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  • in reply to: Letter sent to Mishpacha magazine. #970357

    Surely your friend in Mir would agree that he is a little less knowledgable that the Ponevezher Rav. The reason why Ponevezh flies the “anti-Toirah” flag on top of the Bais Medrash on Yom Ha’atzmaut is for Hakaras Hatov.

    Were their intentions 100%pure? Are things perfect? No. But,the Zionists (or as the charedim dubbed them Nazis) have helped allow you to learn in Mir. Have some appreciation.

    in reply to: Something that happened at the levaya #964674

    Don’t want to argue too forcefully, but stop right there.

    Actions by the community are needed in order for Moshiach to come. Action is needed, heavy duty work is needed, and gut-checks are needed. The community doesn’t need someone into random happenings, vehalachtem imi b’keri. If the balloon is a sign of Moshiach was all people came away with from a levayah, that’s a real rachmanus.

    in reply to: Shavuos Night in Yeshivah #953210

    It’s like any other day in the yeshiva. Some people are in the Bais Medrash learning and some are shmoozing in the coffee room.


    in reply to: Does anyone know what miban siach is talking about? #944762

    Our tefillos. Based on the words describing Rivkah’s tefilla in the fiedl, “LaSUACH basadeh.”

    in reply to: Does anyone know what miban siach is talking about? #944760

    Based upon Shir Hashirim:

    Mi ban = The One (Hashem) who understands

    siach shoshan chochim = the speech of his nation known as the rose among thorns

    Ahavas kallah = the love of a kallah (Klal Yisroel linking with the Torah and Hashem)

    Mesos dodim = the joy of lovers (Klal Yisroel linking with Torah and Hashem)

    Hu yivareich = He should bless (second the motion of the Sheva Brachos. We can say Sheva Brachos all we want but unless Hashem signs on the deal, nothing doing)

    Translate the song the way you learn Shir Hashirim. If you think Shir Hashirim can simply be translated without explanation, think again!

    in reply to: Engagement Rings #944421
    in reply to: Yom Hashoah, any thoughts? #944608

    Daas Yochid: You’ll be shocked how many non-Zionist yeshivish people believe in kochi v’otzem yadi. The Zionists don’t hold the exclusive license of the concept.

    in reply to: Engagement Rings #944414

    One less thing to argue about. It’s so sickening the trend of trial marriages nowadays. What’s is kadosh about the kiddushin of such chuppahs?

    in reply to: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion? #938709

    Again, from a business point of view, an employee has the right to do anything they please and can face the consequences. Corporate policy, as stupid as it may be, is meant to protect the interest of the company and is meant to be followed.

    The nurse followed protocol of calling 911. She did what she had to do.

    in reply to: Any connection? #935351

    The Kletzky father is also Nachman. What’s the point???

    in reply to: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion? #938699

    Talking strictly from a business point of view NOT from an ethical or moral one. Policies and procedures clearly stating what is expected from employees, as stupid as they may be are expected to be followed.

    Chicago’s Ravenswood Hospital had a policy prohibiting employees from leaving the hospital to assist potential patients. A teen died 300 feet away from the building with nurses standing outside smoking unable to assist due to policy. Politicians demanded changes. As long as the policy is on the books, employees must follow the rules.

    Therefore, YES any company can make any policy that is legal and employees must follow or face the consequences. At the same time, the customer has the right to know what that policy is and decide whether to continue doing business with them or not.


    Poor lady was simply trying to slip in her 3″ heels and sue.

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928405

    1. A ka’asan and kapdan are two specific types that should not be in front of a classroom. The specific teacher seems to fit both descriptions.

    2. A Rav is not G-d. You may be rejected by one glaringly incompetent Rav, but Hashem hasn’t rejected you. Get a grip.

    3. If a teacher forces a student OTD, they will ultimately pay the price.

    4. Find someone who can go to bat and advocate for you. Your parents are out to lunch.

    in reply to: Needs advice #930557

    superme: Since lockers are the property of the school and the school specifically instructed students to not put locks on the locker in order for the school to excercise their absolute right to conduct locker searches, as a result it is the school’s responsibility should items come up missing. Unless the school specified IN WRITING that no student may keep anything in a locker overnight OR no money may be kept in a locker at any time, they are responsible for maintaining the safety and property of all students.

    Therefore, unless the school had the above clause in writing, YOU are not liable for the money.

