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Rav Schwab left Baltimore in 1958 to take over for Rav Breuer so it was before then. If you know Baltimore history you know Shearith Israel (Glen Ave Shul) was a strict Yekke Shul. When the older Yekkes weren’t being replaced by their children the Shul to keep from dying respectfully and sensitively switched to a Yeshiva type Shul which B”H is full with young adults and children.KuvultParticipantThis is one reason people hate us. “Give a Jew a foot and he’ll take a mile.” The state was nice enough to allow private cars to respond with L&S but of course some of us turned that into Rebbe motorcades and I left work late on Friday and I need to rush home. Very juvenile.
That’s why I referred to the Kehilla of old as the Coercive Kehilla.KuvultParticipant1,
We lost the Kehilla when the Jews in Europe were emancipated. The (Coercive) Kehillas of the past had real power. The taxed you, handled most court cases, told you where to Daven, told you where your kids go to school, told you where you must buy your meat, you had to buy your Mezuzahs and Tefillin from the Kehilla Sofer (whether you thought he was a good Sofer or not). They told you the Kehilla minhagim & you were required to keep them. In other words there was no I dont like the Shul so I’ll open a Shteibel or I dont like the school so I’ll open my own. But Jews accepted it as part of Jewish life. If a Jew lived in a Kehilla where they didn’t put on Tefillin on Chol Hamoed & they moved to a Kehilla that did they accepted the change instead of fighting it. The Kehilla governing body could fine or even jail you for not following the rules. Today no Kehillas exist. The closest thing we have to a Kehilla today are Kiryas Joel and New Square but they don’t have anything like the power the Coercive Kehilla had.KuvultParticipantThere’s a story told by Rav Schwab’s son. He was a Yeshiva guy. Rav Schwab was the Ruv of a hardcore Yekke Shul. The Minhag in the Shul was to wear their hats for Musaf. The son being Yeshivish put his Tallis over his head. His father called him over and said, “Look around what everyone else is doing. Why do you want to be different then them? Are you trying to act like your better than them?” The son learned an important lesson and put on his hat. Sometimes fitting with the rest of the crowd overrides your personal preference.
KuvultParticipantReb Eliezer,
I’m pretty sure it was Rav Schwab who said it when he was a Ruv in Baltimore.KuvultParticipantThe whole basis of this thread is laughable. The real growth of the Chasidic movement (c.1790-c.1860) was external. All these “Litvish” Jews that “Converted” to Chasidish did exactly what you’re talking about. If today we’re OK with that back then masses of Jews changed many of their Minhagim (often while their father & Zaidy were around to see it) why should it be a problem today? The reason it worked is because back then Chasidim were smart enough to say, “We’re not “Better” than you, just different.”
KuvultParticipantMy sons nanny was a Hindu and she was wonderful. Though I’m not sure why when he sees something with many arms or an elephant face he stops and bows.
KuvultParticipantTrump learned well from what Lincoln did. Lincoln unconstitutionally, illegally, ignoring the Supreme Court, and taking Political prisoners. Trump wishes he had half the power Lincoln took for himself.
August 7, 2022 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #2112905KuvultParticipantYungernanS,
Chasidim are not ‘More” religious. They are “Differently” religious. That’s neither good nor bad it’s just different.August 7, 2022 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #2112880KuvultParticipantI respect the Conservative and Reform Jews for all the Tzedakah and operational talent they provide to the Frum to make sure the our community stays strong and keeps growing.
August 7, 2022 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm in reply to: how did early jews keep warm in terribly cold climates during the winter? #2112874KuvultParticipantIt’s a big myth about Jews “Religiously” attending Minyan. It’s hard to imagine how dark it is without all the “Light pollution” we have. If a Jew lived in a Shtetl good luck walking a few hundred feet down a rutted, potholed dirt road without breaking your neck. So many many Jews davened Friday night at home. Shabbos morning wasn’t an issue. It was difficult to walk home after Mincha so they served Shalos Seudos in Shul so the men could use fire to light the way home after Shabbos ended.
