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  • in reply to: Chasidus bans “informers” from using its facilities #1865630
    a mamin

    Why was someone putting you in danger if they for example made a minyan ? If you listened you would be in your house, wouldn’t you ? Then you had nothing to worry about!
    Kapos were also mosrim!

    a mamin

    @Nomesorah! The Heilege Bashefer of course!!

    a mamin

    BECAUSE THE GOVERNOR AND MAYOR HAVE LIED TO US! Because the numbers aren’t real ! Not everyone who died since March 2020 died of Corona! There are many people who died for other reasons but that doesn’t make them any money so they lie! New hospitalizations are also lies! Why should I trust them ? I take my precautions but locking myself up for two months is more than enough ! Putting all our local businesses in danger is long enough! Our health is not in danger if the local businesses open with social distancing etc! My local stores are more disinfected than any Walmart or Cosco! This is all about making Trump look bad and WON’T CHANGE MY MIND ! TRUMP IS THE BEST PRESIDENT WE EVER HAD!

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848784
    a mamin

    I hear they’re making school in the summer to catch up.

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1813946
    a mamin

    Another poster coming out of hiding ! I see nothing wrong with anyone in Klal Yisroel sharing their good wishes with the chusen and kallah!! MAZEL TOV!!! May all your dreams come true! Wishing you only Mazel and Bracha till 120!!!

    in reply to: How much $$$ does a typical Frum family spend on groceries per week? #1797431
    a mamin

    Kluger yid! I’m not sure you’re in reality? No one buys near for chulent for $5!! Your prices are no where near reality! Neither are your menus!
    As far as the op- I’m in Brooklyn a family of approx 5- depends on who I’m cooking for – way over $500 weekly just food- vegetables , fruit and poultry included. My Shabbos order can be $400 just on groceries ! Ess gezinteheit!

    in reply to: Colonoscopy prep #1796105
    a mamin

    Try not to think about it so much! The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Just stay home during the prep so you’ll have your bathroom accessible. Hatzlocha!!

    in reply to: Why do Chassidim seem happier. #1712395
    a mamin

    Takes 2 to tango: your animosity is showing …. you’re off target with a Chassidic Rebbe’s ! They are truly happy with the right things ! I know many Rebbe’s that have attained true happiness! I wish I could emulate them !

    in reply to: Putting a nickname on a matzeva or footstone. Advice welcomed. #1700415
    a mamin

    We were asked for our opinion , my opinion is , it is not respectful to the mes. You are entitled to have a different opinion .

    in reply to: Putting a nickname on a matzeva or footstone. Advice welcomed. #1700350
    a mamin

    I don’t think it’s respectful! Even if they weren’t called by their real name. I believe there Are times for slang and there are times for formality. This is one of them.

    in reply to: How Will The New Minimum Wage Laws Affect “Cleaning Help” #1655969
    a mamin

    The law of $15 minimum wage is if you employ 10 workers or more!

    in reply to: How Will The New Minimum Wage Laws Affect “Cleaning Help” #1655968
    a mamin

    I CTL lawyer; refuah sheleima to your wife!!

    in reply to: Would you marry someone like this? #1599272
    a mamin

    Sorry but I don’t grasp what is being said here? Am I understanding properly that Dor Yeshurim can not test for LOTS?

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #1588921
    a mamin

    Unfortunately , not everyone is on the same madreiga! Why can’t you see how many in today’s generation are struggling? They need help they are grasping at straws! I am not a Rav or a posek. I refuse to judge anyone negatively just because they do things differently than me or my grandparents ! Each person should do what’s good for them . If there are any questions as to what is permissible they should ask their local Rav.

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #1588922
    a mamin

    I am not a Rav so I can not pasken whether using instruments during selichos is permissible . Everyone needs to follow their LOR with their questions . The coffee room is definitely NOT the place to find the answer. Though I will add that making harsh judgements on others is not acceptable under any circumstances. It’s Erev Rosh Hashana please let’s try to find room in our heart for others who think differently then us !

    in reply to: Why are Children from divorced homes treated as second class citizens? #1588919
    a mamin

    Dear single mom; may I ask the following question; what is your relationship with your ex husband vis-à-vis your children ? Have you maintained a peaceful relationship so that your children don’t suffer? Have you brainwashed your children against their father ? Those children who came from divorced homes where the parents use them as a pawn against their ex spouse do suffer. That fault is totally the parents and not society ! Sit back and think about it ? Hopefully this does not pertain to you but maybe one single mom will rethink her priorities.

