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  • in reply to: What is the OTD situation in E.Y., how does it compare to the US? #1812870

    The statistical baselines are different in the U.S. and EY as to the percentage of the yiddeshe tzibur that is considered “frum” or “chareidi” and as others have noted, there are different metrics as to what actions/combination of actions would be deemed “going OTD” by the majority of members of the community. Thus,there is no concesnus as to what numbers goi into either the numerator or denomiator so hard to define comparable or relative statistics.

    in reply to: Portable Mivkeh #1812860

    There are a number of ‘plans” posted on the internet as to how one may configure a small and low-cost mikvah at home that will satisfy halacha (except of course for the most mehadrim). No one has yet explained WHY anyone would need the ability to put such a strcuture on the back of a pickup track or flatbed trailer and drive it around. Even chabad have not suggested such a variatio of their “mitzvah tanks”.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1812852

    Anyone who followed Trump for his entire career knew what to expect. It was total stupidity for anyone to expect this guy with a history of lying, pandering to racial and white supremacist conspiracy theories,  messing over his business associates and sub- contractors, serial infidelity and sexaual abuse., etc, etc. to suddenly change whne he moved into the oval office. I have little sympathy for “progressive’ friends who keep waiting for him to “pivot’ to the center or begin acting in accordance with the norms of 200+ years of American History. You knew what you were going to get, you got it and will continue to get it until you offer a clearly preferable alternative to a few thousand voters in 5 or 6 swing states. Winning California, New York, Illinois or Massachusetts by a million more votes means ZERO in an electoral college system. Get Real Dems or get comfortable with 4 more years of the Trumpkopf.

    Tone down the language please

    in reply to: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here #1812720

    A guy coming into shul early for shachris, can ask a woman coming in the same time to put down a sefer or a coat on one or two seatsin the ezras nahsim for his wife or daughter(s) who are coming later. However, as I’ve indicated in other threads on the same topic, I find this whole minhag of “saving seats” offensive, on EITHER side of the mechitza. The worse examples are on the yamim noraim, where some ehrliche yidden put down tallesim across an entire row reserving 4, 5 or 6 seats for family members arriving later.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1812719

    Non-stop lying, vulgarity, bullying etc. would arguably be tolerable if he had not repeately placed the national security at risk by ignoring the guidance of advisors such as McMaster, Mattis, Tillerson, Kelly and even Bolton. instead, he continues to act in an irrational, narcissistic way, alienating our allies, cozying up to the world’s most despicable tyrants, with only his own reputation and political interests underlying his constantly changing policies. The “derangement” is with what he has done an continues to do, not with who he is. It would have been possible to pursue his policy agenda without so debasing the office of the Presidency.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1812669

    Syag: As I’ve said before, the bar was set so low after 30 months of non-stop vulgarity, demeaning anyone who disagreed with his policies, bullying, name calling, cozying up to every dictator and murdering tyrant in the world making policy decisions that jeopardize national security against the advice of the generals he originally called the greatest minds in the history of the military etc., etc, this ukraine meshguaas that was ginned up by Rudy seems relatively boring. We know that the Republicans in the Senate (with one or two exceptions) have no backbone to push back so lets just get it over with. Either way, he will always be remebered as one of the three Presidents to have been impeached….

    in reply to: Non-Jewish books #1812559

    There is a vast range of opinions here in the CR on what is “appropriate” based on one’s haskhafah. Likewise, there are really no normative “criteria” as to what constitutes a “Jewish” versus “Non-Jewish” book. Its clearly not based on the author (some of the major works of pritzus have been by Jewish writers). Its also not based on subject matter since most works on the “old testament” or “traditional values” are not written from a yiddeshe perspective. Its really something that each individual will have to decide (with input from his/her LRP as necessary) on a case-by-case basis.

    in reply to: Is it assur to use an air fryer during channukah? #1812558

    Trachtgeet: Whats wrong with ‘glow in the dark” latkes. They are very popular among certain segments of the tzibur.

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1812557

    I also have seen on many occasions where a shul or Simcha hall has signs on the front door WARNING their daveners/guests that cars illegally parked on nearby streets or blocking driveways will be TOWED, so anyone doing so has accepted the risk of his/her car being removed.