KuvultParticipantIt’s funny how so many people think the world revolves around us.
American Revolution-The Jews
American Civil war-The Jews
Japan Russia war-The Jews
Japan China-The Jews
America Japan-The Jews
Italy Ethiopia-The Jews
America Vietnam-The Jews
Falkland Island war-The Jews
England Spain-The Jews
Its amazing how we have an affect on places we aren’t even at.KuvultParticipantI asked the caretaker at a cemetery if it’s really worse. He said, “Yes it’s much worse. People are just dying to get in here.”
KuvultParticipantAs I’ve mentioned elsewhere it’s all about the manmade divisions based on fear of the other. The major community school I attended puts out videos. You see all types of boys. Minyan has boys with leather yarmulkes and no hat or jacket. Boys with knit yarmulkes. Boys with jackets but no hats and boys with hats & jackets. Many will say “We can’t risk a Yeshiva bound boy being in the same class as a college bound boy.” There are a million reasons why not but this school is proof it works. The Bais Medrash has boys in black & white learning with boys in a colored shirts. The best is the boy with the knit yarmulke (with the 2 metal clips) sharing a siddur with a Chasidish boy with a buzzcut and long curled Peyos. If we stopped being afraid of the “Other” & learn to get along & respect each other Moshiach will come.
KuvultParticipantDifferent distances and different angles.
KuvultParticipantIn my more modern school they were trying to be more strict so they banned many kinds of pants expecting us to wear neat, clean, dark khakis with no outside pockets. In protest, on the first day of school a boy walked in wearing tight, black leather pants (the kind rock stars wear). After all, they weren’t specifically banned. We all had a good laugh.
As Rav Ruderman explained to Professor William Helmreich in a January 1978 interview, “College gives a person parnossah. We find that our boys stay with learning longer this way. They don’t have to kill themselves for a job. Anyway, in business, you have less time to learn than if you’re a professional.”
From what I understand (I never went there but know plenty that did.) The R”Y believed in college not CH”V because he believed there’s something to be gained from Secular knowledge. But because a professional making a good salary has time to learn. The one with no skills is working 1-2 jobs and borrowing from this and that Gemach always worrying how to put food on the table and has no time to learn. The business man is working 60-70 hours a week trying to run his business and has no time to learn and if the business fails he’s in real trouble. But if a Talmid becomes an accountant or a lawyer after a few years he’s generally working 9-5 and can afford a menschlich lifestyle. This gives him the time to learn in peace without parnassah issues hanging over his head.KuvultParticipantI live in Baltimore and I’ve never heard of leaving Yeshiva to work being frowned upon. (Perhaps leaving Yeshiva without a degree so you can be a professional is frowned upon but not the concept of leaving to work.)
KuvultParticipantI forget which Rabbi (Nodeh BeYehudah?) told a man who was having trouble with another man to lend him money and he’ll never see him again.
KuvultParticipantWhen it’s time for the monthly bath let him go first and
have the clean water. That’s how it was done in the Alte Heim. Just make sure at the end when the water is so dirty that you don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.KuvultParticipantAlways,
I never understood this concept of “Tzadikim” owning or running their own school like I
see in some places. The boys and girls schools I’m aware of are community schools not “Owned” by anyone. The school has a Hanala which handles the day to day operations. A Vaad HaRabbanim made of a diverse mix of Rabbis whose parents in their Shul sends their kids there and a Vaad HaChinuch made up of a diverse group of parents with kids there. They all have to answer to each other so no one can do anything extreme. Parents whose kids are college bound make sure the Secular education is top notch without going to far. Parents whose kids are on a Kollel path push for top notch Lemudei Chol without going to far. All the parents but especially the president of the Vaad must be a well respected, successful, no drama, person. Theres no games with a certain group trying to take over or over pushing their agenda. A balance of power works well not only in govt.KuvultParticipantWhen I see a Bar Mitzvah video at a very large school and a boy with no hat or jacket and a sports logo on his yarmulke is next to a boy with a hat and jacket, I think Wonderful! When the pictures have boys with no hat or jacket, a boy with a jacket but no hat and a boy in a white shirt black pants and hat and jacket I think Wonderful! When I see a boy with a knit yarmulkes (with the metal clip on each side) sharing a Siddur with a boy who has a buzz cut and long curly Peyos it warms my heart. This is how Yiddishkeit is supposed to be. This is what brings Moshiach.