    in reply to: Hi. Everyone. Do you guys remember me? #1556518
    a mamin

    ARWSF: I am SO HAPPY things have worked out for you!! May you continue to blossom……………

    in reply to: Hi. Everyone. Do you guys remember me? #1556077
    a mamin

    Welcome Back! Hope things are doing well with you?

    in reply to: Amudim: Abuse often occurs within your home . #1547324
    a mamin

    @Joseph, unfortunately , you are not in touch with reality. I know of many such cases nebach! There are many divorces in our community , and many of them have this as a strong reason!

    in reply to: Amudim: Abuse often occurs within your home . #1546913
    a mamin

    Unfortunately, there is reason to be concerned! I personally know of a suicide that occurred because someone abused his siblings and when her marriage was ruined, everything came out in the open. There are so many people out there who need help who are unfortunately NOT getting it in the right places! HASHEM YISHMOR!
    How many marriages are ruined because one of the partners were abused and they hid it, or covered up for so long? This is not something you hear about when you ask shidduch information!

    in reply to: Dont Sell Chassidus #1529955
    a mamin

    THIS IS SO SAD!! Why cant any of you fargin???? These weddings are not boasting anything, except how many followers they have. Where are the flowers , party planners expensive musicians?etc? Do any of you criticize anyone who spends over $100,000 on a wedding? Its really none of your business! Is the amount of tzedaka given from any of these dynasties questioned by any of you? Obviously not! I never saw a thread of anyone saying look how much tzedaka they’re giving?? In any case that is irrelevant. These questions are not coming from a good place. JUST PURE JEALOUSY! I don’t follow any of those Rabbonim but i definitely respect them and if they have thousands of followers , good for them! At least they are busy with Their Rebbe and not running to Cankun , Bahamas or casinos!

    in reply to: Wait time in Dr.’s office #1461125
    a mamin

    There are many choices in the medical field, make them! If your time is important to you , don’t stick around in those type of offices!

    in reply to: Wait time in Dr.’s office #1460691
    a mamin

    Ezra Medical Center in Boro park boasts a waiting time average of 5 minutes! Thats the upside!

    in reply to: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch? #1405502
    a mamin

    My the coffee room has become sooooo narrow minded lately???

    in reply to: Men should not wear black at night #1343598
    a mamin

    This is really PIKUACH NEFESH!! I recently drove down a street in Monsey, with no sidewalks. 2 Men dressed totally in black were not seen on a swerve, they could’ve been killed chas veshalam!!
    I can never understand why anyone could walk in Monsey or other areas, not lit, at night without wearing reflectors??

    in reply to: Should We View Satmar Growth and Anti Israel Indoctrination as Concern #1339795
    a mamin

    @Benk What Satmer did in their camp was just an act of what they called “FUN”. Personally if I had any of my children there I would have been FURIOUS! I do not believe this is what we should be doing with our children to have fun! On that note, it is up to the parents who send to that camp to voice their opinion with the hanhala of that camp.It has nothing to do with me!
    Secondly, my personal opinion is I do not believe in the government of Israel, does that mean I can not LOVE Eretz Yisroel? Am i calling anyone there Amalak? I try very hard not to judge anyone other Jew negatively but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with them or their policies! What is going on over there between our very own is HORRIFIC! I have seen it with my own eyes. I don’t need video clips to see the abuse .

    a mamin

    Everyone has their opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion and to exercise what chinuch they want to give in their mosod. It doesn’t mean you have to send there! Unfortunately, not all of us can agree. If we did Moshiach would have been here already! As far as government programs, Baruch Hashem I am not on any of them BUT why cant Jewish people exercise their rights, just like everyone else? Unfortunately I have been to various government offices, with family members and the majority were NEVER Jews!
    FYI, in all Chasidic Sects Satmer chasidim are the wealthiest in the nation, just sayin…………..

    in reply to: Confetti at Weddings 🎊🤵 #1271134
    a mamin

    Moderator 105: So nice of you to look into this, when so many ppl here are ignorant to any minhag they never heard of? Closed mindedness i guess?

    in reply to: Wedding Veils: Charedi vs Hassidic vs … 👰 #1271107
    a mamin

    @cant think of fancy user name: They do Mitzva tans without seeing each other.