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1812556

    Fifty posts later on one has established any inyan of mesirah if you encounter an illegally parked car blocking your access to your driveway/garage and blocking you from going/coming. Also, in the majority of cases, you will have no idea if the owner is a yid, thereby removing any question of mesirah. If you do think you recognize the owner as a yid, give him/her a call with a request to move the car asap or else you will be calling a tow company. End of story. We have no obligation under halacha to show respect for someone who is literally and intentionally robbing us of our time and rights to use our own property. If there was an emergency situation, the car’s owner would have left a note explaining the situation and either left the key or left a cellphone number where they could be reached.

    in reply to: Portable Mivkeh #1812554

    I am still not clear on WHY anyone would want a “mobile mikvah” as compared with using either a regular mikvah or finding some local body of water while travelling.

    in reply to: 20 Kislev in Chabad #1812526

    Reminder that a fairly popular nigun “Un Az Der Rebbe Zing tZingen Alle Chasidim” was allegedly composed as a not so subtle parody by Misnagdim against the way they perceived Chasidim as blindly following their Rebbe and showing too much joy in their avodas hashem.

    P.S. I don’t think the OP was meant to trigger another round of chassidim v. misnagdim postings. My review of the CR archives shows the subject has been explored ad nauseum.


    in reply to: 20 Kislev in Chabad #1812506

    A Chassid and a Misnaged were sitting next to each other in front of an open Gemorah, shteiging together in chavrusa. Suddenly, the chassid looks over at the Misnaged and shouts excitedly “Do you see this???? Chazal bring down about R’ Yonason ben Uziel, that when he sat and learned,, any bird that flew over him burst into flames.'”
    The Misnaged, apparently not impressed, responded, “So Nuuu, whats your point?”
    The Chassid repeats again even more excitingly the inyan about R’ Yonasan…., “They said about Yonason ben Uziel, that when he sat and learned, any bird that flew over him burst into flames.”
    Sitting stone-faced, the Misnaged responds, “Soooo……”
    Exasperated at his chavrusa’s indifference, the Chassid explains, “Can you imagine the deveykus of this tzaddik?? He learned with such intensity and kavanah that a pillar of fire shot up out of the sefer before him and incinerated the birds flying over him! You are not impressed with this??”
    The Misnaged finally responds, “Why would I be impressed with this?? What I really want to know whose birds they were and how the damages owed by R’ Yonasan to the owner would be determined?

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1812048

    They are wasting 6 hours for “debate” when members of the House from each side get up for a minute or two and repeat the identical “talking points” they’ve been using for the past month. 435 members of Congress each want their 60 seconds of TV time to make the same arguments, pro and con. This could have been done in less than an hour, allow the Senate to vote up or down and get this charade over with.

    in reply to: Parking IN driveway #1811340

    Yehudahyona: If you get home at night and need to get into your driveway or if your wife needs to get the car out of the garage to pick up the kids at school, you generally don’t have the time or interest to research the ownership of the vehicle. Most frum yidden don’t have visible bumper stickers identifying them as such, for obvious reasons. Anyone with the chutzpah to park in rare case of an emergency, it would take the car=owner only a few seconds to leave a note on the windshield to explain the circumstances and a telephone number where the owner can be reached someone else’s driveway is either a fool or simply doesn’t care about the consequences. In the or letting the homeowner know that the keys are under the floormat in case it has to be moved. As other posters have noted, calling a tow company to move an illegally parked car from your driveway won’t place the owner in jail….just a trip to the impoundment lot to pick up his/her car.

    in reply to: White House Chanukah Party #1810971

    Like everything else the Trumpkopf does, this was entirely an effort at his meshugah messaging. Why not invite some right wing evangelical racist galach to the Chanukuah party to reinforce his message that all yidden must either convert to X’tianity or die in some nuclear holocaust so that their moshiach can come. He would have shown some real class and cultural sensitivity by inviting a bunch of guys from Eastern Parkway to run up and down Pennsylvania Avenue waving yellow flags.

    in reply to: Parking IN driveway #1810967

    Obviously, you cannot purposely damage or vandalize an illegally parked car but you certainly have a legal right to have that car towed so you can access your own driveway. Also, how would you know if the owner of that car is a yid with regard to any concerns over mesirah. Most state license plates don’t indicate that the owner has milah.

    in reply to: No more excuses #1810973

    It is safe to assume that Moishiach will wait until after the next election in March before making any final travel plans.

    in reply to: The Kiddush Hashem Thread #1810653

    Many stories here on YWN come to mind, but one of my favorites was years ago If I recall correctly a rav who was furnishing an office in a yeshiva or some other facility in Connecticut purchased a used desk and inside the drawer found a large sum of cash. He was somehow able to track down the prior owner and return the money.