That’s why schools shouldn’t teach Hashkafa. They should only teach Torah and Middos. I saw school videos. The YU Ruv of a Modern Zionist shul talked about Torah (No Hashkafa), the Yeshivish Ruv spoke about Torah (No Hashkafa) and the Chasidish Rebbe spoke about Torah (No Hashkafa).
It sends a clear message to the Talmidim. You don’t have to agree with a Rebbes Hashkafa (knowing his Shul), you don’t have to become a member of his Shul, but you do have to respect him as a Ruv in the community and you do have to get along with the kids that do Daven there. A great message for when they’re adults about getting along.KuvultParticipantAlways,
I guess I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t shocked it was someone from out of town. I know it goes on like the video of 3 Modern Orthodox Rabbis, 1 Modern Yeshivish Rabbi and a Chasidish Rabbi making a joint celebration at the Shul that also has a huge Yom Hatzmoat event.July 10, 2022 3:57 pm at 3:57 pm in reply to: A Generational Change in Jewish Naming Conventions #2104921KuvultParticipantI always heard Nishmas Kol Chai was written by Paul. He was sent on a mission by the Rabbis to separate Christianity from Judaism. They were very similar and ignorant Jews couldn’t tell the difference. Peter said Non-Jews have to keep Halacha while Paul said they didn’t. So it makes sense later for Paul to write it letting
Jews know he was never really a Christian he was just following thetge orders of the Rabbanim.KuvultParticipantAlways,
Why especially in K-8 can’t kids on track to go to a more modern school, then college (after 1-2 years in Israel) and a more Yeshivish kid on track to go to a Yeshiva HS, Bais Medrash and Kollel go to school together? That’s how it was when I went and it’s still that way. Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky said, “A child doesn’t lose their Ruach Hakodesh because they’re sitting next to a child from a family with less religious commitment.”KuvultParticipantIt’s not against NYers. Its against how they act and I don’t hate them at all. I just wish some would act better with Ahavas Yisroel and getting along. So many here say they want to end Sinas Chinan BUT BUY BUT BUT BUT if my neighbors kids go to a different school with a different Hashkafa they can’t be friends with my kids. My kids are Yeshivish, they can’t be in school with more moderns kids.
It’s simple, don’t judge a Yid by their Hashkafa judge them by whether they’re a Mensch.
A man here died. He was the president of Mizrachi for 30 years and worked hard for Bnei Akiva and other Zionist programs. He also help found a Modern Orthodox coed Zionist school.
The Ruv who gave the Heaped was a Senior Yeshivish Rabbi. This person was shocked and speechless. A very prominent Yeshiva Ruv is giving the Hesped for the president of Mizrachi? The Ruv started, “While he and I disagreed on many issues I always held him in the highest regard.” The man was a Mensch and did what he did lshma so why wouldn’t the Frum Ruv have a good relationship with him? That exudes Shalom and Achdus.July 10, 2022 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm in reply to: A Generational Change in Jewish Naming Conventions #2104873KuvultParticipantAvira,
Why are you so nasty to Yidden that are different than you? It’s not your job to judge them. You don’t need to agree with them or daven at their Shul but you do need to respect them as fellow JewsKuvultParticipantCoffee Addict
Yes, Why?
