
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Best Brand of Pickles #942642

    Claussen Pickles Hearty Garlic Deli Style Sandwich Slices

    Hands Down.

    They could be found at your local shoprite refrigerator section. but they aren’t cheap.

    in reply to: Getting a BTL and Going to Law School? #934190

    Is it true that some law schools require only the first year in law school, then you are able to apprentice for a law firm for the next 2 years?

    Did anyone hear of this? Do all law schools allow this?

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169335


    BaalHabooze is asking the same question that perplexed me after I watched ‘the ten commandments’

    in reply to: Is This Normal? #925325

    Are you upset the girl didn’t ask you to take part?

    in reply to: Royal Jordanian Airlines #925310

    Ask your local Jewish travel agency.

    in reply to: Negel Vasser #925763


    This machlokes the Rosh and Rashba is misunderstood by most people. There are really two parts to the equation:

    1) The bracha ‘Al Netilas/Netilat Yadayim’,

    2) The act of washing your hands

    The machlokes Rosh and Rashba is refering to the bracha. There are at least four reasons for washing, brought by the Magen Avraham.

    in reply to: Bad Breath #925178

    Turn a tape recorder on, breathe into it, then listen on playback.

    in reply to: Frustrating Jewish moments #925410

    Okay Simcha613, I’m all in.

    1) Alarm clock going off Shabbos morning

    2) Forgetting that your tzitzis are not out by ‘Vayomer’

    3) Being called up to an Aliya on the way to the bathroom

    4) Chrain on the shirt by a kiddush

    5) Mailman tries to hand you mail on shabbos

    6) Wrong machsur to shul on Yom Tov

    7) Starts raining at the chuppah

    8) Someone tells you you are sitting in Eliyahu Hanavi’s chair

    9) Hit in the eye by someone putting on their tallis

    9) The Ba’al Tefila is a self-proclaimed Chazzan

    in reply to: lost CD #925119

    What CD was it?

    Give us the pep-in-the-step-cleaning experience.

    in reply to: Is This Appropiate? #925130

    Clearly, pas nisht, the starter of this thread, is Mr. Filch.

    He is a member, he’s very grumpy, always looking to catch something wrong, and we never have seen him eat bread; hence ‘pas nisht’.

    in reply to: Negel Vasser #925757


    That is very interesting. Though the Mishna B’rura says not to rely on those Shitos. (first page of Mishna B’rura)

    in reply to: Frustrating Jewish moments #925391

    Is this about frustration for being Jewish?

    in reply to: Make up your mind #1016314

    The Chareidi Media NEVER MAKE UP THEIR MINDS. They tell heroic stories of Rabin and Antebbi, Begin bombing Iraq, and Netanyahu giving a speech to joint congress. But when the issue of the draft comes up, they act like they never liked the Medina in the first place. ALL Frum publications do this – and we all go along with it.

    They never could take their own perspective on any issue, and have to follow the rest of the pro-israel media, until they hit a dead end when Chareidim are challenged.

    I’ll give another example:

    Just because Orthodox Jews concur with the Republican party regarding moral issues, we suddenly have to agree with them on Immigration?! Does that make any sense? Cant we ever take our own stand?

    in reply to: Make up your mind #1016310

    What I mean to say, is that don’t we confuse our heroes?

    in reply to: Draft issues refined #924275

    Limud HaTorah is international service.

    in reply to: Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won #927382


    Head on! – had a great laugh

    in reply to: Clothing – Large Sizes #934034

    You look perfectly fine from here.

    in reply to: NEW CR RULE: Typing Words In Normal English #928470


    Ciief Secratary of Crammer Enforcement Commands,

    Personally, I would rather ‘normal English’ than ‘correct’ abnormal English. And I would rather completely abnormal and incorrect English than grammatically correct Swahili. And I would rather run on sentences than run off ones.

    Also, I’m not sure if your post is a badly formed persuasive essay, or an unfinished edict, I and therefore cannot grade it appropriately at this time.

    Please see me in my office.

    in reply to: Draft issues refined #924272

    When the draft issue came up a while ago, Knesset members were trying to ram down the others’ throats to pass legislation to draft Chareidim. They were doing it so hurriedly like it was a national security issue. Then, a Chief General of the IDF was brought in the Knesset to speak. And you know what he said? WE DON’T NEED THEM, WE DON’T WANT THEM!

    in reply to: Israel Political System #924264

    thanx y’all

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928388

    No no. What DY is saying, and eloquently so, is that he is the one who is stuck. How would you feel standing in front of a classroom, haven been taken out by a pipsqueak student the year before?

    in reply to: Then perhaps, a small explosion? #924299

    Hence, the cold???

    in reply to: What do you drink, if you have a cold on motzaei shabbos? #924821

    poppa_bar_abba: Go to Rabi Yochanan, and take his arm. (brachos around 6b)


    Refua’ah Shleima.

    in reply to: Are things wrong cause they're wrong, or because people go OTD? #924322

    We used to be eggs- the more we were boiled the firmer we became.

