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  • in reply to: Free Antivirus � Today Only #794376

    Avast is just as good as any of the commercial antivirus programs. Usually the paid programs hit you up for renewal/upgrade after a year.

    in reply to: What does Being Chassidish Mean to You? #791310

    🙂 it is not an historical Chassidus, just another name that another Nadvorna or Kretschif descendant gave himself. They have a minhag that all of their descendants should become Rebbes and one is even called the Mosholu Rebbe for…Mosholu Parkway in the Bronx. It is also where Clevelander and Pittsburgher Chassidus come from.

    So long as he is not a Creedmoorer einikel…………. (although the Creedmoorer is a direct descendant of Koirach through Avirom and before that from both Er and Onan so his yichis is the best of all of them).

    in reply to: What does Being Chassidish Mean to You? #791306

    Another chassidish friend (Kalisch)

    Kalisch? Kalisch is a region in Poland that is the source of the Kalisch/Kalischer etc surname but there is no such Chassidus. Do you mean Karlin? There is Kaalov as well but the present Rebbes of Kalov don’t seem to really have formal Chassidim, they help Yidden of all origins.

    in reply to: which city/borough/area do you live in??? #790025

    HaLeiVi – there are two of them! Brooklyn AND Manhattan.

    If you mean Boro Park, I used to call it Triple Park which is about what you have to do there on Sunday.

    in reply to: Crocs on Tisha Ba’av #789805

    For those who hold by Rav Elyashiv shlit”a, he is part of Torah (he is for all of us but he is not my rav so I do not particularly hold by every psak of his but rather use them as a base or to know when I should ask my rav something).

    My Crocs did come in – but they are “professional” Crocs and they NOT comfortable, at least now that they are new, and I will be wearing them on 9 Av and YK.

    They also are not a color I would ever wear in public other than to go downstairs to the grocery in my building, nor do I wear Crocs during the year except if there is an awful downpour (and even then, never to shul) so Rav Elyashiv’s reasoning doesn’t apply for me.

    Daas, I don’t think the anti-fungal or even Lysol/Oust penetrates far enough into the material for them not to be a risk for prolonged wear as opposed to for stepping in and out of at a heavily chlorinated mikveh.

    in reply to: Delete Your Facebook Account for Leiby #791347

    Yid, I loved k9 when I first used it – but last time I tried it something went very wrong and it completely blocked my Net access!

    The street where he was abducted should be named for him, but all of 13th Ave is going a bit far. We have Bobov Promenade as an auxiliary street name for one block in BP and Joel Teitelbaum Square for one block in WB. The same formula should be used for this block as well.

    in reply to: Know your friends #1021436

    basket of radishes


    Thank you.

    in reply to: Why burn Yummy Snacks? #789519

    They have a Facebook page or group, if not more than one.

    in reply to: Why burn Yummy Snacks? #789517

    Every time we discuss these morons, they get the attention that they crave.

    in reply to: which city/borough/area do you live in??? #790020

    Otisville :))))!

    in reply to: Know your friends #1021433

    BoR, if you don’t like it, leave.

    All professional sites have anonymous moderators.

    in reply to: Derech Eretz Kadmah LaTorah #789539

    I know Joseph online outside of YWN. He is perfectly normal. I think he was just rubbed the wrong way here at some point and is out to have some revenge-fun at everyone’s expense.

    I did the same thing to a (non-Jewish) forum that was mismanaged. They allowed someone, who actually probably was a high-functioning autistic or mental patient, to blow my cover and violate my anonymity after I had done a lot to help them. I registered phony accounts, purposely posted stuff to give the moderators work to do, created phony drama on the site, started a competing site that I only closed because I was no longer involved in what the forum was about. In the end they imploded on their own and split into 2 forums, both useless.

    in reply to: Hungarian Yidden #789585

    The “Israelis” are not “from” EY any more than most Americans are “from” the US. They emigrated there from other places, and not always willingly as in the case of Iraqi Jews who were forced out of Iraq by tzioini agitation. Over 300,000 “Israelis” are not even Jews. The only Jews who truly can claim they are from EY are those few, like the Zenati family in the Galil, whose ancestors never left. Also, the old yishuv has some authenticity as it is made up of Jews who went up to EY bikdusha ubetehoro.

    Iraqis are also from the same country as Avraham Avinu.

    Kasho, Munkacz, Ungvar, Satu Mare etc were located in lands conquered by the ancestors of the present Hungarians. They had another culture altogether.

    Yawn. This creep will be erased from society in prison as Dahmer was. Hinckley would have been protected and seen as a hero especially by the prisoners of darker hue who hated Reagan.