    Call Rav Dovid Cohen at Gvul Yaavetz in Flatbush. He is R’ Choshen Mishpat.

    in reply to: Are things wrong cause they're wrong, or because people go OTD? #924343

    Veltz Meshuganner: Some examples are Rebbeim hitting/yelling/humiliating

    Where in Shulchan Aruch or ANY halachah sefer is a Rebbe humiliating a student permitted?

    What if abuse is bad, but it keeps people on the derech?

    How many kids do you know stayed on the derech because of the abuse they endured?

    Torah 613: False, blunt his teeth is NOT literal rather blunt his arguments. Know Torah well enough to shred his hashkafah questions. Jews aren’t into violence.

    in reply to: Another 'When To Tell' Situation #923203

    If you blab you lose all trust. Unless you are told, “This is public knowledge”, keep your big mouth shut.

    in reply to: English is Absent and Math Doesn't Count at Brooklyn's Biggest Yeshivas #924910

    Yet another reason why many employers give pre-employment tests…

    in reply to: The Webberman Verdict #923113


    Cukoo!! Cukoo!! Cukoo!!

    mom12: does anyone know that his judge accepted a bribe?

    Cukoo!! Cukoo!! Cukoo!!

    This thread is deteriorating quickly, and making the entire Jewish community look like a bunch of conspiracy theorists in denial or worse as criminals. It’s time to close it down!!

    in reply to: The Webberman Verdict #923088

    This seems like a frum version of One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest!

    There are the Chronics who will deny and yell Anti-Semite to anything that goes against them. There are the Acutes who are in voluntary denial and arguing for the sake of it. There are the Staff and Trolls on this thread too.

    This thread is pointless. 1 Vote for closure.

    in reply to: Should i be called Miss/Mrs? #922451

    When you are boss, have the employees call you Mrs. Boss. Until then, understand that all industries use first names when communicating.

    in reply to: Fertility concerns about a prospective shidduch #920412

    The same Hashem that holds the keys to shidduchim holds the keys to children. Don’t make cheshbonos.

    in reply to: Yated Shiduch Forum 1-11-13 #919970

    On the surface it seems like Rabbi Yoffe’s statement is the most accurate answer. That said, as this was written from the perspective of only one party, there’s more to the story than meets the eye.

    I read the full question and it sounded like the girl was a bully back in high school, so while the girl may have apologized to the teacher, what about her other victims? A good teacher would guide her/his student that while they can be mochel on their honor, they can’t be mochel on sonmeone else’s, and the girl must be mefayes her friends who were harmed by her. The bully refused to do this. From the teacher’s line of “I know, what I know” that she feels the baalas middos raos would be a disaster as a wife and a poor excuse for a mother.

    Let bullies who aren’t mefayes the ones they harmed hair turn white before they can get married.

    in reply to: Social Security Disability/SSI #917416

    Bear: IF the child has a true, provable, and qualifying disability he/she can apply. If it doesn’t meet criteria they won’t get approved, nothing lost by applying. Obama America is not simply throwing out free money. If the person is ineligible, they won’t get. The fact is more than 50% of claims are rejected on first bounce.

    in reply to: Social Security Disability/SSI #917415

    flyer: SSI offers benefits to any disabled child that exhibits severe functional limitations. SSI covered children are eligible for Medicaid. After proving disability the child must meet the formula of: Income+Assets+Living Arrangement=Eligibility.

    SSDI has NO ASSET CHECK. One can own a mansion, a condo in Hawaii, and three BMW’s and be eligible.

    in reply to: Should "shmedrick" stop posting? #918076

    If Shmendrick’s goal is to be marbitz Torah on the Internet and he notices that his actions are causing the opposite of sheyehei shem shamayim misahev al yadecha, it’s time to rethink his harbotzas Torah. If anyone takes Shmendick’s “Lomdus” and “Harbotzas Torah” seriously, they can be really turned off from Torah.

    in reply to: Social Security Disability/SSI #917411

    SSDI is based on how your disability affects your daily living skills. The more you and your doctor prove actual effects on daily living skills the more likely you are to be approved. Social Security tries to discourage people from using benefits and more than 50% of the time arbitrarily reject claims in the hope the person will give up. DEFINITELY appeal a rejection if you and your doctor believe you have a legitimate disabiling condition.

    You have to pay to play for SSDI. If you don’t have the credited quarters of work history, you aren’t eligible. If you want to know what you will make once approved, read your latest personalized Social Security report and check the DISABILITY BENEFITS line.

