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  • in reply to: Semicha #1923522

    Any Rov in the world or any man who himself already received smicha, regardless of how recently or how long ago, can give smicha to other people.

    in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923507

    Because there’s very little if any original reporting. And the services that resell news wires and media outlets are virtually all left-wing. So they lazily repost mainstream media fake news. The decision here is economic not ideological.

    in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court opinion supports freedom of religion #1923439

    Cuomo was crying today at his news conference about how terrible the new conservative Supreme Court is.

    in reply to: Don’t we ever learn from our mistakes? #1923292

    rational: don’t be foolish. The secular, who are completely unsheltered and exposed to the outside world, get into far more trouble on this issue and so many other terrible issues than culturally sheltered Jews.

    in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1923291

    The Meshech Chichma lived his entire life in Lithuania. His reference to Berlin was regarding the Reform throwing out waiting for Moshiach and deciding they’ll never be a Geula and thus becoming more German than the Germans.

    in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1922967

    rational: Nothing will make Moshiach come faster than increasing the amount of time we spend learning Torah.

    in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1922812

    Very true. The same applies to most Jews in Israel. We need to remember we are in golus everywhere.

    The places where the most and best Torah emanated was from Jewish communities in financially poor regions.

    in reply to: Broken Polling #1922747

    Bottom line: polling in America is dead. Good riddance to them.

    in reply to: If Trump does win, how would you react…? #1922745

    There’s a nonzero possibility that Trump will prevail between the courts, legislatures and Congress and still win. Not much above zero but certainly the likelihood is nonzero.

    If indeed Trump wins the left-wing will riot, loot and burn the blue cities.

    in reply to: Census 2020 and the frum community. #1921991

    CTL: Incorrect.

    President Trump WILL be submitting the final official figures to Congress for reapportionment. This is fully within his control, as he will order the Census Bureau to have the figures on his desk before the end of December. Furthermore, it is statutorily required by federal law that the figures be submitted to Congress before the end of December, and as such the President is simply fulfilling the legal requirement to do so.

    Additionally, the Census Bureau always has made estimations in its figures and will be doing so again now under President Trump to determine that numbers of illegal aliens counted and to exclude those illegal aliens for three purpose of the figures President Trump will be submitting to Congress for reapportionment.

    in reply to: Census 2020 and the frum community. #1921845

    Blue states like California and New York will be losing congressional representation and electoral college votes while red states will be gaining.

    That’s good for America and good for the Jews.

    As a bonus, President Trump will be submitting to Congress final census figures that will exclude and deduct illegal aliens from counting towards congressional apportionment.

    in reply to: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior #1919677

    Whatever fraud and/or irregularities are uncovered before the electoral college votes, will only represent a small portion of the actual fraud and irregularities in the voting and counting. In such a constrained and short time frame between election day and the vote certification deadline, it’ll be impossible to weed out all the fraud.

    in reply to: USA USA We’re #1 #1919676

    America has a lower or same per capita death rate than most European countries. We’re doing better or as good in the fight against covid-19 than Europe.

    in reply to: Why Trump lost #1919675

    The United States is doing better or as good in that fight against covid-19 than most western/European democracies.

    America came out with a covid-19 vaccine in a historically record timeframe.

    Thank you President Trump!

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919674

    se2015: If Biden is sworn into office after a majority of the electoral college votes for him, despite any fraud the Democrats committed, it will be a legal fact that Biden is legally the POTUS will the full powers that entails.

    But an illegitimate, even if legal, president nonetheless.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919627

    ENS: False. The Democrats spent FOUR YEARS undermining democracy by falsely claiming the Russians elected Trump, rather than Trump won fair and square.

    What goes around, comes around. Eat what you sow.

    in reply to: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior #1919526

    CTL: You may have a better command of written language than the poster, but I have better command of understanding the intent of an imperfectly construed statement.

    As far as the law is concerned, I have a rather very good command of it. And my English comprehension is, wadr, in the top percentile.

    in reply to: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior #1919496

    CTL: You misconstrued Ben Levi’s comment. He said that IF the courts rules in Trump’s favor and as a result the election is called for Trump, that effectively means the court rulings demonstrates that the networks called it wrong based on invalid ballots counted prior to final vote certification.

    in reply to: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior #1919397

    jackk: Bookmark the thread in your browser.

    And don’t forget how well the Democrats and the left accepted their loss in 2016. And how they promised impeachment before Trump was even sworn in as President.

    in reply to: If Trump Wins Reelection #1919392

    Charlie: Constitutionally, any state legislature can replace the electors without the governor. (And these legislators are from red districts whose constituents will appreciate and reward them.) And it can only be challenged in the joint session of Congress, presided over by Vice President Michael Pence. Pence can choose to only recognize and present to the joint session the certificate from the legislature, which has constitutional authority.

    in reply to: Why Trump lost #1919318

    huju: You’re absolutely correct. If Biden won it is only because Hashem wanted him to win. It is equally true (without comparing the two situations, rather just to make the larger point) that the winner of the 1933 elections in Germany won because Hashem wanted him to win.

    in reply to: If Trump Wins Reelection #1919294

    London bookies are still accepting, and receiving, bets on who will win and be president. As of today Trump has a 10% betting odds. (Which, funnily enough, is the same odds that Nate Silver from the famous 538 polling firm gave him on November 2, the night before the election. And it is a better odd than Trump was given before the 2016 election.)