    A better analogy is that Jeffrey Dahmer was executed faster than he would have been had he ended up on Death Row and been able to appeal for 25-30 years.

    in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790546

    Snitching won’t help. Unless you can bring the kids back, just ignore it. They’re either gone anyway or they’ll outgrow their teenage rebellion.

    I recently stumbled upon a double FB account belonging to a good bochur here whom I know very well – and another FB account belonging to a girl who is not frum but is in the frum school here because her parents are returnees from EY and want her in a Jewish environment (knowing probably that she’d end up in real trouble otherwise).

    The girl’s photos on this account are not acceptable and clearly show she has no shaychus to Yiddishkeit. I was shocked but not surprised at the girl’s profile but totally surprised that the bochur had a second account for an online relationship with her.

    I just blocked the accounts because they’re just kids fooling around and all I would accomplish if I reported it to the boy’s rosh yeshiva is that the boy would go OTD. Reporting the girl is not my job and this is a kiruv community so they’d never do anything so long as she isn’t breaking the rules in school itself.

    Actually, the Norway Rat should get the Nobel Prize. It already was awarded to one mass murderer who was far more destructive than this nut.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004688

    There was a reunion of all descendants of Er and Onan last night in Aderes Atzeres. The event was a roaring success. No one showed up.

    in reply to: Reporting a Monetary Error In Your Favor when.. #788990

    I already told them once; I’ll monitor it until the end of the calendar year and see what happens.

    in reply to: Tzitzits in the summer time #789904

    BOR, I have suffered through many of your posts here and it is clear you are very immature. You are looking for attention and some people are giving it to you, which is a pity.

    in reply to: Crocs on Tisha Ba’av #789792

    Yolk – Ebay but check the seller’s history carefully. I got two really good deals on prior pairs; this time I did not look and got taken.

    in reply to: Child Abuse #790065

    Regarding mandatory reporting laws:

    I have many a friend who never met his grandfather because the “mandatory reporters” of the day, called the Yevsektzia, turned their grandfathers in for crimes like baking matzos.

    There was also a story of a “mandatory reporter” in Europe or Canada who was either an anti-Semite or a self-hating Jew. He turned in a frum couple after their child fell and broke an arm or a leg. He ruined the family, and only years later were they cleared.

    On the other hand, we need to deal with the Mondrowitzes and Kolkos very decisively. But even when we do, as was the case with one monster turned in by a principal of a moisad in California, the justice system fails us and they’re let out after short sentences.

    in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792175

    Actually, he is not a vantz. He is a Norway rat!

    in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792173

    Believe me, that vantz, after years of working out in the prison gym that is probably better than my old university gym, will be a menace at 53. He’ll probably leave prison as a skinhead hero.

    I do not support taxing lower wage earners extra, but I do support a flat tax. What I support is ending any type of aid to NON workers who are able bodied and sound minded except in emergencies such as the one the left now perpetuates so they can be seen as the savior of the unemployed with extending benefits and creating make-work jobs here and there.

    Criminals come from the ranks of the non-workers, not the lower wage earners. Once someone is a wage earner, they have no time for petty crime and they become part of the system.

    I had to speak tzu brochener Spanish to my illegal cleaning lady when I lived in Crown Heights because illiterate illegal was all I could find if I could find anyone bichlal. A few streets away, there were welfare mothers and welfare grandmothers doing nothing all day. Each one of the welfarettes should have been bonded by New York State and sent to work in homes and offices all over the city that were using illegals. I’d have gladly paid 20% – 25% more for a bonded and guaranteed worker who had rules to work by, and so would any of my friends. Instead the welfarettes drank their days away and the illegals keep working.

    in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792172

    Disabled and sick are deserving recipients. That is who welfare is for, as well as for temporary emergencies. There is a whole welfare culture in the US and it is sickening. BH I picked up and left, it isn’t my problem and BH I have rights to another citizenship (NOT that of the medine which I don’t accept) if I ever am affected as the US declines and China rises.

    With lower tax rates, the community would pick up the cost of the kollel. No welfare here, flat rate tax, and a thriving kollel in every town with decent monthly payments and assistance with housing etc. And every week, another kollel family has another child ken yirbu. We don’t have permanent kollel, and that really is no chisaroin – no one should be in kollel if they must have welfare to continue past say 5 years at most.