    If you are asking about SSI clarify as the rules are different.


    “But it seems to say that when times are bad, it isn’t appropriate to burden the family and the kehila with more mouths to feed.”

    Your entire argument is debunked! You should have taken time to read Rashi!

    Rashi in Taanis says the reason is that one should have a part in the pain of the famine and since marital relations are pleasurable one should refrain from relations while others are suffering.

    Anyways, times of famine mean GLOBAL FAMINE, ala Ethiopia. It has nothing to do with welfare, food stamps, or fiscal cliff.

    in reply to: Bechira/free will #914638

    What about Levi Aron?

    Levi Aron spent close to 36 hours of time with the boy under his control. He has MI but was NOT in a manic state for 36 hours when he was carefully calculating how to not get caught crossing state lines to attend a wedding with a young boy. His final act may have been manic. But, the entire episode show premeditation and calculation.

    This is why he simply pleaded guilty instead of wasting time with an insanity plea. His actions leading to the final manic episode show he knew he was doing wrong, etc.

    So NO, Levi Aron is a pure rasha.

    in reply to: Bechira/free will #914637

    Is a person with an untreated severe mental illness considered to still have bechira….YES

    (even in the midst of a hallucination or a delusional state)….NO

    and held responsible for their actions in the bais din shel ma’ala (heavenly courts)?….Untreated MI, Yes. Manic state, No

    in reply to: Is anyone buying Ami Magazine this week? #914730

    After this week’s abominable interview glorifying the defense of a convicted child molester, will YOU be buying AMI Magazine next week?


    Where are “RABBI” Frankfurter’s standards?

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913521


    You started this thread and it seems that you are implying that YU is no different than any other chassidic or yeshiva institution. That is incorrect. YU did the minimum…..terminating the teachers in question.

    This is better than you can say about some of finest yeshiva and chassidic yeshivas.

    in reply to: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? #913352

    Nah!!! Of course it’s not an indication of lack of Shalom Bayis! Don’t all healthy couples who love each other get divorced???

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913511

    The school was wrong…PERIOD.

    In the late 70’s and early 80’s abuse of this type was not as much on the radar screen of the police. As a result, due to a lack of educational awareness they didn’t do anything.

    For honesty sake: The new schools failed to call YU for a reference. The two staff members didn’t contact YU to let them know where they were hired, so YU has no responsibility.

    This is drastically different than what goes on nowadays with all the educational awareness and advocacy on behalf of children. Schools that are aware of allegations nowadays had better ensure things are investigated and no shuffling to different schools.

    in reply to: Why do some men wear double-breasted suits? #911429

    To cover their stomachs. There’s more wiggle room in double breasted suits!

    in reply to: Poorer People Bigger Tzadikm; Richer People Not Such Tzadikim #910863


    Many poor tzadikim are chaleshing to be rich beinonim. Your entire trolling post is flawed.

    in reply to: Rebbes Affectionate with Children #1055823

    Just a decade ago commentators said the same thing about teachers physically assaulting their students under the guise of chinuch. If a teacher is STUPID enough to put a kid on their lap nowadays, they will live to regret it. It’s the equivalent of pulling the kid’s pants down and giving petch which was also “tradition” back in the 1980’s. Baruch Hashem our community has woken up to the fact that some “traditions” are minhagei shtus and MUST be stopped.

    Just like kids aren’t missing anything from their rebbe not giving petch. So too the new generation of kids will learn to adjust to the new reality. They’ll turn out just fine without sitting on rebbe’s lap!

    in reply to: any info/tidbits on R' Mordechai Schwab Z"TL #909993

    I heard that Rav Schwab used to walk with his sons to shul on Shabbos. One Shabbos a car came barrelling down the hill and killed his seven year old son. Rav Schwab insisted to the family that they stay happy lekavod Shabbos.

    I heard another similar situation happened in 1990. There was a fatal accident on Purim night involving yeshiva boys. The levayah was on Purim and after the kaddish was said, Rav Schwab reminded the community that there’s a mitzvah of Simchas Purim and mourning must wait.

    in reply to: buying a lulav and esrog online?! #896542

    Would you buy a car online and trust the salesman without seeing the car for yourself???