My sibling lives in very Frum Monsey. She came to visit and we went to a cafe. She looked around and saw Chasidim with their Tzitzis over their shirts at one table, another table had a group of Yeshiva boys but there was also tables with knit yarmulkes, as well as Conservative and Reform Jews with no yarmulkes and women dressed far from any tznius standard. My sibling said, “It’s so nice there are so many different types of Jews here and they all get along.” Why isn’t that happening in Monsey and everywhere else?July 10, 2022 11:05 am at 11:05 am in reply to: A Generational Change in Jewish Naming Conventions #2104814KuvultParticipantThe real question is when & how does a name become “Jewish”?
I’m referring to commonly used names today that have zero connection to Judaism.
Please explain when these became Jewish names.
Akiva, Lipa, Mendel, Ber, Wolf, Alexander, there’s even a Rebbe in Tosfos named “Peter”, and many more.KuvultParticipantUjm,
It depends who. Open Orthodox was used to attack an entire movement without looking into it. Most “Chovivei Torah” Rabbanim are no different than other Orthodox Rabbanim in core beliefs. A Chovivei Rabbi here wrote & the other one signed how much this accusation bothered him and that he was taught & believes in Torah M’Sinai, Baal Peh passed down and binding going back to Moshe, etc. (While admitting some of the Rabbis had problematic beliefs). These Rabbis are accepted here (why not) and are considered part of the community. For others you don’t sit with them discussing different versions of Halacha, but there’s still Shalom & Achdus sitting with the Reform and Conservative Rabbis to discuss policies that affect the entire Jewish community.KuvultParticipantAlways,
Not knowing it was unusual, that’s how we (boys and girls) grew up. The schools were very diverse so they didn’t teach hashkafa only Torah and Middle. Not surprisingly, the Chasidim turned out Chasidish, the Yeshivish turned out Yeshivish and the Modern turned out Modern. Hashkafa is best taught at home by the parents. That way as a parent you know they’re getting the exact message you want to send without getting frustrated the school is teaching things (to your right or left) that you don’t agree with.July 9, 2022 11:46 pm at 11:46 pm in reply to: A Generational Change in Jewish Naming Conventions #2104643KuvultParticipantWhy is it very positive as opposed to just a change? Do children called by their Jewish names end up better? My Ruv reminds us there was Antignous ish Socho. It’s not that his Jewish name was Avraham and his Goyish name was Antignous but at his Bris he was given a Greek name as his Jewish name. The same with Rebbe Tarfon. Both his parents were Kohanim and he was from a powerful wealthy elite family. But at his Bris his parents named him Tarfon after the Greek general “Tryphon” So does a child being called by a Jewish name or even being given a Jewish name “do better”? These 2 very famous Jews did just fine being called Greek names and there are plenty more examples.
First you need to figure out what the benefit is and how to measure if there is any benefit.
(Why they were given Greek instead of Jewish names at their Bris is a different discussion.)KuvultParticipantB”H I live in a place where as one Ruv put it, “Our communities Mesorah is Shalom and Achdus.” Seeing Modern Orthodox and Chasidish Shuls doing joint celebrations is heart warming. When the Chasidish Rebbes, Agudah Ruvs, and the Modern Rabbi that uses a microphone and has a minimum Mechitza and open parking lot all work together with Kavod and Shalom it sends a powerful message to the Kehilla. But what really gets me high is seeing school videos where Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish and Chasidish children all go to school together. When I read in other places people argue how children need to go to separate schools based on shirt color, Shul they Daven at, shetiel length, etc. it breaks my heart since I don’t understand why and its surely keeping Moshiach away.
KuvultParticipantMy concern is so many Frum feel Tikun Olam was hijacked by the Reform that they’ll go out of their way to avoid it. Tikun Olam is not a social justice crusade of the Reform. It’s the purpose of Yiddishkeit.