    The children of the “welfare” mothers in NY became the petty thieves, third-rate drug dealers, and in-and-out revolving door prisoners that comprise the NYC underclass. Statistics make it very clear that the NY underclass just perpetuates an ugly cycle of welfare and dependency from generation to generation. There are now fourth generation welfare “families” in NYC. Probably more of them than there are fourth generation secular Jews who remained halachic, lehavdil.

    They don’t even have the brains for welfare FRAUD – we all know you need a Yiddishe kop for that :)))!

    in reply to: Crocs on Tisha Ba’av #789787

    Well, thanks to a practitioner of a certain Middle Eastern creed that makes it clear that agreements with infidels are not to be upheld, I will not have Crocs for 9 Av this year unless I’m stupid enough to risk athlete’s foot by wearing the pair I left at the mikve. I don’t wear them all year round and the colors I get (whatever’s on sale for the lowest price) are davka such that I only wear them outside on 9 Av or YK, not that I would wear them outside anyway.

    No real loss, even if Ebay accepts the gonif’s lies I won’t miss what I paid for them and I have much more humble non-leather slippers that are more in line with 9 Av. Once I looked, after it was already too late, at his history of negatives and the complaints that went with them, I knew I would never see my Crocs and I started a claim on Ebay which is on hold until Friday. The gonif probably sent an empty package from his mail drop in Utah to me. It cleared Ukrainian customs in record time and was then probably thrown in the garbage so I would not blame the local PO for the loss. (This helps me because they will never deliver such a thing to me so he will never have any proof of delivery). I guess it is best that I don’t have them.

    in reply to: Hungarian Yidden #789559

    It all comes from repeating the great segila “Saygec Arosz, Siksza Arann” three times after Musaf on Rosh Chodesh. This segila was brought down by the Ingarischer-Ganover Roov, who is one of the few people named Segal who is not a Levi. His Segal surname stood for sof ganav letliya.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004687

    An obstetrics resident mit a Yiddishe kop worked in an inner city hospital. He was once asked to name a baby who was left behind by her mother after the delivery. Needless to say, the baby’s father was not present either nor did his name appear on any records. He decided to name her for BOTH her parents:

    The name?

    Mia for “Missing In Action”

    in reply to: Tzitzits in the summer time #789876

    Dress like A Poshiter Yid with your tzitzis OVER your shirt. I’ve done it indoors :). I’m not Ingarish so I don’t go out that way but it is comfortable.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004686

    Because the best way to deal with them is warped humor. They exist. We didn’t create their yetzer, but the anti-Semite and the self-hating Jew uses them against us anyway. What’s more, it is not a Jewish idea that being “religious” keeps you from committing crimes. If we didn’t have criminals, there would not be dinei mamanois and dinei nefashois.

    So, I say laugh at them and hate the anti-Semites rather than the other way around.

    BOR, the high wage earners return money by giving the low wage earners jobs or supervising them so they do their jobs right and we all benefit. Redistribution of wealth benefits only politicians in the end and that is why they push it because naive people think it is “the right thing to do” when really it breeds dependency.

    All you do by redistributing wealth is encourage people to stay home and produce nothing but children, who then grow up unwanted and undisciplined (or deformed because their mothers had money to use on crack). Those kids become a drain on the economy and a menace to the well-being of decent citizens.

    They also spend more. Especially in our world, sometimes it is just one or two “gvirim” who keep a small store going because everyone else is using the credit book. I have a friend in that situation with his food shop back in the US – if he didn’t have a few wealthy regulars (and a side business) he’d have gone out long ago because his credit book is a chessed and he’s not a crook who takes shtempelach on prepared food etc.

    in reply to: Should one mourn the death of a Jew no matter who? #789105

    I am just saying there are certain times where we don’t mourn over a jew’s death.

    Yes, and we daven for this to happen fast three times a day in birkas haminim. I look forward to mishte vesimcha the moment Soros, D-ek, Madoff, Mondrowitz, Aron and a couple of others pollute gehennom rather than earth with their presence.

    in reply to: Should one mourn the death of a Jew no matter who? #789103

    This kind of Barney the Dinosaur love everyone nonsense is why we have crime. There is nothing to mourn when it comes to a violent criminal, or a mass thief such as a Ponzi scammer, or other two-legged parasites and wild beasts.

    The example of someone who became ill is totally a non-sequitur. On the other hand, being born ill is no excuse, except to those who foolishly opened the (real) Creedmoors of this world and released subway pushers and the like into the streets.

    We are talking about not mourning those whose net contributions to society are extremely negative. The singer is far from being one of these.

    However, you can make a bet that when Levi Aron, Solomon D-ek, Madoff, and a whole host of others peyger, I will play a nigun by a baal toeva whose name was the same as a planet and an element. It is called “Noch An Anderer Peygert”…or in simple English “Another One Bites the Dust!”

