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  • in reply to: Being Frum #718445

    ItchySrulik: Those of us who are interested in Hashem and His Torah rather than your what can I get away with today theatrics, don’t take seriously those who laugh at our observance. We smile broadly with the knowledge of our Torah-true conduct.

    in reply to: If you decided to stop visiting the Coffeeroom…? #721464

    WIY, Can we get an email to see how you’re doing?

    in reply to: what would you do #718685

    Give tochocho.

    in reply to: Tzniyos In The Workplace #719702

    Unfortunately, very much so.

    in reply to: If you decided to stop visiting the Coffeeroom…? #721457

    Goodbye WIY. We’re going to miss you! Please come back and visit once in a while. :’-(

    in reply to: Inappropriate Opposite Gender Interactions in the Workplace #1075583

    What does “more wrong” mean? Kraivah l’arayos is always one of the worst of the worst.

    in reply to: Can you please recommend an immigration lawyer? #718976

    Also, why don’t you apply for U.S. citizenship rather than maintaining a green card status. It gives you far more rights, and since you are in the U.S. for over 20 years you should qualify.

    in reply to: Can you please recommend an immigration lawyer? #718975

    What is the immigration problem that needs to be resolved?

    in reply to: Inappropriate Opposite Gender Interactions in the Workplace #1075581

    Yes, of course. (Applicable to a Jews interactions with an opposite gender non-Jew.)

    in reply to: Inappropriate Opposite Gender Interactions in the Workplace #1075573

    Here are some excerpts from HaRav Neiman, that may be useful to readers of this thread:

    It is forbidden to make small talk about matters unrelated to business. Men and women working together should not discuss politics, current events, recent tragedies or gossip, even if they do not do so regularly. Discussing these matters on a daily basis, is a violation of halachos that border on giluy arayos, which requires one to sacrifice his life rather than transgress. (p. 9)

    When conversing with female employees or co-workers, one must be careful not to us the word “we,” so that the man and woman are not referred to as one unit. For example, one should not say, “We must talk with the editor,” or “We must purchase that software program.” Rather, he should say, “The editor must be consulted,” or “Please purchase that program.” (pp. 10-11)

    It is a custom amongst yirei shomayim not to call a woman other than one’s wife or immediate family member by her first name, thus keeping a respectful distance between the two parties. Referring to a woman by her first name brings inappropriate familiarity into the relationship. Similarly, a woman should refrain from addressing a man other than her husband or immediate family member by his first name. (p. 20)

    A Helpful Suggestion:

    It is appropriate for male and female employees [to] refrain from all conversation when they meet anywhere outside of the office. This includes not discussing even job-related matters when meeting in the hallway or elevator at work.

    “It cannot be stressed enough that the term prutzim also refers to people who are otherwise shomrei Torah u’mitzvos, but are not careful in matters relating to kraivah l’arayos. They may be regularly exposed to immodesty through the media, or may often be in the presence of immoral individuals through their everyday social interactions….(p.39) meaning that they are exposed to immodesty through television, movies, in publications and the like. An individual involved in such activities is labeled a parutz. This is not limited to visual images; someone who is exposed to any form of indecent activity, such as chat rooms on the Internet, is considered a parutz. Such forms of recreation are a breach of morality.” (p. 34)

    in reply to: Career Advisor #719641

    Brain surgeon.

    in reply to: On A Much 'Light' Er Note #717700

    eclipse, What country did you live in before the U.S.?

    in reply to: Being Frum #718441

    Frummie or frumak is a badge of honor worn by those who unabashedly try to follow Kol HaTorah Kulah to the best of their abilities, when it irks the less observant and they yell these names at the more observant. Those of us bestowed by this term, proudly put it on our resume.

    in reply to: Tzedakah Calls #718320

    Yes, there are COMPANIES that do calls. (That does not mean it is always from a company.) And at least the company I was familiar with some 12 years ago, the more they brought it, the more they were paid. They made calls for multiple organizations.

    in reply to: Changing The Tone On Looks In Dating #718852

    “And of course it in not tznius. It is dating, the whole thing is not tznius.”

    popa: Are you kidding?? There is no way she can dress “not tznius” on a date.

    in reply to: The March To The Right #717561

    tzippi, I’m sure it would it would thrill you to have that, so the leftists can have a field day on the net without retort. But considering how little rightists are on the net as it is, I’m not sure why the fear of the little responsiveness you do get in the few corners such as this one.