There’s an old historic cemetery (not many Frum buried there) here with constantly accumulating trash. Many Non-Frum groups take turns cleaning it up. Frum boys also take turns. Can you appreciate the visual when Non-Frum media posts pictures of Non-Frum volunteers and then there’s also a group of boys with Yarmulkes and Tzitzis also helping to clean? It says we’re all one people, we’re all in this together, we all need to take care of each other. Perhaps this explains why, as a major Frum author wrote, here the Non-Frum support the Frum at a much higher rate than anywhere else.KuvultParticipantI prefer Moe Howard (Moishe Horowitz) to Trump. He’s a natural born leader. How many times did he smack Curley and Larry without them smacking back?
KuvultParticipant“Those who say, don’t know
Those who know, don’t say”KuvultParticipantIt was about Yibum so there was a lot ridin on it. If it was declared hers she provided a son and she was free to remarry. If it Was her mother in laws. It is was her dead husband’s brother and she would have to wait 13 years til he was old enough to do Yibum to remarry
KuvultParticipantRandomly guess answers and if you don’t do well blame it on Antisemitism.
June 1, 2022 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm in reply to: Slavery — The Torah True Way (with Reb HaLeiVi) #2093570KuvultParticipantA person I grew up with here had a house that was around during Slavery. I’m not sure if their family owned Slaves but the garage was converted from Slave quarters, the kitchen was setup not very nice because it was Slaves doing the cooking so they didnt care, and there were buttons to press which would summon the Slaves.
KuvultParticipantA friend of mine who came from Iran told me they used electricity there on Shabbos (not for everything).
June 1, 2022 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm in reply to: Slavery — The Torah True Way (with Reb HaLeiVi) #2093461KuvultParticipantJews in America owned slaves though I don’t know how Frum they were. Also, since Jews didn’t really own plantations but lived in cities they generally owned 2-5 slaves that worked around the house, maid, butler, driver, nanny, etc.
So you want to ban the M1 Garand used in WWII?KuvultParticipantReb Eliezer,
What is an “Assault Weapon” and if you name a few features how are you going to stop people from building legal ones without those features? And if you keep banning more features how are you going to not ban guns that should be legal? i.e. a standard hunting rifle.KuvultParticipantHuju,
According to those that lived then you’re quite mistaken. In New York there was a Rabbi Raphall (who talked himself up to be bigger than he was) while supporting the Union said according to Judaism Slavery was OK. Baltimore had a Rabbi Illowy that supported the status quo on Slavery and backed the Confederacy. He was the biggest Talmud Chochem in America and we hold like some of his psaks today. The first Ruv in America was also in Baltimore. He didn’t say anything pro or against Slavery but I’d imagine if it was as immoral as you say he would of spoken up. 2 other middle of the road Rabbis spoke in general about peace even if it meant slavery continuing. There was one Rabbi in Baltimore that spoke out strongly against Slavery. That was the ultraliberal, ultraleftist Reform Rabbi. It seems from the Rabbis of that era your inline with the Reform Rabbi. You might want to reconsideredited
KuvultParticipantGo back to the Shtetl you came from and beg the Goyim to be nice to you.
Not sure where you are but I’m in Maryland and most people wouldn’t be embarrassed about their ancestors owning slaves as it wasn’t them and it was a different time. It’s like all the people here that are proud of their ancestors that fought for the Confederacy. I’m not sure why you think records are gone. The historical society often posts bills of sale for slaves. There’s also no reason most got destroyed. 160 years is not that long. I have a Shas that started being printed in 1865. So if that’s around and in pretty good shape from the year the Civil War ended there’s no reason other documents aren’t.KuvultParticipantHe’s talking about the descendants of slave owners who lost their slaves without compensation. The Slaves should of been bought out, not just freed. This is why the war shouldn’t have happened.
May 22, 2022 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm in reply to: CAN WE TAKE A TIME MACHINE TO THE PAST OR FUTURE? #2089519KuvultParticipantOnly if your name is Eliyahu.