    in reply to: Ain M'arvin Simcha B'Simcha #1809681

    Obviously, like most other questions of this sort, the correct answer may vary with whom is being asked. Based on her other postings, and assuming she had figured out how to pick the lock on the closet, Devny might have to consult her local Rav/posek as to whether its mutar to fast and say tehillim on her anniversary date if it coincides with a yom tov

    in reply to: Merchant Making Substantial Sale to Woman #1809675

    Devny: Apparently, it was your evil twin sister (the one who went to the MO seminary) and somehow obtained your hacked confidential information from a Ukrainian website and was able to deposit your father’s check in her bank account and make the purchase in your name. However, she was very sensitive to Reb Yosef’s concerns and your new Condo has its very own closet with a small window where you can be locked away but you will have a wonderful view of the beach. Closing is scheduled for Zois Chanukah.

    in reply to: Should bochurim in mesivta date/go into shidduchim? #1809666

    BanjoBob: By waiting until the 10th grade, they’ve missed the opportunity for at least two children. You sound like your mind has been poisoned by too much MO nareshkeit about the evils of children marrying children. After several decades, they might learn to love one another and the younger they marry, the longer the parents will have the zchus of supporting them.

    in reply to: Should bochurim in mesivta date/go into shidduchim? #1809555

    Yes, but only those above the 8th grade.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1809514

    After 80+ posts, its clear that this is a classic illustration of a fundamental “haskhafah gap” between MO and Chassidish/Yeshivish lifestyles and beliefs. I’m obviously more familiar with the former perspective where we frequently would spontaneously invite people we had just met that morning in shul to join us for shabbos lunch, Likewise, I cannot tell you how many times travelling myself overseas on business trips, I was a guest for a shabbos meal with somone I had literally just met. Even more important in our circles are the efforts to provide a continuing support network to those who find themselves alone through divorce or the loss of a spouse. While those suffering a loss have plenty of company during shivah and shloshim, its a very different story months or years later. While some may regard sharinga meal with these singles (both young and older) as a threat to their spirituality, we believe our support efforts are 110 percent in accordance with daas torah and halacha. I will not condemn or question the motives or values of those who have a contrary perspective.


    There are few reliable statistics with and degree of granularity that would support assertions regarding net outward migration from frum neighborhoods in Brooklyn, especially by younger families with school-age children. There have been lots of anecdotal stories to that effect, linking the exodus to housing costs that had become beyond the reach of even younger families with working parents. Some Jewish welfare agencies do their own “surveys” but those results are not always reliable or may have some “agenda”. The 2020 census may actually provide the best resource in terms of reaching such conclusions.


    Note: parenthetical above should read (FOR THOSE who unquestionably are yidden). Obviously, there are many who are not. My point being even those who ARE yidden are still encountering hostility and discrimination over a decade after their arrival in EY.


    I don’t really see much in the way of affirmative programs designed to introduce these immigrants (who unquestionably are yidden) to traditional yiddeshkeit but a lot of warnings about their being a threat to yiddeshkeit by embracing “reform” practices or simply posing as yidden while not have been megayer c’halacha.

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1809165

    Poishete Yid: You just explained your posting name. However, mediocrity is a step below “plain” or “ordinary”. Perhaps you are having a bad hair day mourning the loss of Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street who it was announced was niftar yesterday.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1809172

    “….Does Trump keep the Sheva Mitzvos to be Meshiach?

    Well, lets consider them one by one. If I was a Trumpkopf, I’d hold off on the yellow flags for now.

    Not to worship idols. Is worshiping oneself as the greatest narcissist in history considered idolatry?
    Not to curse God. His increasingly frequent use of the G-D adjectives at MAGA rallies might raise questions?
    To establish courts of justice. And question the legitimacy of judges he didn’t appoint? .
    Not to commit murder. Not directly, but ask the Kurds in northern Syria.
    Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality. Ask his first two wives or Melania about Stormy D.
    Not to steal. Or at least not get caught as in enriching his hotels at taxpayer expense
    Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. Give him a pass given his preference for well done Big Macs

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1809004

    Knaidlach: Have there been any prior cases of verified shiduchim achieved here in the CR?

    in reply to: I’m engaged! ✨🥂💕 #1808957

    Much hatzlacha to both of you both in terms of building a bayis ne’man bayisroel and for contributing to the war Shidduch Crisis threads).