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1919291

    Rabbi Yair Hoffman today compared the greatness of President Donald J. Trump to that of the greatness of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who lost re-election right after WWII.)

    President Trump and Hakaras haTov

    in reply to: If Trump Wins Reelection #1919290

    The premise of the OP is correct. If Trump pulls through and wins (whether through recounts, litigation, state legislatures or in Congress), it is a virtual certainty that BLM, Democrats, Antifa and other far-leftists will riot, loot and burn.

    It is notable that rioting and looting is a hallmark of the Democrat-left while virtually unheard of in the right.

    All that said, the president is well-equipped to put down any insurrection by nationalizing the National Guard or by sending the Marines into the cities (as was done by the president in in Los Angeles during the 1990 riots.)

    in reply to: Why Trump lost #1919135

    CTL: He absolutely was not rejected by the electorate:

    1. The election was very close.
    2. He GAINED votes over last time.
    3. He gained the LARGEST portion of black and hispanic voters of any Republican presidential candidate in the last SIXTY YEARS.
    4. He will remain a large power in American politics for years to come regardless of who wins this election.
    5. He is literally loved by tens of millions of Americans.

    in reply to: Would you read my blog? #1919126

    How has your ruchniyos/frumkeit fared and/or changed, in small or large part, during this period you’re discussing?

    in reply to: Why Trump lost #1919112

    Trump got over five million more votes in 2020 than in 2016.

    If not for covid-19 he would have clearly won. Even though the United States did better or as good in the fight against covid than most of Europe.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919086

    On Monday the United States Department of Justice authorized U.S Attorneys to investigate voter fraud in the election.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919028

    ENS: The day before the election the wikipedia article you reference stated: “If the result of an election is unclear or disputed, no person is normally referred to as president-elect until the dispute is resolved.”

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1918972

    Backdating a postmark is extremely easy. They simply can use a manual postmark cancellation stamp rather than any automated system for any ballots not yet postmarked or delivered by November 3. That’s all that’s needed. No need to open any envelope or change the inside envelope.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1918968

    If he gets into office as a result of the Democrat electoral fraud, his title for the next four years will be “His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Jr.”

    If, as likely, Republicans take back the House at the first midterm elections as opposition parties typically do, they can impeach Biden.

    in reply to: When will reach “Iacta alea est” (the die has been cast) #1918964

    The military lawfully only responds to the orders and appointments of the Commander-In-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

    There is no second way. Attempts otherwise result in court martial and imprisonment for treason.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1918874

    The Democrats have a long history being masters of election fraud. Famously they stole the 1960 election with LBJ fraudulent producing votes late in the count in Texas and illinois to put JFK over the top. They tried to steal 2000 but were successfully stopped. State and local elections all over the country they have routinely committed fraud in over many decades.

    They think when they and their media allies keep repeating the mantra “fraud is rare” over and over again, they’ll get people to forget their history and believe that.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918739

    ENS: If you think Biden supporters and/or blue states will declare civil war secession if in a turn of events Trump wins a majority of the electoral college constitutionally, even if through an untraditional chain of legal events, then rest assured that the President, like President Lincoln before him, is well equipped to put down the insurrection.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918682

    Amil: What I’m relating is basic constitutional law. It may be trivia since it isn’t invoked often, but neither is it anything other than widely acknowledged (in constitutional law) straightforward legal facts.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918622

    “The Supreme Court has no role here.”

    Exactly, correct.

    “It is the *Governor* who certifies the electors, not the legislature.”

    Normally by LAW, correct. But the legislature has the CONSTITUTIONAL right to assert the power of declaring who the state electors are. And constitutional law overrides statutory law.

    “It takes separate votes of BOTH houses of Congress to reject the Governor’s certification.”

    Correct, but irrelevant. Because that’s only applicable if the presiding officer of the joint session of Congress, which is VP Pence, on January 6 presents the governor’s certification. Then it would take both houses to override it. But if Congress receives more than one certification from a state, VP Pence will only recognize the constitutional certification from the legislature to present to Congress while ignoring and not recognizing the second certification from the governor, since the legislature has constitutional priority for this purpose.

    “The Supreme Court, even with 3 Trump justices, will quickly rule that such an action is illegal.”

    The Supreme Court has no role in reviewing the January 6 electoral count in Congress. The constitution assigns that role exclusively to Congress. Another coequal branch of the government (either the executive or judiciary) are not part of this constitutional process.

    On January 6 Congress will declare the final vote tally of the electoral college. Following that the issue is finalized and settled. Vice President Pence, as President of the US Senate and constitutionally the presiding officer of the joint session session, is the final arbiter with his declaration.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918574

    ENS: Laws cannot restrict or change constitutional powers.

    Again, if the legislature asserts its constitutional power and now appoints electors, the only recourse available to anyone disputing their ability to do so would be to dispute it in Congress in January. There is no other remedy than Congress’ decision.

