope you get into the flow of it n it gets easier soon. Hatlacha!

    in reply to: Why are some people so smart? #1043588

    boruchschwartz- i was responding to the OP

    streekgeek- thanks 🙂 and your welcome!

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986137

    u can get a simple cord n plug a tape player’s headphone output into the computer’s sound input. Not dbl speed though. You can download audacity (free i think) as a decent sound program/recorder

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,532 total)