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  • in reply to: Are masks Risk free? #1916484

    If masks were effective, there should be no coronavirus in Japan

    And if seatbelts were effective, no one should ever die in a car accident, right?

    in reply to: Are masks Risk free? #1916406

    A smaller chance of getting an infection? Maybe, maybe not. Again, it’s simply not supported by science.

    The idea that I have a smaller chance of getting sick if there are fewer particles in the air isn’t supported by science? Don’t the particles have to get into my body to get me sick? Shouldn’t fewer particles in the air mean a smaller probability of one making its way into my body?

    in reply to: Are masks Risk free? #1916392

    So Meno, if only half of the droplets of my cough get on you, does that mean that you only get half of a covid infection?

    No, it means I have a smaller chance of getting a covid infection. And if you also stay 6 feet away from me, I have an even smaller chance. And if you are also take other precautions to avoid getting sick, such as washing your hands, then I have an even smaller chance. Get it?

    in reply to: Are masks Risk free? #1916380

    it proves the point that masks CANNOT work to stop a virus. If only a percentage of the particles are being trapped by the fibers, but not all, that would be enough to infect another person.

    That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Just because something isn’t 100% effective doesn’t mean it’s not effective at all.

    in reply to: Are masks Risk free? #1915258

    Common sense says that masks help prevent the spread of the virus. Granted, common sense may very well be incorrect here, but most people will follow their common sense, especially in a case where there are such strong opinions on either side.

    So if you think you can try to convince people not to wear masks while not causing more machlokes, you’re in for a big disappointment.

    P.S. Your point #1 is simply not true for new masks, look it up. Also doctors have been wearing masks for many years. Why haven’t you said anything until now?

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1906266

    Maybe you should stop running around with scissors

    in reply to: Is there still carona in the frum world? #1903874

    Masks only work if you have 100% compliance.

    Really? How does my mask know if you’re wearing a mask?

    in reply to: Kashering A Laptop. #1902790

    Even so called “safe” Apps which young men and women might need for job training need to be updated to address bugs and security patches.

    Security against what? The hamsters running the wheel inside the computer?

    Quickbooks, and MS office can all be learned through tutorials, why the need for ‘classes?

    You can say the same about almost everything taught in high school.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah #1902329


    *Points out someone’s misquoting of a passuk*
    *Goes on to misquote a passuk*

    I bet Hashem loves your Simchas Torah dancing.

    in reply to: Kashering A Laptop. #1902210

    You can probably physically remove the network card. For some laptops it might not be so simple.

    in reply to: Tzitzis on Shabbos #1897697

    Why are they not equatable?

    Why are you equating them? What’s the purpose?

    in reply to: Tzitzis on Shabbos #1897678

    Am I the only one who thinks this whole “equating” idea is foolish?

    in reply to: Jacob Blake #1896866

    This whole argument is mind boggling.

    If a cop is pointing a gun at you and telling you to do jumping jacks, you’d have to be a moron to ignore them and just walk away.

    Sure, maybe he didn’t deserve to be shot, but neither does someone driving on the highway without a seat belt deserve to be killed.

    in reply to: Exodus From NYC #1896543

    Are you suggesting that the streets of Manhattan are empty because people from Brooklyn are moving from Monsey and Lakewood?

    in reply to: Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem for the evangelicals #1893809

    Reb Eliezer,

    I consider myself a Republican and I give plenty of charity, much of which is not tax-deductible.

    I’m not sure how you could possibly make a general statement like that. Show me a Republican who doesn’t care about the poor and I’ll show you two Democrats who care even less.

    in reply to: Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem for the evangelicals #1893788

    Reb Eliezer

    the Republicans do not care about the poor. They say, if I give you charity, you will rely on it and let someone else give. They might give for the tax deductiion.

    I take offense at that statement.

    in reply to: Will you be in shul on Rosh Hashanah #1892960

    People are still not going to shul?

    in reply to: Will the eventual closure of the USPO impact you? #1892484

    CTLAWYER, you’re right, I hadn’t thought that through.

    Either way, a vast majority of the mail delivered by the USPS is junk. At least 90% of the mail I receive goes straight in the trash. The other 10% mostly gets opened and then goes straight in the trash. I suspect that it’s the same for most people. It’s hard to justify operating a company at such a loss to deliver mostly junk.

    For all that important mail, people will figure something out.

    in reply to: Will the eventual closure of the USPO impact you? #1892429

    Sam Klein,

    Seems you have a selective reading problem.

    CTLAWYER listed two simple methods to avoid paying fees. The bill pay option through the bank will work for any payee which will accept a check, and takes way less time than writing a check, etc. It is also often faster than sending a check (with many large companies they send the payments electronically rather than sending a physical check).

    in reply to: Will the eventual closure of the USPO impact you? #1891996

    That would be fantastic. I get so much junk mail.

    The only thing I ever send in the mail is mail-in rebates.

    in reply to: cholent help (again) #1885556

    Oh, it didn’t occur to me that this was for the 9 days.

    Disregard what I said before. Pareve cholent is an excellent way to show aveilus.

    in reply to: cholent help (again) #1885221

    Get outta here.

    Who approves this garbage? Mods?

    in reply to: African-American Role Models #1868054

    This issue is not limited to African-Americans

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1835108

    Ok I’ll bite.


    A girl who grew up LWMO and became RWMO (Rav Kook follower) would have serious shalom bayis problems if she married a bochur who grew up LWMO but started following all of the piskei halacha of the Chazon Ish. The same applies to such a girl if she was to marry a LWMO-raised bochur learning full time in BMG or who learned in Brisk.