    Now we’re like glass. “fragile, handle with care.”

    in reply to: "A Jewish Star"�Not Very Jewish #957768

    A guy named Mendy Pellin is behind this. He’s a self proclaimed Jewish comedian (he appeared on the Jay Leno show a while back- he also is the one who produced Shwekey’s music video “Cry No More”.

    in reply to: What do you drink, if you have a cold on motzaei shabbos? #924819

    Is this for Havdalah? then make havdalah on Lipton.

    If you mean in general, then drink tea with honey and lemon juice, have leftover chicken soup, some vitamin C, and just a lot of fluids.


    in reply to: What would you do…? #928383

    Dear superme,

    It’s about time you were let in on a secret. From your description, it is irrefutable that Your Rabbi is

    a) emotionally imbalanced

    b) grossly lacking self esteem

    Take yourself out of the equation for a sec, and listen: He’s trying to make a living, fighting mightily for his mortgage payment and to put food on the table for his family. His teaching only superficially builds his self esteem, so he must torment others to gain himself a handle. YOUR STRONG. YOU HAVE FRIENDS. YOU’RE YOUNG AND FREE. Pity him.

    We once had a teacher who used to throw tantrums at expense of good boys (and she always gave us bad marks). We realized she was very insecure so the class chipped in for a box of chocolates for Purim, and the whole class signed it. We gave it to her the week before Purim, and the second she got it, she walked out of the room. When she came back, she was all red eyed like she was crying in the bathroom. She was THE NICEST TEACHER SINCE!

    It is a good idea to get hold of the other Rav in the room. If you think he’s a Rav you would want to talk to, call his home, and set up a meeting, and nothing less. Lay the story down before you meet him to make sure you’re not leaving anything out. If not, speak to the rav of your shul who knows you or your family, for advice.

    Let us know what happened, and good luck!

    in reply to: Negel Vasser #925747

    Best not to walk more than 4 Amos (6-8 feet). Some hold you can walk the length of your entire house, but the Mishnah Berura is not happy with that shitah.

    Then why does NOBODY have Netilas Yadayim next to their bed? Because first thing most people do in the morning is relieve themselves, and its a mitzva to do that first. Next, you wash- and your already in the bathroom.

    If you wake up in middle of the night to use the restroom, on the way out you should wash 3 times on each hand.

    to confirm,

    just ask the rabbi;)

    in reply to: Why did "Inspiring Non-Jewish Music" get closed? #924226

    Are any songs I mentioned in the post harmful?

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928375

    Speak to your Rav.

    in reply to: Why did "Inspiring Non-Jewish Music" get closed? #924223

    Went to old threads. Couldn’t find the exact question. Does anyone have an answer? am I wrong?

    in reply to: Inspiring Non-Jewish Music #924149

    If my parents’ Yiddish’e Ta’am is some version of a 1900’s turkish song, then why can’t my Yiddesh’e Taam be Justin Beiber?

    in reply to: What to Bring for Shabbos #924961

    If the box of chocolates is fancyish then that is enough. Something small and elegant always does it. Anything too big will give an impression of foreign guest (reciprocating for the meals), rather than family giving a token for their invite. Have a d’var torah, and don’t forget your pj’s.

    As an aside,

    I don’t get it. You’re in ‘serious shidduchim’ meaning you’re not yet engaged? – what are you doing then eating with your not-yet-fiance’s grandparents? Do you call the Oma and Opa already? If they invited you at this early stage, you needed not accept (it is not so uncommon for grandparents to get ahead of themselves). You will eventually learn that complementing others’ desires can sometime be out of place, and not necessarily the right thing to do. Have grace and backbone to bow out of any other conformity that doesn’t feel right to you.

    Sure hope you do Oma & Opa proud!

    in reply to: Needs advice #930532

    Wow. People can be so nasty.

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169319

    To baalhabooz:

    The split second of chatzos is when Macas Bechoros BEGAN. Paroh was nervous because he though since he was a bechor, he would die any second (just like his son).

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922253

    torah613613torah: “what’s wrong with saying that a Gemara was lost?”

    There have been failed attempts over the centuries of people producing factitious copies of “new found” Gemaros in Talmud Bavli.

    In ‘Exalted People’, Rabbi Avigdor Miller writes that the Gemaros we have today are the complete set of Bavli, and no additions exist.