    RuffRuff, as the OP indicated the primary point was not political conservatism – that was a minor parenthetical side-point – but rather Torah religious observance.

    in reply to: Rebbi Smacking Kids #719576

    Bezalel: A Rebbi has the same status as a father, according to halacha.

    in reply to: Rebbi Smacking Kids #719573

    Bezalel: Chosech Shivto Soneh Bno.

    in reply to: Rebbi Smacking Kids #719560

    According to Wikipedia, 48 U.S. States allow private schools to spank children, and 20 (mostly in the south) also allow public/state schools to spank children.

    There is no conflict between the Shulchan Aruch saying to spank and secular law.

    in reply to: Rebbi Smacking Kids #719558

    Bezalel mentioned that in New York parents and private-school teachers are legally allowed to hit children.

    in reply to: Rebbi Smacking Kids #719554

    The Shulchan Oruch says not to hit like an enemy nor to hit cruelly; the rebbi or parent should hit the child with a small strap (Yorah Deah 245:10/Orach Chayim 551:18).

    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718495

    Perhaps eclipse can take this opportunity to change her screen name and start fresh, like she indicated she wanted to do a week ago or so.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903312

    Spitzer was never any good. His Wall Street forays were to make a name for himself, at anyone’s expense. His biggest case on Wall Street was thrown out of court.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903309

    Very worthy candidates:

    Jeb Bush

    Bobby Jindal

    John Bolton

    David Petraeus

    Rick Perry

    in reply to: Girls' Taste in Dating Process #717123

    hypocaffeinemia, I would be dan l’kaf zchus, that he momentarily lost rational thought and didn’t realize that is was an aveira.

    in reply to: "Good shabbos" in Flatbush #717020

    smartcookie – Because Shabbos is Shabbos Kodesh.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907597

    umm –

    Thank you. Very well said.

    in reply to: "Good shabbos" in Flatbush #717014

    smartcookie – Shabbos is definitly VERY different than just any other day of the week. (Although you should say Good Morning every day, saying Good Shabbos is especially important.)

    in reply to: Davening – Do we really know the translation??? #717620

    sz: Hebrew is not Loshon HaKodesh.

    in reply to: How do I know what gender I'm speaking to? #717141

    It’s better off a mystery. Less chance for mischief.

    in reply to: Automatic Lights and Videos on Shabbos #716715

    sz: Violating a d’rabbonon on chillul Shabbos isn’t chopped liver.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718111

    Bottom line –

    There are two types of Jews here:

    1. Jews who are dan l’kaf zchus, and in the absence of overwhelming proof of guilt, provide the required presumption of innocence and benefit of the doubt to their fellow.

    2. Jews who are afraid of their Jewish skin and of how the sweet holy goyim — who are great lovers of Jews as we see throughout history — and are ready to condemn their fellow to score some brownie points with their goyish friends to prove their “neighborliness”.

    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718468

    Your welcome.

    in reply to: Jews in Public Office #716802

    No metrodriver, looking into what that self-hating rag Kissinger said, you see he was proving his gentilehood to the President by saying I couldn’t care less if the Soviet’s gassed the Jews like the Nazi’s. I am an American first, Jew last — if a Jew at all. It’s not an American problem if the Jews are exterminated. “MAYBE” (his choice word) it is a humanitarian concern that we can take up with having some discussion at the U.N. — if we have time and ONLY if it is in the American national interest.