    How could you say something like this about someone else but not expect them to say the same thing about you?

    in reply to: Chidushim on Daf Yomi #1832465

    Chicken fat

    in reply to: No more shopping bags! #1828790

    A few months ago I went to a Home Depot in Connecticut and they didn’t give bags so I walked out juggling a miter saw and a few pieces of hardware.

    in reply to: LED or lost empty dollars? #1827877

    60w bulbs are much more common. Ok, 100w bulbs do cost a bit more, but not much, and if you buy them in bulk on sale you can often get them for less than $2.

    Also I just looked up CFL bulbs at Home Depot. They’re on average a few cents cheaper per bulb. And they’re ugly.

    And again, most LED bulbs do last quite a while.

    I really think you just like complaining.

    in reply to: LED or lost empty dollars? #1827761

    I just searched home Depot and I could not find a 60w equivalent bulb for more than $5. Most were between $1 and $3. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $1.50. I have no idea what you’re complaining about.

    in reply to: Torah hashkafah on having midwinter vacation #1827745

    Vacation in the western world is a time when people imagine that they are free/frei. Going to sleep is also avodas Hashem

    Ok, so don’t call it vacation, call it sleeping for a week.

    in reply to: Torah hashkafah on having midwinter vacation #1827738

    The idea that there is a break from responsibility is not a Jewish idea.

    By that logic we should never let people graduate from yeshiva.

    Or retire from work.

    Or sleep.

    in reply to: LED or lost empty dollars? #1827667

    Where are you paying $8 a bulb? Even when they’re not on sale they’re more like $3.

    I find that about 90% of them do last, and they use less energy than CFL, so you still end up saving a bunch.

    Also they generally look nicer than CFL.

    in reply to: Epidemic in China #1827522

    Does this have any effect on Chinese food?

    in reply to: returning to amazon #1827395

    A seller is not obligated to accept returns. Once a sale is done it is done. The seller can opt to allow returns. The seller can allow all returns for any reason or restrict returns for certain reasons or to certain people or certain days .

    Ubiquitin, I don’t understand. If I buy something from a store and the receipt says “Returns within 30 days with receipt,” the seller can decide tomorrow that he doesn’t want to take it back?

    in reply to: Are there (intelligent) yidden on other plants? #1821620

    Oh,….and another question immediately came to mind for the first Yidden to land on Mars. Do you bench lavana twice a month (one for each moon). If so, it gets a bit more complicated when you land on Jupiter with 67 known moons.

    Why would you say kiddush levana based on another planet’s “moon”?

    in reply to: How Do You Waste Time? #1820323

    Sorry Froggie, I wanted to help you but I had no time.

    Wasting time is very time consuming.

    in reply to: Plant=based chazerfleish in your shabbos chulent?? #1819707

    Ugh enough with this “fake meat in chulent” business.

    Just use real meat and be m’kayeim oneg shabbos properly.

    in reply to: Why can’t we log in on a CR any more? #1815509

    How did people log in to post?

    I posted without logging in

    in reply to: What are you doing this year on nittle nacht? #1814494

    I wouldn’t volunteer to help people celebrate a holiday that has a history of Jews being killed on.

    Man, I’d hate to be your neighbor.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish books #1814413

    Very well-said, Syag.

    I would like to add that lyrics and melody are not the only aspects of rock music which could influence someone. There is a certain type of lifestyle associated with rock music. Listening to rock music has a tendency to lead a person into that type of lifestyle. I’m not saying it will happen to everyone, but it has happened and will happen to some people.

    Wasn’t this thread about books?

    in reply to: donating a kidney #1813305

    Meno, I don’t get it. Why can’t you donate one kidney?

    You can, but you shouldn’t donate two kidneys.

    (Just to explain further, when I said that a kidney donor should avoid donating a kidney, I meant he shouldn’t do so AFTER he had already donated a kidney, because then he will have donated TWO kidneys, and that leaves only one kidney left.)

    in reply to: donating a kidney #1813300

    Meno, did you see the reference above in Yechaveh Daas 3,84 from Rav Ovadya Yosef ztz’l?

    No. Does he say you’re allowed to donate 2 kidneys?

    (Just to explain, I was making a joke. Ubiquitin said that he was unaware of anything that a kidney donor should avoid. I was responding that kidney donors should avoid donating a kidney, because then they will have donated two kidneys, which is not advisable.)

    in reply to: donating a kidney #1813217

    Source please. I have never counseled a patient to avoid any risk that a “normal person” with a “spare kidney” can partake in.

    What should they avoid?

    Donating a kidney

    in reply to: Why does my son’s Rebbi have a smartphone ? #1806617


    So stop judging what other people do and think 3 times before pressing the send button on a text or Whatsapp!

    I find it so fascinating that you would post something like that.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #1806618

    I believe this year we start on Thursday night, December 5.

    in reply to: After millions spent on promotion why are 30% of seats unsold? #1805449

    Why did they book the Barclays Center if 30 percent of the seats are still unsold?

    in reply to: Monsey Stabbing – Hit Gone Bad #1805035

    I don’t see u getting upset when goyim,or non frum get beat up or arrested.
    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

    I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Who’s the goose?

    in reply to: Monsey Stabbing – Hit Gone Bad #1805012

    Apparently ploney has a problem with facts.

    Just because something is true doesn’t mean you have to say it.

    Buncha Yentas

    in reply to: What do you think of converts? #1804622

    It would be a good idea to review the following thread:

    chulent meat

    The beis din will probably test you on this before your geirus.

    in reply to: What do you think of converts? #1803404

    Good Shabbos everyone!

    Thanks! Good Saturday to you!

    in reply to: Important things to know before choosing camp for your daughter #1803076

    What’s TC?

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