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808931

    Philosopher clearly believes in the “slippery slope” theory that any sort of social engagement with singles or even other families may jeopardize the spirituality of one own’s family and possibly lead to a breakdown in values and disruption of the marriage I’m not sure there is any purpose in debating the merits of such a closed model of social interaction and need for yidden to reach out to others in the tzibur who are not so fortunate. He claims that he grew up within that closed model, would never have accepted an invitation to share with other families and if you c’v suffer a loss or simply are not so fortunate to find your beschert, just suck it up and get used to being alone. I and other posters here come at it from a much more open and accepting view of sharing with those who would otherwise be alone and we don’t believe it threatens our own hashkafah or jeopardizes our own relationships with our spouses or family members.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808883

    Think about the words from an old chassidish melody sung by a group called דריי הונט נאַכט

    “….One is the loneliest number a yid will ever know….

    in reply to: Boro or Borough Park #1808844

    Gadolei yisroel (or their Agudah surrogates) have paskind that its “BORO” Park….in the newly published listing of charter bus routes to th Siyum on January 1st, there are not just one but two pick-up locations in Boro Park but none in Borough Park.

    in reply to: Fourth date ideas #1808839

    LOTR92: The only public tours of the Medical Examiners’ offices are on the second and fourth Saturday of each month so not a good idea for a frum bochur to impress his beschert.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808813

    Reb Eliezer: I’m so sorry to hear of your loss (even nine years ago) and was intrigued (and to some degree saddened) by your sharing the fact that within your chassidish community, only the Rav has reached out to share a shabbos or yom tov meal. That apparently is the minhag hamakom in your velt and apparently in other similarly situated chassidish communities. If that is the norm and there are no expectations of a broader outreach effort than there is perhaps there isg no issue. However, it is my limited understanding that in some cases, there is a great sense of loneliness and isolation among those who for whatever reason don’t have a network of family and friends with whom to share a shabbos table.
    P.S. You should only know from simchas

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808784

    ”…..I’m not saying you can’t talk to your guests if that what’s done in your community, but there still must be reserve when interacting with the opposite gender and many people have lost that reserve…”
    Agreed, but what constitutes “reserve” is clearly a function of what might be considered in a social context, “mihhag hamokom”. I’m certain there is a vast difference as to what level of “reserve” is considered the norm or is appropriate as between a shabbos table at the home of a MO family versus that of a Chareidi or Chassidish family. My only hope is that to the extent possible and without jeopardizing your own shalom bayis, greater efforts be made to reach out to individuals who might otherwise be alone on shabbos notwithstanding their gender, age, maritial status or hashkafah.

    in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1808730

    Reb Elizezer: Thats 100 percent correct. Likewise, when that bird is a vulture and consistently screeches out words of disparagement of other yidden with a different hashkafah, an occaional “chirp” when davening, cannot erase the more lasting sounds of the screeching.

    in reply to: Merchant Making Substantial Sale to Woman #1808584

    Simplesense……Not everyone has the yichus to have a Gadolhadorah as their local rav/posek. Also, the original question/troll by Reb Yosef was rather thought-provoking.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808568

    Reb Eliezer: Its much easier for a single guy to “network” in shul or at the beis medrash and get himself invited to share shabbos with other families if he is from OOT or just new to the neighborhood or simply tired of spending shabbosm and yom tovim with his own family and anxious to meet and engage with new people. Once they are several years out of school/seminry single women in the Chareidi or Yeshivish velt often have fewer options to meet new friends and get invited to share shabbosim with other families. I’m not certain there is any valid measure of lonliness and depression in the frum communities but I suspect it may be higher among single women and all of us have an obligation to help them expand their networks in a welcoming and supportive way.

    in reply to: Merchant Making Substantial Sale to Woman #1808540

    Presumably, Reb Yosef will argue that In order to offset his obligation under the Ketubah to support the Rebitzen in the style she deserves, she was required under halacha to surrender all her property and earnings to Reb Yosef (along with with any profits she might make through investments, winning the lottery etc.). I could not find any place where chazal bring down whether that include a gift from her father for the specific purpose of purchasing a Florida condo?

    Also, hopefully Reb Yosef will clarify my understanding that the Rebbitzen may NOT have been required to convey all of her property rights to her husband if she explicitly made clear her intention to support herself (Masseches Kessubos: 46b-47b]. Thus, the real estate agent, having been informed of Rebitzen Yosef’s declared self-supporting status correctly assumed he didn’t need Reb Yosef’s approval to take the deposit for the Condo.
    The real questioni is whether Reb Yosef will be inviting his DR chevrusah down to Florida for Super Bowl weekend (at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami). And no, its on February 1st, a month after the Siyum in the Snow at Met Life Stadium on January 1st.

    in reply to: Merchant Making Substantial Sale to Woman #1808456

    P.S. Presumption that no woman earning more than Reb Yosef would have married him so that he could claim control over her earnings so the hypothetical provides that the funds were “gifted” to her.

    in reply to: Merchant Making Substantial Sale to Woman #1808455

    Reminder that one of the Mods wisely posted yesterday that a Trolling post can either seek to aggravate certain other posters or occasionally to solicit opinions on controversial issues.