    If there are Gedolim that argue with this point, please let me know.

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922251

    It’s amazing that a Rebbe can have so much influence on the material.

    I guess it’s not just what you learn, but how you learn it.

    in reply to: Racism and Chinuch: What do we teach our children about diversity? #929179

    To sushee, re: “MLK was an anti-semite and a drunk.”


    Conversely, here is an excerpt of a letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. to a friend of his who was anti-Zionist:

    “. . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely ‘anti-Zionist.’ And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God’s green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews–this is God’s own truth.

    “Anti-semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.

    in reply to: Every Pot has a Lid? #922049

    Just my hapence:

    Good one! Keep the change.

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922245

    sushee- “Mesechtes Avos has a Gemora, but it was lost”

    Says who?

    Rav Avigdor Miller was adament that no other Talmud Bavli exist other than the Gemaros we have.

    no wasabi, please.

    in reply to: Every Pot has a Lid? #922039

    Every pot has a lid. But If you don’t make an effort to put the lid on the pot, it”ll remain without a lid. And the lid without the pot.

    And a watched pot never boils.

    in reply to: Racism and Chinuch: What do we teach our children about diversity? #929167

    Talking about racism, I’d like to pay tribute, today, on the anniversary of the icon of racial equality, Martin Luther King Jr. It is a speech that is ranked high up there among that of Socrates in his final parting hour, anomg Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death”, Lincols Gettysburg Address, and Reagan’s “Tear down this wall”.

    Here are some exerpts of Martin Luther’s “I have a dream”. Included, are poetic lines from tanach, which Mr. King was fluent in.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922241


    Eschatological- good word!

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922240


    Technically, you’re correct. All masechtos of Mishnayos are included in Talmud Bavli. But colloquially, masechta in talmud bavli could more simmply mean Gemara.

    By favorite, I meant which is most to your liking; which pulls you most.

    Also it is widely accepted that the Amora’im did not have access to Pirkei Avos.

    in reply to: Favorite Masechta #922236

    In gemara! Not mishnayos.

    What is your favorite Masechta in Talmud Bavli??


    in reply to: Racism and Chinuch: What do we teach our children about diversity? #929158

    Dear snowbunny3318,

    First of all, your trailblazing desicion to attend Bais Yaakov, even as your family was non-religious, inspires me.

    The bais Yaakovs, and any other Jewish religious schools do not dismiss, much less negate the countless stories in the Torah of equal opportunity. So numerous are the lessons of equality in Chumash alone, that they are always borrowed in Christain parochial schools to teach morals to their own students.

    The Torah calls us “Mamleches Kohanim V’goy Kadosh” – a princly, holy nation above others, and the Gemara expounds on the word “Achicha”, “your brother”, refers to your brother in observance. So the Observing Jew is indeed singlar.

    However, being that we are the Chosen People, we are chosen from on high, and not chosen by the world (In fact, history shows quite the opposite). It is a private singularity.

    Doesn’t every religious peoples view themselves as singular?

    That frum Jews are unnatural at embracing people from outside their creed, is an utmost virtue. It denotes of their sheltered childhood from the influences of gentile culture, and it certainly should not be compromised for ideals of cultural embracement.

    I hope this helped.

    in reply to: What 3 wishes would you wish? #921380

    1. My name cleared

    2. My buddy Clantino out

    3. The suitcase back with the full amount

    in reply to: Wedding Invitations #922094

    According to BussinessWire 2011 Wedding Statistics, the average number of wedding guests is 141. The average Jewish wedding is more than double that. The caveat is that the frum family is about 3 1/2 times the the non-jewish family. This means that the Family/Aquantence ratio is considerably smaller among Non-Jews.

    If this convinces you to invite them, it shouldn’t.

    Phobia aside, your husband is right.

    Tell your business aquantinces fleetingly that it is a religious ceremony, and make no fuss about it.

    Bring cakes to your office afterwards from the wedding.

    Instead of spending $20 dollars on dining them, buy a 20 cake for each one. This should impress them enough to make up for there non-invite.

    If you think this isn’t good enough, and that it can jeapordize your work atmosphere and parnassa, consult with a Rav, and refer back to you husband.

    in reply to: "Talmudical Jurisprudence", by Rav Gifter #1108569

    The Litvishe Kiryas Yoelite:

    That was quick. Thanks.

    in reply to: Extraterrestrials in judaism #1013473

    To anon1m0us

    Where in Bereishis is this me’am Lo’ez?

    In Rav Avigdor Miller’s famous Thursday night shiur, someone asked hime if there is life on other planets, and he responded that he doesn’t know, but that Adam, man, is exclusive to earth.

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