    in reply to: CR Discussions: Halachic or Non-Halachic Discussions? #922013

    No one said anything about a “psak”. We can use our judgement on what is the best course of action to serve Hashem in the best possible ways, based upon our own knowledge of the Torah and halacha.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718110

    Reuven Blau has disgraced himself with his vicious, repeated, lies against Jews to prove his gentilehood to his employer.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718105

    flowers: It wouldn’t matter. They can answer every question posed by every inquisitor, and the inquisitors will come up with a whole new, unending set, of “unanswered questions” that they will never allow the Jew to be absolved of their imaginary “chillul Hashem”.

    in reply to: CR Discussions: Halachic or Non-Halachic Discussions? #922008

    “chesedname what did you have for lunch? Did the decision have to do with halacha or Hashkafa? What about breakfast? Did you put on the shirt with the pockets or without? What about your jacket does it have one button, two or three? Did that decision have anything to do with Halacha or Hashkafa? Are your socks nylon or cotton? Should I go on? No not every decision is Halacha or hashkafa.”

    Oy, where do we even start?? Yes, our breakfast and lunch, and the jacket we wear, as well as the socks we put on, all were done with the chochma Hashem granted us. We used our chochoma to choose whether to eat oats or cereal for breakfast or whether to eat vegetables or a sandwhich for lunch, based on what will give us more koach to serve Hashem Yisborach throughout the day. We chose whether to wear a shirt with one button or two, based on what will allow us to have more time to serve Hashem Yisborach and learn his holy Torah. We chose nylon or cotton with the chochma Hashem Yisborah granted us, based on what will keep us more comfortable to serve Hashem Yisborach with and maintain his halachos.

    Yes, you can go on asking. The answer is that everything we do is do serve Hashem better, based on our knowledge of the Torah and halacha.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718104

    Who appointed any of us Grand Inquisitor? When was dan l’kaf zchus discarded? Let everyone keep their questions in their pocket. None of us are the prosecutor general. As Rabbi Hoffman amply and starkly documented, not only is there reason to give them the benefit of doubt they decisively deserve, there is the abundance of evidence on their side. Even absent all that, who appointed all the Kapos ready to condemn them?

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903290

    anon: Yuck. That would be the worst of the worst.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718100

    It wouldn’t make a the slightest difference if the laundromat was Jewish, as to the fact that the couple purchased the wig in question from Georgie’s — the ORIGINAL Georgie’s NOT the ex-husband’s wig store that is also called Georgie’s that the clown Milian mistakenly called on her follow-up after the original Georgie’s was closed at the time of her call.

    in reply to: Sitting Shiva For A Child Who Intermarried or Converted #716321


    Everything is based on halacha. A question like this is incontrovertibly a halachic question. There isn’t anything wrong with discussing a halachic question in a forum. Obviously no answers are considered psak din, just a halachic discussion.

    in reply to: If You Were The Moderator #990068

    What subject under the sun doesn’t have a Torah or halacha aspect to it?

    in reply to: Kiddush Hashem Stories #717490

    Well if its a bigger mitzva to make a Kiddush Hashem in front of Jews then I assume its a bigger aviera to make a Chilul Hashem in front on Jews?

    Sister Bear: That is correct.

    in reply to: Sitting Shiva For A Child Who Intermarried or Converted #716319

    Going off the derech is one thing. But intermarrying or shmadding, and you break off all contact with that person after sitting shiva for him/her.

    in reply to: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012 #903288


    Slightly more realistically, Romney-Christie.

    in reply to: If You Were The Moderator #990063

    Smile E.: As long as the age verification check is done to insure that posters do not OVERSTATE their true age, I’m good with it either way.

    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718462

    I second eclipse 100%.

    in reply to: My new "shtick" that Im trying to get others into… #716886

    WIY – it would be a bigger Kiddush Hashem to do this with Jews than non-Jews.

    in reply to: Kiddush Hashem Stories #717488

    Make kiddushei Hashem’s amongst Yidden – those are the real Kiddusheo Hashem – and don’t worry about goyim.

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