    Obviously, here Rev Yosef is really upset that he came home earlier this afternoon for Shabbos and discovered that Rebbitzen Yosef had purchased a new beachfront South Florida condo using funds that were a gift from her father, to get away from the cold weather (and possibly Reb Yosef as well) during the winter months. Outraged by this act of civil disobedience, Reb Yosef immediately called the real estate agent demanding a refund of the deposit but was politely told to engage in certain activities that cannot be repeated here on YWN. Thus, Reb Yosef is considering whether these funds (which were a gift to his wife from her father) immediately became marital property and thus HIS property and therefore the Florida real estate agent is mamash a ganov in accordance with hilchos Yosef.

    More to come motzi Shabbos.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808397

    There seems to be this totally false, dishonest and truly offensive theme in many postings that divorced or single women are somehow out to prey on happily married men or otherwise prone to act aggressively or inappropriately around men. I suspect the same could be said about single men as well (with respect to their behavior around women) since they are often immature and lack basic social skills. The reality is obviously that any individual may or may not act inappropriately at different times, but its total incorrect to characterize any subset of the tzibur as a “threat” whether it be their modesty, lack of hashkafah or likelihood to engage in lashon harah or anything else.

    in reply to: Boro or Borough Park #1808402

    We say “THE Bronx” not just “Bronx”. We don’t say “The Brooklyn'” or “The Queens”. Likewise, certain acronyms or nomenclature just evolve and become the norm. In this case, obviously either work. If in doubt, try typing in “boro park” as your Uber destination and it will automatically redirect you to :”Borough Park’. Likewise, when sending mail to “The Bronx”, you don’t include “the” in the address line. Whats more important for Avram in Maryland is to know whether Owing Mill or Owings Mills or Silver Spring vesus Silver Springs and to know that the Uber driver will deposit him in Kensington( near Silver Spring(s)) rather than some Kensington in yena velt , 200 miles north near some place called Boro Park.

    in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808347

    Its also possible that you could organize a Shabbos seudah at your home involving other couples or families along with the person your wife is seeking to host. Having more people might lessen the concerns unless the single person is acting overtly inappropriately.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1808141

    I agree with Prof Turley (the Republican’s witness at yesterday’s hearing). This whole charade regarding Ukraine, Biden Gulianni etc. was clearly inappropriate but not impeachable. Part of the problem is that Trump has so lowered the bar for what is considered “normal” behavior, its hard to get too excited about Ukraine in comparison a lot of his other “stuff”, which I won’t bother reciting here since everyone’s view are relatively locked-in. The matter should be settled at the ballot box in 2020.

    in reply to: A pre-siyum siyum? #1808090

    Obviously, they chose New Years Day to maximize the number of participants at the ceremonial siyum and achieve the widest positive follow up including brining in new daf yomi learners for the next cycle. Do you have a problem with that?

    in reply to: Fourth date ideas #1807600

    Several great museums in the City where you can walk around (w/o worrying about the weather), engage in light conversation in a relaxed and quiet mode and where a few moments of silence wouldn’t be awkward and where both of you could react to the subject matter and thereby learn a bit about the other. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the new and expanded Museum of Modern Art, Hayden Planetarium (with the sky show), Museum of Natural History and the Jewish Museum are the more obvious venues. If its a nice day, the Bronx or Central Park Zoo or the Science Center in NJ are other options.

    in reply to: Does all Chabad agree with him??? #1807404

    Uncle Ben: I don’t think you are going to find a “smoking gun” in the context of what you call a “mekor” which explicitly or unequivocally stand for the inyan of a person being moshiach [in waiting]while he was alive and then continuing to be he mochiach once he was dead. That same person might have arguably sang the words during his life “achakeh lo b’chol yom she’yovah”. Its not even clear that someone who is held to be moishiach by his followers would know during his lifetime that he was so designated by the Ebeshter. My point is simply that there is no way to prove or disprove these types of beliefs, notwithstanding what chazal bring down regarding the attributes or criteria to be moishiach.

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