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004683

    What’s the difference between criminals and NK?

    Not much. They all hang together.

    in reply to: Should one mourn the death of a Jew no matter who? #789093

    The problem is how to defend the system against people like him.

    The question is who is hampering an investigation into his activities. D-ek is in the dock, Shereshevsky is in the can, Madoff will never see the light of day, Barry Minkow is back in trouble, the Galleon crowd have been successfully prosecuted, Milken got the book thrown at him for practically nothing – and this guy gets away with financial murder that is on the magnitude of ten Madoffs while sponsoring none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

    Putin is no tzaddik, but he knew how to handle his Soros-backed plague. He threw Mr “Open Society” Khodorkovsky in jail and stripped him of every last cent. Our Soros-backed plague is now president, and I suspect he will be in again in 2012 thanks to media manipulation and Republican inertia.

    All the checks and balances, of which the US has too many as it is, only keep the good from being tempted. Soros is a sociopath with powerful friends, mostly on the left which he supports but also in the oil fields of Saudi Arabia (I don’t think Iran is sophisticated enough to deploy a Soros).

    But they want society to feed these “people” three meals a day, provide them with medical care and pay for their housing, and guards. That often amounts to more than an average annual salary for an honest hard-working non-murderer who eats far worse and gets far worse medical care (regardless of what insurance he has).

    What’s more, they even have access to law libraries so they can spend their days filing frivolous lawsuits – like the so-called frummer murderer Dreklich who sued because they took away the magazines he ordered to help him better understand hilchois Issurei Biah in Rambam (Mishne Torah)!

    in reply to: Should one mourn the death of a Jew no matter who? #789091

    He is a speculator, not a capitalist. A capitalist adds value, even if he is a passive investor like Warren Buffett seems to be. Speculators and black marketeers exist in every economic system, and in fact a repressive, overregulated system is what generates them. The rishus of Soros is that unlike most people who play games like that (D-ek etc), he has the talent and training to do something constructive.

    The question I have always had is who is Soros acting for. My suspicion lies in the Arabian Peninsula, as they would have a great deal of interest in wrecking economies for the glory of their evil religion.

    (Marc Rich and Pincus Green were crooked speculators as well, but they were actually acting as agents for either the US, EY or both, which is why they were pardoned. They also are probably among those who ensured that Khomeini YMS allowed a free flow of Jewish emigration and assets from Iran).

    in reply to: What would you do? #789238

    MBD sang a song with the word “hell” in it – we mistakenly picked up the idea of that word being offensive from the notzrim.

    I would politely tell her that you are not a rav or a psychologist, and that you wish her luck but you’re not able to help her in any way.

    The whole leftist mindset is about treating adults like children so that the dictatorship of the left can make sure that they are as dependent upon them as children are dependent on their parents.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004681

    OK – a new level of SICK!

    Getzel Schmendrick (a resident of Kiryas Naye Creedmoor) decided to buy a hamster to leave in the guard room of his used car lot, in order to entertain his very vicious Doberman that he keeps in the guard room to scare thieves, tax inspectors, insurance auditors, people who recognize the cars they reported stolen, and other unwanted intruders.

    He named the hamster Levi Aron.

    A shocked customer asked him why he would name an animal for a sick murderer.

    He replied: “Well, the Doberman’s name is Bubba and they’re roommates for now….”

    Please. Your average death row offender is proof that human beings share 98% of DNA with great apes. He is a creature who, either because of his being born to a drug-addicted mother or at the very least a mother who did not get prenatal care, or because of a defective gene combined with an utter lack of regard for other human beings, has surrendered his tzelem elokim.

    And I don’t care if his name is Levi Aron, Martin Grossman, Ted Bundy or Tookie Williams – or for that matter if it is Zacarias Moussaoui who follows an ideology that glorifies repeated death penalty offenses. He needs to be erased. And we need to make sure, through supporting candidates who want to cut welfare, that no more of these creatures are born.

    in reply to: What have you "given up" to be frum? #790139


    in reply to: Should one mourn the death of a Jew no matter who? #789088

    We mourn her as we mourn any other Jewish neshomo who was lost to anything Jewish. She knew no better; she ended up making her career in a field that is the truest definition of oilam hasheker and she succumbed.

    It is the same situation with the girl who disappeared in the Midwest and is suspected to have used cocaine. She knew no better.