    It is easy to threaten civil war if you don’t get your way. The other side could similarly threaten civil war if you steal the election via fraud, as that would negate democracy. But either way we know how the last civil war turned out.

    in reply to: Affinity for Donald Trump #1918538

    Who do you think votes more intelligently, Torah Jews, who voted overwhelmingly for Trump, or the black population, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden?

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918536

    The federal Constitution unambiguously permits the legislature to appoint the presidential electors in any manner of their choosing. Which includes changing their method from whatever it was previously set as. There’s no restriction in the Constitution. This is very clear. In any event, if the legislatures now do directly appoint electors, the only recourse for anyone disputing that would be to take it up in Congress on January 6.

    in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918531

    “The American Government system is divided into three branches with supposedly equal separated powers. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. If the legislatures of the states certify a winner, the courts will be loathe to set those certifications aside.”.

    I’ve been making this exact point.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918508

    “direct vote by state legislature which was deliberately not authorized by the constitution”

    Actually, the constitution not only specifically did authorize state legislatures to appoint electors in any manner of their choosing, but historically in the early years of the United States state legislatures did directly appoint presidential electors without any public election.

    “If you read the rest of that section and the analysis of it, the underlying facts as to who is an elector has to be based on election day.”

    The constitution says nothing about election day. You’re confusing the constitution with legislative laws. And laws cannot override constitutional provisions.

    If you read the full text of Bush v. Gore (2000), you will see the Supreme Court explicitly stated that state legislatures have the unimpeded constitutional right to directly appoint the electoral college. In fact, the Florida state legislature almost did exactly that in 2000 before they litigation was resolved.

    And once the state legislatures act and directly appoint electors, any party wishing to dispute that fait accompli only has recourse in Congress, not the judiciary.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918486

    se2015: If fraud is found and the courts nevertheless cannot rectify it, the legislatures have standing to act.

    The federal Constitution takes precedence over state laws. This is a fundamental legal principle. Given that the United States Constitution give direct unambiguous authority to the state legislatures alone, state laws purporting to limit that constitutional right are effectively void. And since once the legislature acts only Congress can challenge it, the courts have no standing or ability to interfere with the official act of a coequal branch of government, the legislative branch, as a matter of separation of powers.

    in reply to: The Transition we should hope for #1918354

    GHD: Is what you’re trying to indicate that when Mr. Biden today held a news conference with a huge sign behind him saying “OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT, JOSEPH BIDEN” it was all just a show-and-tell P.R. act, much like the media’s constant use of that title for him?

    in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918343

    If someone thinks that the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, AP, Reuters, etc. are something other than left-wing propaganda outlets, than he has his head deeply buried in the sand.

    in reply to: The Transition we should hope for #1918337

    The electoral college is certified on December 8 (by each state), votes on December 14 (in the fifty state capitals) and is counted on January 6 (in Congress.) Those are the dates that officially make one candidate the official winner and President-Elect.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918311

    In addition to the Pennsylvania Legislature, as mentioned earlier, the Michigan Legislature is also holding a rare emergency session to investigate election irregularities. All this is the beginning of the various state legislatures leading up to taking action to directly appoint electors supporting Trump.

    in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918292

    jackk, you forgot about the election in 2000. It took 37 days to resolve.

    Have some patience.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918199


    1. This constitutional procedure is not illegal. It is a process outlined directly in the Constitution of the United States.

    2. The joint session of Congress counting the electoral college on January 6 is presided over, as directed in the Constitution, by the President of the US Senate. The President of the US Senate is a gentleman by the name of Michael Pence. The presiding officer V.P. Pence has the authority to decide which certificates of electoral college received is recognized and announced by him in the joint session. If he doesn’t present a certificate there’s nothing to challenge.

    3. The Presidential Succession Act only is relevant if no one received a majority of the electoral college. If Vice President Pence announces, per the electoral college certificates received from the state legislatures, that President Trump received a majority of the electoral college, that is the end of the matter. President Trump is reelected.

    Furthermore, even IF the Presidential Succession Act had come into play, there’s a legal dispute whether the Speaker can become Acting President, since the Constitution specifies only an “Officer” of the government can assume the powers of the presidency. In legal terms an Officer is only a member of the Executive Branch. Pelosi is only a member of the legislative branch, thus arguably unqualified. So how is this legal ambiguity resolved, you ask? The Justice Department can issue a legal opinion stating the three Speaker isn’t qualified. It is binding. And the head of the Department of Justice is a gentleman by the name of William Barr.

    Amil: You’re simply not following this discussion. It is going over your head. I refer you to Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. This has nothing to do with districts. Any state legislature can decide how to assign their state electoral college. There’s nothing to litigate. They can change the process at any time, to anything they decide.

    in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918102

    TSC: If the thugs riot after Trump wins, the President will send in the National Guard and the U.S. Marines to quell the rioters and arrest the insurrectionists.

    in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918037

    Amil: You completely missed the point. Any state legislature has the constitutional authority to directly award their state electoral votes, even now after the election, to any candidate of their choosing.

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