    in reply to: Wedding Veils: Charedi vs Hassidic vs … 👰 #1269985
    a mamin

    @Thinking allowed: FYI for the event in some Chasidic dynasties they have an event the night before the wedding, where the Chusen and Kallah do not see each other. The women and men are in different rooms.
    It is in the Sqver dynasty.

    in reply to: Wedding Veils: Charedi vs Hassidic vs … 👰 #1267840
    a mamin

    FYI the white gown comes from the goyim and that is why some Hasidic sects do not wear totally white gowns.
    They line it with a color.

    in reply to: Wedding Veils: Charedi vs Hassidic vs … 👰 #1266846
    a mamin

    It is not true that everyone has the custom of whatever length you want for a back veil.
    In the Ultra Chasidic Rabbinical families they do not wear a back veil at all.

    in reply to: Is Bubble Gum Tznius? #1217338
    a mamin

    It is the unclassy thing I have ever seen!

    in reply to: Favorite flavor donut #1204682
    a mamin

    Try Lotus flavor and Bagels and Green in Brooklyn! AMAZING!!!

    in reply to: Stop and Say Tehillim please #1183711
    a mamin

    Maybe since its Sunday some of you will have more time, PLEASE??

    in reply to: Stop and Say Tehillim please #1183709
    a mamin

    Tizku lemitzvos!!

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, zt"l #1170642
    a mamin

    Mr.Rosenbaum you so eloquently described the life of a tzedekes in our generation!

    What a loss for her family and all of klal Yisroel!!

    in reply to: Tips for helping stressed out mothers #1176379
    a mamin

    If I may say , I never went to a kimputurin home or gave away any of my kids after childbirth. ( Which was many times Baruch Hashem)

    BUT today we are living in a different generation! Many things have changed, not only this. Yes, I truly believe everyone deserves to get away and be wined and dined after a childbirth. I try my best to make sure all my children, daughters and daughter in laws get that opportunity! The main thing is everyone needs to be honest with themselves and do what is good for “THEM”. No need to put someone down or look down upon someone who doesn’t share your views.

    in reply to: My makeup routine making the churban #1178205
    a mamin

    I am NOT a posek, BUT you definitely need to find one. There is a gemara that ALL EYE SHADOW is forbidden.

    in reply to: Footsteps, ?????? ?????? #1166077
    a mamin

    There are some very good posts here, I might add one outlook.Rabbi Wallerstein has a beautiful shuir to listen to On Torah Anytime. It is called Victim or Victor. Definitely worth listening too! CHAZAQ!!!

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183644
    a mamin

    ZD; I hope you’re not talking about Footsteps are you?

    in reply to: The role of the woman in yiddishkeit #1162888
    a mamin

    Can you imagine there are actually women out there waiting for a truthful answer to the question?

    in reply to: Why do women wear expensive sheitels? #1163774
    a mamin

    Jewish Feminist: You are way off target. Women need to take into account that men can look at them and dress appropriately. THAT IS THE WOMAN’S RESPONSIBILITY! If woman feel a need to dress in a way to make mens’ head turn, she is sinning and needs to look at her insecurities to see why she needs this negative attention. A married woman’s purpose is to look beautiful for her husband NOT every man who walks on the street. Unfortunately the description of Tznius has not been taught in the proper light. It is the most beautiful thing to be tzniusdig and should not be looked down upon.It is not a punishment! I once heard a beautiful example; Would you put the most expensive jewels out in an open showcase? No, you wouldn’t they need protection. So does a Yiddishe Woman.

    in reply to: Bahamas Vacation advice #1162852
    a mamin

    Lesheim: I loved your brochos at the end of your post!!!!!

    in reply to: Custom Closets #1158153
    a mamin

    Elfa shelving by container store is amazing!

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183636
    a mamin

    WOW!! My best wishes for the true salvation for your son! Chag Sameach!!

    in reply to: I Want Moshiach NOW #1148858
    a mamin

    Could you have taken vacation days during Chol Hamoed?

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183619
    a mamin

    WOW: We are still thinking of you and your son….. We will continue to daven until the yeshua is here….

    in reply to: the older we get the less trite cliches sound #1110613
    a mamin


    in reply to: Um… I'm Back… #1104765
    a mamin

    Welcome back! You were missed!!

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