    The only Yidden we don’t mourn when they peyger are true reshoim, whether self-hating like George Soros, frei like Madoff who davka ate pork, or “frum” (farkakte reshoim uhn mitzvos) like D-ek, Shereshevsky, or Levi Aron.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004680

    Two descendants of ben Drusoy somehow made it to Williamsburgh, and being who they are they each opened a store that sells partially cooked take-out food, one across the street from the other.

    Of course, Shmerel Drusowitz and Mechel Drosay were always fighting with each other and trying to undercut the other. So, one day, Shmerel went to his store only to find Mechel had put up a sign saying “Our food is always half-baked” on his window.

    Shmerel retaliated by stringing a big banner from one side of the street to the other saying: “Drosay Take-out. Our prices are highway robbery!”

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004674

    Now THIS has got to be THE WORST:

    Groinem’s father passed away one Shmini Atzeres while he was doing time in Otisville. The warden came to the beis tefila to break the bad news to Groinem but he wasn’t sure how to do it. The warden happened to arrive a moment or 2 before Yizkor.

    When the gabbai called out: “OK, everyone who has both parents still alive please leave for Yizkor!” Groinem began to leave.

    The warden blocked the door and said: “Where do you think you’re going, Groinem!”

    in reply to: how do i learn yiddish? #788399

    🙂 By the Mir I take it you mean the Mir in EY? I was wondering if Yiddish (as opposed to Yeshivishe Reid, Yeshivishe Shprach) is still used in Litvish yeshivos in the US (or Gateshead for that matter).

    in reply to: Making Aliyah #787932

    And that quote taken out of context pertains to the present situation? Another reason why women should never learn Gemara, I guess.

    in reply to: Making Aliyah #787927

    By the way, please take my advice about private insurance very seriously. There is now a doctor’s strike in EY because the doctors are fed up with getting bank teller salaries. (Some of the butchers from the FSU who “practice” medicine in EY are overpaid even at a dollar an hour as they would never get licensed in the US or Canada, but there are many fine doctors in EY who have had enough of the system and just can’t take it anymore.)

    Those who have private insurance of the type I recommended probably are not affected by the strike.

    in reply to: Making Aliyah #787926

    Mamashtakah, I have never read such propaganda since the days of the defunct Soviet papers.

    My averois here in a place where we are bringing people back to Yiddishkeit, including refugees from the medine who were tired of being seen as low-class Russians and came back to live as proud Jews, are worth more than your questionable mitzvah of yishuv ha-aretz. How dare you say that our mitzvos don’t count? Some of us pay for your ill and injured via Yad Sarah, Rav Grossman, Meir Panim etc, none of which would exist without donors from chu’l and all of which exist because the heartless, incompetent medine has so many holes in its safety net. I once helped to pay for a medication that is common in the US and even paid for by Medicaid to be brought by plane to a patient in EY because it was not a part of the infamous “basket” there and he could not possibly afford it on his own. That is a Jewish state? That is what I expect from a cultural Muslim with a father from a country where people live to be about 50 anyway, NOT what I expect from Yidden.

    Where are today’s trumois and maasrois going anyway with no beis hamikdosh? This is something I always wanted to understand.

    What is more, the chilonim are defiling land that belongs to me just as much as it does to you. The medine is like an incompetent security company that lets criminals and murderers run amok and instead punishes the good guys. We used to have a lot of corrupt security firms like that here in the 90’s. Like the medine, they took lots of money from the people who were forced to hire them. The medine calls it taxes, victims of the old Russian firms, myself somewhat included (I was forced to pay 20x the cost of hiring my own guard) used to call it protection money.

    Many US emigres to EY ramble online about how good it is and in reality they are suffering every day in every way and they rue the day they moved to EY. My friend works with kids from homes like that, where the parents’ misery leads the kids to go astray. Yes, he finds them on the famous Crack Square.

    ERETZ Yisroel and the medine are two separate entities. Many of the Jews living in EY are indeed victims of the medine. The medine is the only polity that has thrown Jews out of their houses since Libya in the 60’s. And innocent Jews in Kiev found their shuls vandalized after Gush Katif because the skinheads saw that Jews demolish their own shuls and lost all respect for us.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004673

    Back in the 60’s a Syrian Jewish electrical goods wholesaler tried to sell his merchandise to a hardware store in a town in Alabama.

    The owner said: “I’ll take however much copper wire stretches from the tip of your Jewish nose to the tip of your Jewish……”

    The hick was very surprised to receive a shipment of 6000 miles of copper wire, with immediate payment requested. The invoice included a note saying: “I was circumcised in Aleppo, Syria. Thank you for your generous order!”

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