    If not, get in the car and find yourself a new esrog dealer.

    in reply to: Satmar Rav on rice #896710


    An apikorus must deny one of the thirteen principles. Rashi is NOT a navi, NOT Moshe Rabbeinu, and is certainly NOT Hashem. Don’t label something bordering on apikorsus if you have no concept.

    in reply to: Judy Brown, Author of "Hush", Declares herself an Atheist #895676

    The quote you mentioned is in no way, shape, of form saying, “I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in G-d”. She appears to be saying what many people who praqctice Judaism by rote feel when their prayers aren’t answered. The statement seems to be merely expressing frustration of seemingly talking to a wall.

    Unless she stated explicitly that she is an atheist, you are causing a kitrug right before Rosh Hashanah. Please clarify if she said it clearly or not. If not, the editors are encouraged to close this thread ASAP.

    in reply to: Odyssey versus Grand Caravan #940597

    Odyssey is better value overall. More space for passenger and packages as well as a smoother drive.

    The only benefit of Grand Caravan is the repairs on Dodge/Chrysler are cheaper. The downside is, you’ll be spending so much on the numerous repairs it’s a slow bleed.

    in reply to: ~Chicago HEAT~ #883965

    North Shore Evanston Hospital has running out of beds in L&D.

    Baruch Hashem a bumper crop these past 10 days!!!

    in reply to: Father's Obtaining Primary Child Custody #882922

    The Court decides what is in the best interest of the child. Who can give the child the most attention and best care.

    In the past, women were given primary custody because they were ‘stay-at-home-moms’, while men slaved at work. The dynamics have changed nowadays with many women working outside the home. This has led to 50/50 custody. During this economic recession, more men are ‘stay-at-home-dads’, while the women slave at work to support the family. As a result, the trend of primary custody to dads is picking up.

    in reply to: BALTIMORE BLACKOUT CON ED LOCKOUT #882356

    Lockout is a perfectly legitimate and legal business practice. Whatever it takes to bring a union to its knees! Especially when companies realize union employees have a work slowdown, don’t waste money, lock them out!

    The government can’t FORCE ConEd to unlock the doors. This isn’t an issue of National Security (ex. air traffic controllers, etc.) where the government can FORCE people to work.

    in reply to: Getting an Aliya by Krias HaTorah #880518

    Should you make an effort? It’s supposed to be a kibbud. Begging doesn’t seem very honorable! Every shul has protocols, if you have a question feel free to speak with the gabbai.

    How often? This depends on size of shul

    Why asks for names? The hope is you will give a donation, offering you the extended MiShebeirach is an added value to your aliyah, as all those names receive the blessings recited in the MiShebeirach.

    Typical pledge? Depends on person $18 is usual minimum.

    Why say matanah? Some people don’t feel like naming a dollar amount on Shabbos. Some are embarrassed to say $18 especially when they used to give $180. Some want to give $1,000 but don’t want everyone lining up on his door that night.

    Glilah? Every shul has their own protocol ask your local gabbai.

    in reply to: Is it possible to be happy in a job you hate #880738

    Ask for more work with increased responsibility EVEN if you don’t get compensated more. It’s a resume enhancer for when either the economy improves and other companies start hiring OR when your company is on more solid footing and will pay you fairly.

    My friend don’t forget, Adam was CURSED that he has to work! Work isn’t supposed to be enjoyable!


    No lawyer is crazy enough to guarantee that the plea bargain will be 100% accepted by the Court. This is any competent lawyer uses “legaleze” to ensure the client understands that past success is no guarantee for results in the case at hand.

    By all reports Pollard and the Feds came to a valid plea bargain. The prosecution did nothing to interfere or scuttle the deal. It was only through the personal intervention by an outside party made to the Court that caused the rejection of the agreement.

    Therefore, the recent ruling has no bearing on Pollard’s case.

    in reply to: plastic surgery #861749

    It’s a machlokes haposkim ASK A POSEK.

    The general consensus is if there is a case of medical need or if the person’s nose is so disproportionate that she feels psychological trauma from the ridiculous look, then it’s permitted.

    There is always a risk with general anesthesia. Depending on the expertise of the ENT, there may be other harmful side effects.

    The hashkafic argument against cosmetic surgery is Hashem created the person as the most beautiful being. As long as the “deformity” is not causing a medical issue (physical or true mental) how can a person choose to modify and improve hashem’s creation?


    According to both Rule 11 C 1 A&C the Court may overrule prosecutor reccommendations and agreements. The Court is NOT bound by any brokered agreement.

    Pollard was given a plea agreement which the Court overruled. The plea agreement stipulates that the Court ruling is unable to be appealed. The agreement means he pleaded guilty and is essentially at the mercy of the Court.

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